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Afficher 106 - 120 de 2015 résultats
Ontario.Ministère de la santé et des soins de longue durée

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… Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: 1999-2000 business plan / Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. … 006295 … null … Ministère de la santé et des soins de longue durée … Plan d'activités 1999-2000 / Ministère de la santé et des … de groupe dans le Nord a été offert aux généralistes de 22 communautés admissibles du Nord de l’Ontario. Le ministère …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT207648

Nova Scotia.Task Force on Fiscal Management., Shaw, Allan C., Nova Scotia.Voluntary Planning Board

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Nouvelle Écosse

22 Stand Ng COMME 2... … 20, 1999, Premier John Hamm announced that Voluntary Plan- ning had agreed to appoint a special, independent task … exercise: it will prepare two separate budgets, one based on the assumption it will have 15 per cent fewer … resources available to perform its functions; the second based on a 30 per cent reduction. We must em- phasize that …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000000067

Alberta. Dept. of Infrastructure, issuing body.

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… -- Alberta -- Planning. … Infrastructure business plan / 1999/2002 (restated) … 1999-2002 Infrastructure - … capital plan for health facilities will be developed based on facility condition assessments completed in 1998-99, … Grande Prairie to Wembley; and ◆ putting into service the 22 kilometre section from north of Grande Prairie to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88713

Alberta. Dept. of Education, issuing body.

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… accountability -- Alberta. … Education business plan / 1999/2002 … Education - 1031999-2002 Education … the implementation of child and family services plans. 3.22 Assist school authorities and other partners to develop … that identify areas for improving student achievement based on results information, and address these in their …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88726

British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… format through the Internet. … Includes: Forest Action Plan : stabilizing B.C.'s forest industry. … [Victoria] : … latitude for professional foresters and loggers to decide, based on markets, whether marginal, poor quality timber … licence regulations that move toward a more results-based Forest Practices Code; á streamlined cutting permits …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_326841_1745

Ontario.Commission de restructuration des services de santé

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… under title: Ontario Health Information Management Action Plan. … Internet document downloaded: Dec. 22, 2000. … null … Toronto : La Commission, … Santé publique Planification Ontario … Plan d'action concernant la gestion de l'information sur la …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT216586C

Saskatchewan's Action Plan for Children.

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… Saskatchewan's Action Plan for Children. … [Regina] : Saskatchewan's Action Plan … goals and principles to guide development of community- based strategies to ensure children receive the best possible … for risk factors, services and supports to all families based on their needs, and effective follow-up and evaluation. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991100543503479

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, issuing body.

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… Food and Rural Development … agric … Ministry business plan / 1999/2002 … 1999-2002 Agriculture, Food and Rural … ◆ Farm production is Alberta’s largest renewable resource-based industry. In 1997, the primary sector generated $6.4 … 6,448 6,635 6,500 6,800 Alberta as a % of Canada 20.1 22.5 21.5 22.1 22.3 21.7 22.2 2. Net Cash Income of Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88732

Alberta. Dept. of Environment, issuing body.

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… Dept. of Environment, issuing body. … Environment business plan / 2007/2010 … 145ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS PLAN 2007-10 … The Ministry's authority to carry out its mandate is based on the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, … Amortization of Capital Assets 19,284 20,061 20,061 21,261 22,361 22,361 Oilsands Environmental Management: Oilsands …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA98377

British Columbia.Air Resources Branch., British Columbia.Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, British Columbia.Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, British Columbia.Water, Air and Climate Change Branch

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… to the director on or before July 1st of each year a plan...for the elimination of the use of halons in the fire … amount of released halon (1,763 kg) since the management plan was established. This amount is considerably higher than … The large quantities of halon that BC Tel and BC Hydro plan to decommission will remove the majority of British …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_336569_halon_sum1999

Forest Renewal BC

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… Planning. … Forest policy British Columbia … Strategic plan, 1999-2003 / Forest Renewal BC. -- … S T R A T E G I C P … Communities, Workforce and Value-added. Our performance-based approach, which includes measurable targets for the … forest- dependent communities experiencing major job loss 22 Forest Renewal BC Strategic Plan 1999-2003 forest …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_332466_strat_plan_99_03

British Columbia.Forest Practices Board

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… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2 Table of Contents 3 Statement from the Chair he end of … to achieve the government’s desire for a “more results-based Code” are explored. 6 I expect that the Board will … to review and comment on its forest development plan. Riparian Management In three of the audits the Board …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_246424_bc_fpb_ar_1999

Alberta. Dept. of Transportation and Utilities, issuing body.

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… 3.0 for Windows … Transportation and Utilities business plan / 1999/2002 … Transportation and Utilities - … Minister of Transportation and Utilities February 22, 1999 Business Plan 1999-2000 to 2001-02 310 - … villages, will be increased by $15 million in 1998-99 based on the recommendations of the Premier’s Task Force on …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88761

British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… of the Budget 2002 document entitled Budget and Fiscal Plan - 2002/03 to 2004/05. … Issuing body varies: May … of this report. The revenue projections in the budget are based on a lower real GDP forecast of 20.6 per cent, as … 20.5 22.5 Non-residential investment …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_325323_1999_march_1999

Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia

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… 31 December ...; 2003- , Annual report and ... service plan. … Some issues also have distinctive titles. … Description based on 68th (1984). … Catalogue record made available by … Capital Assets ($ thousands) 1999 1998 Net Net Accumulated Book Book Cost Depreciation Depreciation Value Value Land …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_125674_wcbc_ar_1999