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Afficher 181 - 195 de 11923 résultats
Coquitlam-Buntzen Water Use Plan Consultative Committee (Canada), Harris, Maria., Trousdale, William, Harstone, Michael, B.C. Hydro, Ecoplan International

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… Coquitlam-Buntzen Water Use Plan Consultative Committee (Canada) … Harris, Maria. … … the end of the process, there were 26 CC members of whom 22 were on the original committee.2 In addition, 36 people … the final alternatives considered by the CC. Alternatives Based on the objectives adopted for each interest, different …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_358860_environment30818

Ontario.Ministry of Energy

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… of Energy … Issued also in French under title: Plan énergétique à long-terme de l'Ontario : pour … to have electricity capacity in reserve. The Plan Based on OPA analysis, this Plan outlines three potential … ELECTRICITY SECTOR O ntario’s Long-Term Energy Plan 22 23 Bu ild in g O ur C le an E ne rg y Fu tu re Future …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT306005

Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère des services familiaux et communautaires.

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… in English under title : Living our vision : strategic plan. … Titre sur la couverture. … [Fredericton, N.-B. : … assumptions and the errors whi ch come from estimates based upon estimates. Nevertheless, allowing for these … is desired. • ••. 10 10 WHITE PAPER _____________________ Based upon 1962 figures, the following table indicates the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL444

British Columbia.Legal Services Branch

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… statutory deductions such as income tax and Canada Pension Plan contributions and Employment Insurance premiums from an … the integration test, his decision ultimately seems to be based upon it. Each of the psychiatrists in the case … Legislative Assembly and you want to do an advance media briefing. Is there any problem with this? A recent ruling of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_270322_april2002

Ontario.Secrétariat du Conseil de gestion

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… d'activités, 2002-2003. … MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES CIVIQUES Plan d’activités 2002-2003 Message du ministre L’Ontario est … le 15e anniversaire du Prix Trillium de l'Ontario/Trillium Book Award par la présentation de prix de 15 000 $ pour les … dans l'entente : déposer le rapport de la Resource-Based Relative Value Schedule Commission sur la valeur …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT229955A

British Columbia.Ministry of Health Services, British Columbia.Ministry of Health Planning

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… for ensuring cost-effective and efficacious, evidence-based and outcome-driven services. Considering the complex … Includes Disability I, Disability II, Canada Pension Plan and other forms of financial compensation provided by … Brain Injury. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998. Briefing Document, The Brain Injury Associations of British …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_353060_guidelines_brain_injury_02

Ontario.Ministry of Citizenship

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… of Citizenship … Issued also in French under title: Plan d'activités 2002-2003 / Ministère des affaires … Directorate will continue to partner with community-based groups and organizations in the public and private … to previous years Average Age of Cases at Closing (months) 22 18 15.4 12.2 13.5 12.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 1998- 99 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT229967

British Columbia.Coast and Marine Planning Branch, British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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… Region Planning. … North Island Straits integrated coastal plan : draft. -- … North Island Straits Integrated Coastal … group engagement, rather than through formal, consensus-based negotiation using stakeholder planning tables. … Reserves. North Island Straits Integrated Coastal Plan 22 Draft, June 6, 2002 . With the exception of Alert Bay, the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_354736_coastal_plan_2002

Ontario.Ministry of Education

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… of Education … Issued also in French under title: Plan d'activités 2002-2003 / Ministère de l'éducation. … … and teachers to establish standards of behaviour based on the provincial Code of Conduct. Highlights of the … secondary (may be increased by resolution of the board to 22). • Class size is calculated for each school and school …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT229991

British Columbia.Premier

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… British Columbia.Premier … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … Catalogue record made … British Columbians from participating in the knowledge-based economy and from accessing the educational, social and … To be established with Premier’s Technology Council Based on targets established in 02/03 Based on targets …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_351239_op

Ontario Parks

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… Parks … Issued also in French under title: Halfway Lake : plan de gestion du parc. … MNR 51242. … Includes … with natural environments." and, "To provide facility-based camping opportunities in natural environments and in … Lake Provincial Park emphasizes natural environment based experiences that provide "individuals, families, and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT225164

British Columbia.Coast and Marine Planning Branch

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… Cape, Region Planning. … North Island Straits Coastal Plan. -- … North Island Straits Coastal Plan December, 2002 … group engagement, rather than through formal, consensus-based negotiation using stakeholder planning tables. … timber. Current harvesting and silviculture activities are 22 North Island Straits Coastal Plan concentrated on the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_358408_nis_final

British Columbia Transmission Corporation, Bystrom, Christopher, Hamilton, Erica M., Fasken Martineau DuMoulin (Firm)

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… British Columbia Transmission Corporation F2011 capital plan update application … "Original signed by Christopher … … Printed from the Internet. … LLBC links do not include Book of Authorities and other final submissions. … See … operational  and  system  supply  constraints.39  Based  on  the  …

British Columbia.Ministry of Health Services

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… of Health Services … Continues: Performance plan / Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for … 22 Appendix C: Human Resource Management Plan … commence allocating this funding using a population needs based funding formula, to ensure transparent and equitable …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_352847_bchs_srvpln_2002

British Columbia.Environmental Stewardship Division, British Columbia.Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

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… … Cover title: Vancouver Island Region management plan for Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. … The original draft … B. Pearson College developed an initial management plan based on his extensive knowledge and experience in the area. … The College undertakes and assists in most of the research 22 conducted at Race Rocks. The students and faculty provide …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_356690_race_rocks