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Afficher 211 - 225 de 262 résultats
British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

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… M ost E x c e llen t M ajesty . 1021. PREFACE This Brand Book is compiled from the records in the Brand Recorder’s … or numeral determining the place of the brand in the book. Brands that cannot be otherwise classified will be … Kincel, Pouce Coupe ; le f t shoulder. 2 _ 2 4 2 _ T l ÌLI 22 22 2_2 2 2 I 222 T 1 J . Sm ith, Lower N ico la ; le ft …

British Columbia.Bureau of Provincial Information, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… P age. . . 53 . . 19 . . 49 54 20 22 24 20 20 38 3S 9 13 39 41 17 45 6 40 47 10 10 49 37 ____ > … area suitable for agricu ltu ral products is estimated a t 22,618,000 acres. The southern portion of the Province, south … ents a t time of w riting in these areas. The development plan in both cases Is now nearing completion and provides fo …

British Columbia.Dept. of Lands, British Columbia.Forest Service

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… There are, however, certain general principles which any plan must follow to secure the greatest comfort and … can be passed. 10 FARM BUILDINGS SERIES. It is a good plan to have a separate entrance to the dining-room from the … for housing the farm help. The outside measurements are 22 by 24 feet, and there is accommo- dation for a family of' …

British Columbia.Provincial Game and Forest Warden., British Columbia.Provincial Game Warden., British Columbia.Game Conservation Board, British Columbia.Game Commission, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… List of Provincial Police Officers 19 List of Guides 22 Appendix D.—Regulations— Game Regulations, 1921 24 REPORT …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_346798_ar_1921

British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… V O L U M E 1. PAGE. ESTIMATES, 1922-23 C 1 Do. 1921-22 (Supplementary) C 93 REPORTS, OFFICIAL: Board of Health B … REVENUE—INTEREST (MISCELLANEOUS) : BALANCE Being excess of Book Values of Deferred Assets over Defei the ul t imate … E. L. Garner, $30; F . AV. Greene, $12.70; McLean Drug & Book Store, $5 ; A. D. Perry, $102.40; F . G. Perry, $127.90; …

British Columbia.Land Settlement Board, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… 197-± 2125 2148 2181 2210 2233 2236 ')')•::> ---·J· 2239 22-:1:1 22-l:l: 22-:1:7 22-:1:!) 2262 22G3 56 applications granted (for …

Alberta. Treasury Dept, issuing body.

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… - --------- $ 1,621,075.00 69:l,028.73 26,771.08 22,677.12 56,124.81 3,421.35 13,497.73 673.62 150.70 6.50 … News, $12.00; Agricultural Alberta, $96.40; Canada's Baby Book, $100.00; The Statesman, $114.00; The Westerner, Ltd., … A. E. Tunstall ________ Refund Taxes on Lot 9, Block 6, Plan[ 5437X, Winnifred ------------------1 Hudson's Bay Co. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83941

Ontario.Commission to Inquire into, Consider and Report upon the Best Mode of Selecting, Appointing and Remunerating Sheriffs, etc. etc.

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… 3 5° a Q on -r = go a£ ^O 3 O ft OJ 3 ": ' 3 o o en 3 o X 22 3 - CQ ~ •^ a 3 .3 o ' £ 3 4> ,_ •„ 2 e «i— — — j- d 01 to 4> 3 r1 r1^ 3 ^ 1- 22 3 ei 3 o 8 en 41 5 a" ^ en 3 i> tn a) o _— '" ^ •«" = rt … « 5 oS OS'S 3 2 '3 > o-r Z-- •/.EH ryj CO '-/5 «5 O s; 3 « 22 3S 2*!.H2 - 3 - -•3 cj en 3 3 = 3 03 . O — — — -i •__ +a u …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT15633

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… prepared with this objective in mind~ From time to time, based on the frequency of requests received by the Bureau, … in Canada~, (~ionth1y), years 1945~46~ The Canada Year Book, years 192O~31~ TABLE jv_ OUTPUT OF COAL FROM ~RITI~J4 … IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (192O~1949) YEAR DOLLARS 1920 . . . ~22,329,161 192]. 13,953,670 1922 ~ 18,849,658 1923 20,795,914 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_454378_1920_1949

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Education Finance and Legislative Services., Saskatchewan.Ministry of Education.Education Finance and Facilities Branch.

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… I Basic Rate... sise À Home-Based Education Students 8 C Transportation Recognition … eee 20 Other Recognized Expenditures ss 22 G K-12 Initiatives Listing of K-12 Initiatives … with the leadership and coordination of a divisional CIF plan, costs associated with community consultations, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991382523503479A

British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… Mc- Laren, $784.40; W. J. Moore, $36.45; C. Moulton, $713.22; J. Camp- bell Munro Co., $5,261.15; G. S. Macgowan, … Department of 77-91 General Office 77-7S Free Text-book Branch 78 Agricultural Education 79-80 Industrial … 289 Fraser River Bridge, New Westminster 281—282 Free Text-book Branch 78 Frontier College, Grant to 90 Fruit-growers' …

British Columbia.Dept. of Lands

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… • . . • • • • • • . . • • • • . . . . . • • • . • .• 1919 22. Tatla Lnlre, Chilko Lake, Anaham, Chilunko, Chilcotin, … of Mines. MISCELLANEOUS PUBUOATIONS. Burean No.1. Hand-book of B.O ..........................•.....•..... Provincial …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_holmes_513916_list_of_publications

Alberta. Treasury Dept., issuing body.

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… 3,120.00 . 15,850.00 3,600.00 . 12,720.00 2,880.00 22,050.00 $ 2,700.00 21,600.00 5,640.00 3,660.00 36,000.00 … $ 89,400.00 10,500.00 50,000.00 550,000.00 250,000.00 22 V.—PUBLIC WORKS—Continued. Estimated for Fiscal Year 1919 … connection with Brands and publication of Official Brand Book. Recorder of Brands. 2,400.00 Assistant Recorder of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83948

Edwards, Joseph Plimsoll,1857-1930

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Nouvelle Écosse

… and seventy pages containing a reproduction of the letter book of the Governors at Annapolis Royal from 1713-1742; also the Commission Book 1720-1741, with copies of all Com- missions, Orders, … size, shape or condition preclude their being bound up in book form. These may be roughly divided as follows:- (1) …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000001975

British Columbia.Forest Branch, British Columbia.Dept. of Lands

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… 60 5,230 5 6,460 5.5 7,575 6 62 5,750 5 7.000 5.5 8,080 6 Based on measurements of 750 felled trees. rrrees used to as … (B.C. 1Log Rule.) \i2 U.B.H., Inches. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 3-1 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 GO G2 54 56 58 60 … 3.5 3.5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.5 4.5 5 5 5 5.5 5.5 6 6 6 6 6.5 6.5 Based on measurements of 400 trees. Trees used to as small a …