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Afficher 196 - 210 de 262 résultats
British Columbia.Royal Commission on Health Insurance, Winn, E. S. H., Spofford, Cecelia., Green, T. Bennett., McCallum, D.

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… females, or 57 percent· of the adUlt male population and 22 percent of the adult female population. Later figures … suoh a measure adapted to New Jersey's needs should be based upon the following fundamental prinoiples. Existing … attaohing at the same time to this effort a compliQated plan of insurance as contemplated by the proposed Health …

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… in Act’s scope. Penalty for failing to provide wharf or plan or roads, or obstructing wharf or roads, not exceeding … The long-term lease system gives place to annual permits based on numbers ranged, priority being given to established … Expenditure on fiction not to exceed 45 per cent, of book expenditure. Library Boards may make agreements for …

British Columbia.Dept. of Labour.

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… includes the work of females employed as stenographers, book-keepers, typists, billing clerks, filing clerks, … 22 37 Number of employees— Over 18 … girls and women are gradually taking it up. This Order is based on experience or inexperience, not on age. The average …

British Columbia.Dept. of Lands, British Columbia.Forest Service

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… Interests ........................................... 22 Question 9.-Professional and other Societies interested in … of the forest-growth in British Columbia are primarily based on the climate, and vary with it. Soil plays a much … the law prohibits any dealing in cut timber that is not based upon official measurement by the Forest Service, the …

British Columbia.Forest Branch

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… ol Trees i1er Acrr. 4~ 42 40 37 35 32 30 3() ~7 2;; 25 22 22 20 20 20 J7 " 17 H H 0.B.H. In. 10 ]:J 17 20 25 2U 28 30 … issuance of permits "·as arranged in accordau('e \Yith the plan outlint> d in the D1C'morandum to the Grazing Committee, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2010_209516_1920

Alberta. Board of Public Utility Commissioners, issuing body.

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… In view of the fact that the Board’s decision is based on other grounds than those of jurisdiction, it is … Land Titles Office for this Land Registration District as Plan C. & E. No. 1, containing by admeasurement fifty-six and … the South Alberta Land Registration District as No. 7050, Book A. J., Folio 212, be, and the same is cancelled as to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83920

Munson, K. W., White, E. W., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Horticultural Branch

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… the largest commercial plantations exist, it is the common plan to set the plants 8 x 8 feet. On the lighter and drier … and ]4 record his name and number each day in the time-book. Have picker report to foreman by number when row is … serve as a guide to intending planters. The figures are based on what a planter might have to pay at 1919 prices. …

British Columbia.Commission on Health Insurance, etc., Spofford, Cecelia., Green, T. Bennett., McCallum, D., Winn, E. S. H.

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… of a child in a State institution is more or less a closed book to the average verson. The child is delivered at a …

Alberta. Dept. of Public Works, issuing body.

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… .,16-12-5-4. ._15/16-7-29-4. ._N.W. 11-28-4-6. ._22-40-14-4. ._19/20-45-7-4. ._N.W. 28-66-22-4. ._W. … SURVEYS. 173-13 20883 Taking levels and making plan and report on drainage of Halifax Lake in Sec. 12, Tp. … the data noted in each Inspector’s personal field record book called for by Section 12, Subsection 4 of the Act. The …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83923

British Columbia.Lands Service

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… Pre-emption Records. 16 207 31 1 308 322 3 30 146 5 13 3 22 96 18 54 1 47 50 10 97 7 8 •1,495 Certificates of … years in this locality. The Geological Survey net is based on North American datum. At some future time all our … Plateau is very considerable, as the topographical plan will show. From one station alone twenty-five lakes were …

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … program is a recommended program for the elementary level based on a multidimensional curriculum. It is based on a … related to Easter. For the experiential goal students will plan and perform an Easter egg hunt. The teacher’s guide …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479C

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … francophonie Components : Video ($59.95) Teacher notes ($ 22.95) Suggested use: Grades 3 to 8 (English) Suggested use: … masters that focuses on contractions. It is grammar based but a very good resource which includes lots of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479B

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … in Saskatchewan : A Guide for Development; Resource-based Learning : Policy, Guidelines and Responsibilities for … Bébéléphant #21 ISBN 2-89113-742-6 Ronron le fripon #22 ISBN 2-89113-743-4 14 Papili, Lulu et le petit chat #23 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479F

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … Services (TRALCO), 1998. 107 p. Order number PH04 ($22.95). This is a thematic unit with many activities … number MX10 ($28.00). This collection of original plays is based on fables and folk tales from cultures around the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479D

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … middle level follows a multidimensional curriculum. It is based on a communicative/experiential approach as outlined in … bâtiments Les petits insectes Dans la cuisine Les fruits 22 Le corps Sur la table Dans le jardin Le temps La salle de …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991110683503479E