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Afficher 316 - 330 de 434 résultats
B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_10_16

McNay, R. Scott(Robert Scott),1958-, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… factors in making predictions about snow interception based on stand crown completeness. Several approaches to … mean crown completeness ........................ 57 Figure 22. Effect of mean crown completeness on percentage … snow interception can be accomplished by a technique based on an instrument called the moosehorn (for a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_265624_iwr019

British Columbia.Soils Branch

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… .................................................... 22 APPENDICES … and utilization, the Manure Management Guidelines are based on a manure management system which will keep nitro- … pig place is filled throughout the whole year). This is based on the assumption that 15 weeks are required for each …

Alberta. Publicity Bureau, issuing body.

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… sold at $25 each, with 43,098 mutation mink averaging $22 apiece. The largest number of pelts sold were those of the … that the government-assisted municipal hos- pitalization plan was in effect in an area populated by 630,000 people. By … of the Province at 1,002,000 persons. This figure is based upon the 1951 official census of 939,501 persons. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85822

Vales, David J., Bunnell, Fred L.,1942-, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… 4 RESULTS ............................................... 22 4 .1 Normality and Equality of Variance ................ 22 4 .2 Clearcuts ......................................... … MCC .............................................. 67 22 Univariate statistics on untransformed observations …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_265620_iwr020

Carl, G. Clifford,1908-, Clemens, Wilbert Amie,1887-1964, Beebe, Frank L.(Frank Lyman),1914-, British Columbia Provincial Museum

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… the mouths of the Fraser, Skeena, and Nass rivers and is based upon the above-mentioned fishes. The lakes and streams … terminal or subtermi­ nal; caudal fin not heterocercal. 5 (22) Pelvic fins placed far back on body, never under pectoral … this genus, it is possible that these early records were based on nebulosus rather than melas. Although there appear …

Hardy, George A.,1888-, Carl, G. Clifford,1908-, Clemens, Wilbert Amie,1887-1964, British Columbia Provincial Museum

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… the mouths of the Fraser, Skeena, and Nass rivers and is based upon the above-mentioned fishes. The lakes and streams … terminal or subtermi­ nal; caudal fin not heterocercal. 5 (22) Pelvic fins placed far back on body, never under pectoral … this genus, it is possible that these early records were based on nebulosus rather than melas. Although there appear …

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills

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… of the House for the same period. 17. Standing Order 22 is repealed and the following substituted: Suspended sittings. 22. (1) In the case of grave disorder arising in the House, … on Friday, and given priority over any other business. 11 22. Standing Order 28 is repealed and the followin …

Alberta. Office of the Fire Commissioner, issuing body.

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… 47% Decrease 53% Oil risks and tank fires . Decrease 22% Increase 15% Lumber yards Increase 400% Increase 288% … Aug. 20 Ponoka Hospital 64 Frame Burning embers Sept. 22 Sangudo School 1,969 Frame Defective chimney Sept. 24 … 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85867

British Columbia.Board of Industrial Relations

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… in an approved school of nursing as defined by sections 22 and 23 of the "Registered Nurses Act" of British Columbia: … means the work of females employed as stenographers; book-keepers; typists; billing clerks; filing clerks; … (day or night), mail clerks, information clerks, cashiers, book-keepers, accountants, telephone operators, and any other …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_352355_1953_mar31

Alberta. Publicity Bureau, issuing body.

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… … Alberta -- Periodicals. … Within our borders / v. 5 no. 22 … MAY 1, 1953 No. 22 If If I1T'^§ fVN TO IDIRAW" Carvel School Class Shows … 19-21 Municipal Secretary-Treasurers' Convention May 21-22 Active International May 22-28 I.O.D.E. May 23-25 B'Nai …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85818

British Columbia.Provincial Fisheries Department, British Columbia.Provincial Department of Fisheries

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22 Condition of British Columbia's Salmon-spawning Grounds … research, and on these studies prediction of abundance is based. The research is divided into three main divisions: ( … gigas) on which the British Columbia oyster industry is based. Productivity in terms of survival in relation to the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_128144_1953

Tulloch, Elspeth, New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women., Nouveau-Brunswick.Conseil consultatif sur la condition de la femme.

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… pas le nombre d’unités familiales. • Vous soumettiez votre plan de reconstruction, de rénovation ou d’agrandissement au … OU que le volume des arbres enlevés soit conforme à un plan d’aménagement forestier préparé par un forestier … sans nom du fleuve Saint-Jean Madawaska Saint-Hilaire A-22 Bassin hydrographique du ruisseau à Félix-Martin …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL126

Alberta. Dept. of Economic Affairs, issuing body.

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… Consequently, prices at dif¬ ferent dealers are based on the refinery wholesale price. Gasoline is generally … Oct. 20.4 7 18.9 21.4 1 Jan. 1947 20.4 7 18.9 21.4 1 Apr. 22.9 9 22.4 23.9 1 July 22.9 9 22.4 23.9 1 Aug. 21.9 9 21.4 22.9 1 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85876

Alberta. Dept. of Highways, issuing body.

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… of Subgrade con¬ struction were completed, including 53.22 miles of subgrade widening. 40.26 Miles of Shoulder … of 99.72 Miles of Subgrade Construction including 7.22 Miles of Subgrade Widening, 94.45 Miles of First Course … 70,954.35 7,832.97 29.899.23 54,963.10 76,675.45 12,404.70 22,604.60 16,619.22 12,087.57 34,390.54 10.59 2,486.47 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85769