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Afficher 226 - 240 de 262 résultats
Hare, Harold Richard1889-, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… Act, 1913, Canada i 00 7, HE report as submitted is based on a preliminary survey which it is planned to extend … measure of efficiency in the production of crops., It is based on yields per acre. A crop index of 110 would indicate … sire, 1' to 5 years ....................... 221.!) 103 22 Pure-brc„cI sire, 6 to 10 years ...................... . …

Williams, C. P., British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… the in- f.-,:rrn~~·.ion ao seMbled and n l n+ ted on one plan before under"i akir.g exeenAive undersround development. … OF L HIE ••••••••• 99. D5~j CARBONATE OF MAGNESIA •••• • 0.22:~ Yon.re truly, (Sizned) J R Williams. Provincial Assayer. … with the purchase price of 11 ,00 000 00 the cost based on an annual production of 200 000 tons which would be …

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly, Walkem, George Anthony,1834-1908, Great Britain.British North America Act., Canada.British North America Act

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… D I N O O R D E R g . R. T. WILLIAMS, »LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL BOOK BINDER, flov’t S»., Victor!*, B.C BRITISH COLUMBIA. … 20. South Riding of Ontario. 21. East Riding of York. 22. West Riding of York. 23. North Riding of York. 2-4. North …

British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General, British Columbia Police.

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… of his motor-vehicle or trailer to be 6 registered in a book or index to be kept for that purpose, and shall issue to … number-plates or badge. Notice of Sale of Motor-vehicle. 22. (1.) In case of the sale of any motor-vehicle registered … only .................. $10 00 An annual licence fee based on the taxation units represented by the motor-vehicle, …

Hare, Harold Richard1889-, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, University of British Columbia.College of Agriculture

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… the farmers sold, are the data on which this report is based. BXPLANATION Ol!~ T]~R~IS USED. Farm 11Icome.-The farm … AND THE' ECONOMICAL El\.t:PLOYl\IENT OF LABOUR. 'l'able'No.22. I ...ioos,; s:: S::"'::l u~2 0> Average Us Groups of … orn ..t,~U Up to $1. 0 O .••••.. -•... , .. , •... 102 78 22 9 $1.01 to $1.25 ................. 99 77 24 6 $1.26 and up …

Alberta. Treasury Dept, issuing body.

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… 68.45 418.05 306.73 179.44 217.86 5.88 6.12 15.85 357.22 274.68 426.57 4.85 732.40 58.56 238.35 - 1,221.62 52.72 … 'Works, $10.70; A. Pyfe, $3.90; Gaetz Cornett Drug and Book Co., $1.20; P. E. Kent, $331.00; A. B. Mitchell, $3.00; … (S.E. 14 17-48-12-4), $107.50; Luela McBride, Block J. Plan No. 6900U (38-27-4), $30.00; G. P. O’Doherty (N.E. 14 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83962

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, issuing body.

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… going through records and Acts to become familiar with the plan of organization and the boundaries of the respective … title to land lying within any area registered under a Plan No. and which the municipality requires for the purpose … 142,499 $1,116,841 1,696,555 2,861,455 3,989,642 $11.22 11.91 14.15 14.00 18m $ 3,849.71 1 17,542.55 t 14,432.88 $ …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83939

Alberta. Dept. of Railways and Telephones, issuing body.

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… 93V2C. . . . Estimated depreciation on ties now in track based on a cost of replacing at 40c per tie. Superintendence … ac t t he p ub lis he r f or th e or ig in al v er si on . 22 DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS 129 lin. ft. C. G. I. Pipe 48 in. … . 17,042.27 13. Station Buildings and Fixtures . 4,988.22 14. General Offices at Edmonton 2,727.83 15. Shops and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83968

British Columbia.Dept. of Labour.

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… of some of the Eastern Industrial Welfare Commissions, based on experience in crowded centres, show a growing … is demonstrated, the difference in the wage-rate should be based upon the difference in production for the job as a … includes the work of females employed as stenographers, book-keepers, typists, billing clerks, filing clerks, …

Alberta. Treasury Dept., issuing body.

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… at $660; 1 at $420; chauffeur, $1,200; increases, $1,000. 22,066.67 (6) Extra Clerical Assistance.. 2,000.00 (7) … $ 91,519.00 11,500.00 25,000.00 600,000.00 1,000,000.00 22 V.—PUBLIC WORKS.—Continued. Estimated for Fiscal Year 1920 … of Technology, Calgary. (21) Schools of Agriculture. (22) Institute for Mentally Deficient Children. (23) Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83969

Alberta. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary. Mines Branch, issuing body.

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… be enacted introducing the seasonal freight rate plan, an as incentive to summer storage, if this were done we … OJ 3 5 8 | | S lZ ‘l > o CO CM to CM ^ 05 o CO lO 00 O 0> 22 qS £ & 'T* d O _ _ _ rH | -» |—4 C) !> r O rrt bJO b(l O ^ … Annual. Report, 1920 201 II If •g g So p4 ©ffiNM '^222222 22 H(o®xxa©NNffiffiOH(Mn««m« O O O O O C5 Oi ^^ICICCO^NNJ 05 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83942

Alberta. Dept. of the Attorney General. Superintendent of Neglected Children, issuing body.

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… for the year ending December 31st, 1909 … Description based on: 1st (1908/1909) … 1908/1909 is the first annual … Calgary_ 20 Report of Children’s Aid Society, Lethbridge _ 22 Report of Children’s Aid Society, Medicine Hat__ 24 Report … of reports and recommendations upon which decisions are based. The office staff have nearly ten thousand files, many …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83944