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Afficher 406 - 420 de 434 résultats
Jungen, J. R.(John Rodolphe),1940-, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… The textures given In the Texture column of Table 1 are based on a grouping of soi1 textures. These groupings are as …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_318887_bc44_report

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_01_09

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … and magazines whose readerships total mi l - lions. Based on the experience of the first campaign, we're …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_02_06

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_12_18

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … you, too— if you like sight- seeing yourself, or want to plan an outing for the family or out-of-town visitors. If … for Capt. George William Courtenay of H.M.S. Constance, based at Queen Victoria's Pacific Ocean station of Esquimalt …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_07_31

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … Electric's program for 1953 in a nutshell. Once again, the plan is measured in millions of dollars—$28,400,000 in all. … Auditorium, 8.20 p.m. Tickets at Kel ly 's . Feb. 20,21, 22—Volunteer Workshop for Group Lead- ers, sponsored by G r o …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_02_13

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … John Phi l - lip Sousa in a genial, toe- teasing musical based on the life of the brass-band king. A somewhat …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_04_10

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … for some time now is the idea of a "Start Retiring at 25" plan for everybody. We're sort of serious about it, too, so … the extra time for reading, visiting, writing that book or riding that hobby.... PICK OF THE fwftm at the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_11_13

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, issuing body.

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… of $283,123,199. Taxation—The 1952 current levy of $22,065,202 is $3,697,020 greater than the 1951 levy of … discounts have increased from $18,117,234 in 1951 to $22,112,990 in 1952. Total tax collections are 100.2% of the … 00 130.57 3 Edmonton 169,196 * * * 14,557. 60 4 Lethbridge 22,947 * * * * 5 Medicine Hat 16, 364 * * * * 6 Red Deer 7, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85739

British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Schools Operations and Services Division, British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Field Services Division

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… tic ton) District Program O'Connell Elem. Parkway Elem. #22 (Vernon) W.L. Seaton Sec. #26 (North Thompson) Vavenby El … District No. 23), Barrie Blois (School District No. 22), Lachlan Farrell, (School District No. 9), Rick Erickson …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_591659_no_27

Deas, A., Macadam, A.(Anne), British Columbia.Ministry of Forests.Research Branch

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… results (see Appendix 2). l A.M. Maceidam. 1982. Working plan for operational broeidcest burning-site productivity … 3990 NEXT I 4000 LPRJNT : LPRINT : LPRINT : LPRINT -22- 4010 LPRINT "SLASH CONSIJ1PTIOH BY LINE: METRIC TONS PER …

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … Term. 7.04. .44. 8.24; Hastings A Cambie via Prior 6.42. 7.22, 8.02. Nanaimo—20th & Nanaimo 7.00, .30. 8.00, .30. Doman … outdoor scenery in this slow but worthy super-western, based on the n o v e l by A . B . Guthrie, Jr. Stalag 17: A …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1953_buzzer_1953_11_06

Alberta. Dept. of Economic Affairs. Industrial Development Board, issuing body.

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… to Winnipeg. ALTITUDE: 2,495 feet. Lat. 52/58. Long. 1 13/22. TEMPERATURE: Mean summer 55.2°; mean win- ter 24°; mean … Wetaskiwin operates the provincial hospitalization plan for ratepayers. Non-ratepayers pay $6.30 per day in a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85879

Alberta. Publicity Bureau, issuing body.

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85815

British Columbia.Office of the Fire Marshal, British Columbia.Fire Marshal Act, British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General

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… metal used in the construction of metallic tanks shall be based upon the following table:- gj ... " -s 11 " l) .Q ..c:: … for 11 approved by him. al used in the construction e based upon the following ~ .si .d C) .~ g> ll < enc ·a:> … feet from the building; and the maximum capacity shall be based upon the following table:- Minimum Distance Capacity, …