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Afficher 166 - 180 de 2015 résultats
Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Curriculum and Instruction Branch.Instructional Resources Unit.

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… Distribution Centre (LRDC), formerly known as the Book Bureau. Resource-based Learning The items listed are intended to promote the … presents the author’s perspective on the United Nations’ plan to partition Palestine, the role of Britain in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99775813503479

Alberta. Royal Commission Appointed Under the Public Inquiries Act to Investigate the Conduct of the Business of Government, issuing body.

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… have it done, it was most difficult for the Department to plan and carry out the work efficiently* He indicated that … the rates had been established by the Department and were based on mileage. For example, up to five miles of a haul the … the Treasury Branches obtained a general assignment of book accounts, which was registered. From time to time, as …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86132

British Columbia.Dispute Resolution Office., British Columbia Dispute Resolution Practicum Society, Focus Consultants., Law Foundation of British Columbia

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… ............................................................22 4.3.9 Mentor Information Sessions … of Small Claims Court matters. Some of the cases are based on voluntary referrals, others on mandatory referrals … specific mediation techniques, but also on the issue of de-briefing. 4.2.6 Inter-cultural Training The mediator ratings …

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British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… -- the records of the Harewood 16 are not terrific, but based on the records we did 17 have, as far as we could tell … if we go back to tab 1 of Exhibit 23, 13 which is document book 12? 14 A I have no document books. 15 Q Tab 1. That is a … it beforehand. R.H. does not 15 see the kickback as the plan. 16 Q All right. Did they discuss it beforehand, do 17 …

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Ontario.Ministère des affaires civiques, de la culture et des loisirs, Direction générale de la condition féminine de l'Ontario, Secrétariat aux affaires des personnes âgées de l'Ontario

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… aux affaires des personnes âgées de l'Ontario … Plan d'activités 1999-2000 / Ministère des affaires … Archives publiques de l’Ontario jouent un rôle de premier plan dans la gestion de l’information au sein du gouvernement … pour mieux faire face à ce problème croissant. Le 22 mars 1999, le gouvernement a annoncé qu'il s'engageait à …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT207630

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Nouvelle Écosse

… 1 How to Use the "Just Loosen Up and Keep Talking" Briefing Kit 2 2. General Introduction to the Presentation 3 … kit allows for more finely tuned adaptation by presenters based upon the needs of your particular communities, or … relying too heavily on the same youth all the time: if you plan to do more than 1 or 2 briefing kit presentations, find …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000006265

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… 23 8 Q Moving right along, the next exhibit is Document 24 Book 26. 25 THE COMMISSIONER: 26? 0005 1 MR. RADNOFF: Yes. 2 … way. The Commonwealth Society, which is 20 Vancouver based, we think it's the Broadway 21 Commonwealth Society, to … please. 6 THE REGISTRAR: Exhibit 54. 7 (EXHIBIT NO. 54: Briefing note on RCMP 8 letterhead dated September 4, 1996) 9 …

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Ontario.Joint Policy and Planning Committee

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… … Ambulatory medical care Ontario … Funding hospital based ambulatory care in Ontario [electronic resource] : … Dd 3.2.5 Resource Implications... 22 3.2.6 Data Collection Methods nn 2 4 3.2.7 Analysis of … (ARC) Generic Terms of Reference and Implementation Plan Il. Emergency Reporting Readiness Survey (ERRS) IV. Beta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT237210

British Columbia.Budget Process Review Panel., Enns, Doug, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations

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… bodies should be included in government?s annual budget plan and reports and what information should be provided on … the case, it is important that the measured deficit be based on the aggregated financial results for all of the … the SUCH Sector What is PSAB? The Auditor General, in the briefing book prepared for the British Columbia Public …

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British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… report, I have not commented on the government’s financial plan for the year ending March 31, 2001. I have not done this … noted otherwise, the measures and indicators described are based on the complete reporting entity of the government … It is measured as the percentage change in the net book value of physical assets (cost less accumulated …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_325971_finacc1999_2000

British Columbia Housing Management Commission

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… Columbia Housing Management Commission. Annual service plan report. … The British Columbia Housing Management … housing choices is part of the government’s broad-based approach to fighting poverty and complements existing … At March 31, 2000 PRHC owned real estate with a net book value of $337 million. Irene Young Chief Financial …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_151845_bc_housing_ar_1999_00

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… of 21 the province, plus a number of present and past 22 employees. 23 THE COMMISSIONER: Thank you, Mr. Bethell. 24 … yes. 6 THE COMMISSIONER: Okay. This is called document book 1. Is 7 that going to be Exhibit 6? 8 MS. SMITH: It's … one of the group that it could 6 go to? 7 MS. SMITH: Based on what I think the evidence is going to 8 show, my …

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Ontario.Hamilton District Health Council.

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… District Health Council. … null … French language services plan : demand study / Hamilton-Wentworth District Health … the CCAC is through: • hospital case managers • community-based case managers French Language Services Plan - Demand … 2 6 8 112 326 438 Outpatient Clinic - PT/OT 0 0 0 22 14 36 Rehabilitation 0 0 0 9 13 22 Day Hospital 0 0 0 23 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT298679

Ontario.Southeastern Ontario District Health Council.

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… to the use of and grown in demand for LTC community-based services? 5) What trends, issues and emerging … Enhancements Each district, through its District Service Plan, has identified priorities for service enhancements. … Planning in SEO - Our Legacy, Our Future - Draft 1.doc 22 ATTACHMENT #1 DISTRICT DEMOGRAPHICS …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT299268

Meredith, Greg., Crane Management Consultants., British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management., British Columbia.Land Use Coordination Office.

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… forest-related resources in the Kalum LRMP Plan Area : final report / prepared by Crane Management … economic activity, especially for those sectors which are based on resource extraction. The reverse is also true – the … sub-optimal http://www.luco.gov.bc.ca/lrmp/kalum/eob.htm (22 of 44) [9/24/2002 2:49:24 PM] Ministry of Sustainable …

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