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Afficher 181 - 195 de 262 résultats
British Columbia Fruit Growers Association.

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22 13-Experimental Stations (Eas·t) … the result of your delib- eration ·on this subject must be based on sound judgment, justice and equity, and must have … 'fo·:r1 inspection have be,en steadily pouring in. We plan to follow this campaign up from year to year until it …

Ontario.Royal Commission on University Finances., Cody, Henry John,chairman.

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… University of London; (b) to recommend such permanent plan of public aid to the said Universities as shall bear, a … the provision of possi- bilities of liberal enlargement of book-room and reading-room space has now been com- plicated … brought about natural divisions which are to some extent based on economic differences. Western Ontario, agricultural …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT15388

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … Centers in Saskatchewan: A Guide for Development; Resource-based Learning: Policy, Guidelines and Responsibilities for … task, students will work in pairs to create a business plan for an original restaurant and share their plan by …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479G

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … Centers in Saskatchewan: A Guide for Development; Resource-based Learning: Policy, Guidelines and Responsibilities for … 16 p. Order Number CASL06 ($19.95). This is a sample unit plan which follows the communicative/experiential approach to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479J

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … Centers in Saskatchewan: A Guide for Development; Resource-based Learning: Policy, Guidelines and Responsibilities for … 16 p. Order Number CASL06 ($19.95). This is a sample unit plan which follows the communicative/experiential approach to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479I

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … Acti-Vie is a recommended program for the elementary level based on a multidimensional curriculum. It is based on a … design an invitation. For the experiential goal students plan and prepare for a pizza party.The teacher’s guide …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479A

British Columbia.Bureau of Provincial Information, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… P age . .. 5 .. 9 . . 10 . . 17 . . 18 . . 21 . . 21 . . 22 .. 22 . . 26 . . 26 . . 29 .. 29 . . 30 . . 30 .. 33 .. 33 … of the normal growth and extension of the University, based on an increasing appreciation by British Columbia of … w riting to the Gold Commissioner, in dupli­ cate, w ith a plan of the ground on the back, and the application m ust …

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… - 1951. TABLE XXII Index of ~ho1esale Prices in Canada, 22 1920 l9~1. TABLE XXIII Cheques Cashed Against Individual … ~ 290,490 1951 . 264,000(est.) SCURCES~ The Canada Year Book, years 1920-31. Ottawa, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, … Statistical Review”, 1926-46. Values for these years based on quarterly averages. SOURCE: Ottawa, Dominion Bureau …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_454378_1920_1951

Ontario.Commission Appointed to Inquire into Hydro-Electric Railways., Sutherland, Robert Franklin,chairman.

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… is to be observed that we have, under consideration, (a) A plan or system of electric (or radial) railways, with … Ontario Power Company and certain other minor properties " Based upon estimates of the Commission and its Engineers … railways in the* United States, under "Estimated cost or book value of Ways, Structures, Equip- ment, etc." Cost per …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT15386

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, issuing body.

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… of mail¬ ing, the correspondence branch in 1921 kept a book of original entry for all cash coming in by mail and … 1898, taxes levied in towns and rural municipalities were based upon the value of lands, including buildings and any … ^-9 D U H W o.5 o (/) MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS 2k $ 1,951.68 22,335.73 34.615.85 10,330.93 4,321.52 6,793.83 10,925.47 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83960

British Columbia.Provincial Game and Forest Warden., British Columbia.Provincial Game Warden., British Columbia.Game Conservation Board, British Columbia.Game Commission, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… of a critical and exhatlstive debate. The amendments were based on progressive measures for the protection of game, … and a system of reporting by means of a monthly report book was instituted, replacing the diary in use pre- viously, … Oakanagan sheep remain, and to the east of Dog Lake there 22 GAME CONSERVATION BOARD'S REPORT FOH 1920 are bands of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_346798_ar_1920

Middleton W. A., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… 1913, Canada qf 'i*T, 1"'. . . The report,as submitted is based on a preliminary survey which, it is planned to extend … acre,; yield per tree; profit per acre; profit per tree. PLAN OF THE WORK. • A questionnaire form was made out and … is noted under each heading. For instance, under pruning 22 growers were able to give figures on their pruning costs, …

Nova Scotia.Laws, etc. (Revised statutes of Nova Scotia, 1873), White, Alonzo J., Twining, Henry C. D., Johnston, James W.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… at the office of the Commissioner Record of appli - _ a book of record for each proclaimed gold district, and one for … shall prepare and keepa duplicate by Deputies. of ‘the plan of ihe district under his jurisdiction, on which FT all … be entitled to vote at any election 4 | held under or based upon such list or register upon makingan | som of amas, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000004181

British Columbia.Lands Service

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… ' Sheets. These three maps were roughly compiled in plan in 1912 and have been corrected and reissued as became … s tandard for the map a control-line was worked out, based on Campbell River astronomic deter- mination, and on … a furnishing-goods store, and one drug-store; also a large book store, caf€s, garages, and two blacksmith-shops. I t has …

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… l950~ TABLE XXII Index of VVhole sale Prices in Canada, 22 1920 1950. TABLE XXIII Cheques Cashed Against Individual … 1949 304,307 1950 290,000(est) SOURCES: The Canada Yeth’ Book, years 192O~3L Ottawa, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, … S atistical Review”, 1926~46. Values for these ars based or quarterly averages, SOURCL; Ottawa, Dominion Bureau …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_454378_1920_1950