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Afficher 676 - 690 de 839 résultats
Manitoba Bureau of Statistics.

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… also available at Legislative Reading Room. … Description based on: June 1987. … Winnipeg : Manitoba Bureau of … most commonly used method of reporting the inflation rate, based on the percent change from the same month one year ago. … most commonly used method of reporting the inflation rate, based on the percent change from the same month one year ago. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107422938A

British Columbia.Committee on Industrial Assessment.

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… actual value for special purpose industrial properties based on a replacement cost model; 2. value debilitation from … change, the early J-98O’s brought recession to resource—based industries and a taxpayer concern for the burden of … in a calculated value for the existing facility. — 22 — This approach was considered theoretically promising by …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_243032_report

Manitoba Hydro.94990.

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… Manitoba Hydro.94990. … Description based on: April-Sept. 1987. Title of first issue: "Interim … $28 million for Demand Side Management programs, $22 million for upgrades to the Kelsey Generating Station, and … income households through two approaches: a community-based approach and an individual coordinated approach. To …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423364Y

Manitoba Hydro.94990.

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… Manitoba Hydro.94990. … Description based on: April-Sept. 1987. Title of first issue: "Interim … $30 million by March 31, 2016. This forecast is based on the continuation of current water flow conditions … throughout the province. The corporation also incurred $22 million for electric DSM programs. Back to list Natural …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423364D

Collection McMichael d'art canadien

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… Donateurs 18 Statistiques comparatives 21 Etats financiers 22 Collection McMichael d’art canadien Rapport annuel … Table, 1994? technique mixte sur papier kraft 25 x 22,25 pouces, encadré Collection de James Crerar Reaney et de … de 1 200 000 $ en mars 2007 pour mettre en oeuvre son plan d’affaires. Au 31 mars 2009, 800 000 $ ont été …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT83974K

Collection McMichael d'art canadien

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… Donateurs 18 Statistiques comparatives 21 Etats financiers 22 Collection McMichael d’art canadien Rapport annuel … Table, 1994? technique mixte sur papier kraft 25 x 22,25 pouces, encadré Collection de James Crerar Reaney et de … de 1 200 000 $ en mars 2007 pour mettre en oeuvre son plan d’affaires. Au 31 mars 2009, 800 000 $ ont été …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT83974W

British Columbia.Commissioner Inquiry into the Coquihalla and Related Highway Projects., MacKay, Douglas L.

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… Call and Award of Contracts — 1985/86 REQUEST: In order to plan and schedule an orderly flow of contracts tb carry out … British Columbia TREASURY BOARD STAFF / TREASURY BOARD BRIEFING NOTE I. Prepared for circulation to the members of … & Repairs Paving Recap & Improvements Cont i nu i fly ~ 22,609 12,000 500 1,500 5,235 2,009 19,986 63,839 $ 22,609 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_336470_coquihallaprojectv1

Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan., Cuming, Ronald C. C., Wood, Roderick J., Law Foundation of Saskatchewan.

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… 6 recognizes the artificiality of a choic e of law rule based on the lex situs of goods at the date of attachment of … default, a stronger case could b e made for the assessment based on the difference between the "true market value or … over a true lease for a term of more than one year. 22 . ( 1984) , 37 Sask. R 300 (Q. B. ) . 1 20 SECTION 20 West …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99274493503479

Hare, Harold Richard1889-, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, University of British Columbia.College of Agriculture

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… the farmers sold, are the data on which this report is based. BXPLANATION Ol!~ T]~R~IS USED. Farm 11Icome.-The farm … AND THE' ECONOMICAL El\.t:PLOYl\IENT OF LABOUR. 'l'able'No.22. I ...ioos,; s:: S::"'::l u~2 0> Average Us Groups of … orn ..t,~U Up to $1. 0 O .••••.. -•... , .. , •... 102 78 22 9 $1.01 to $1.25 ................. 99 77 24 6 $1.26 and up …

British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations

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… of Finance and Corporate Relations … Description based on 1985-86. … Title varies slightly. … 1996/97- . also … B C Grape Growers Agriculture and Fisheries Association of Book Publishers of B C ........... Lottery Fund . Association … Housing ..... Medical Pharmacy. Health Medical Services Plan of B C... Health Social Services and Housing ..... …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_71051_71051_pa_1988_v2

Manitoba Bureau of Statistics.

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… also available at Legislative Reading Room. … Description based on: June 1987. … Winnipeg : Manitoba Bureau of … most commonly used method of reporting the inflation rate, based on the percent change from the same month one year ago. … most commonly used method of reporting the inflation rate, based on the percent change from the same month one year ago. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107422938

Collection McMichael d'art canadien

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… en valent l’attente. Ian a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la série télévisée Landscape Artist of the Year … Je n’ai aucun doute qu’il se montrera un joueur de premier plan au cours des mois et des années à venir. Collection … Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the Silence 1er juin 2019 – 22 septembre 2019 Commissaire : Nancy Campbell Réunissant …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT83974

Collection McMichael d'art canadien

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… en valent l’attente. Ian a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la série télévisée Landscape Artist of the Year … Je n’ai aucun doute qu’il se montrera un joueur de premier plan au cours des mois et des années à venir. Collection … Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the Silence 1er juin 2019 – 22 septembre 2019 Commissaire : Nancy Campbell Réunissant …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT83974L

Manitoba Hydro.94990.

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… Manitoba Hydro.94990. … Description based on: April-Sept. 1987. Title of first issue: "Interim … is expected to be recouped over the winter heating season. Based on the continuation of current water flow and export … 43 34 Capital and other taxes 90 84 30 26 Other expenses 22 23 9 7 1,430 1,389 479 463 Net Income before …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423364F

Manitoba Hydro.94990.

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… Manitoba Hydro.94990. … Description based on: April-Sept. 1987. Title of first issue: "Interim … $30 million by March 31, 2016. This forecast is based on the continuation of current water flow and export … expense, a $29 million increase in other expenses, a $22 million increase in operating and administrative costs and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423364C