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Afficher 196 - 210 de 4652 résultats
B.C. Transit

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… … Annual report. -- 2014/2015 BC Transit Annual Service Plan Report … BC Transit 2014/15 ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN REPORT … that are used by the public.  Renew and revise fare-based revenue sources and systems to reflect changing … 2014/15 Annual Service Plan Report 25 March 31, 2015, the book value of the fuel cell buses were impaired to align with …

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Heron, Jennifer, Dyer, Orville, Lavallee, Suzie, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… (B.C. Ministry of Environment) wrote the draft recovery plan, with input from Orville Dyer (B.C. Ministry of Forests, … for the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Victoria, BC. 22 pp. Cover illustration/photograph Suzie Lavallee … the recovery strategies that are deemed necessary, based on the best available scientific and traditional …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture.Business Development Team, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, British Columbia.Farm Business Advisory Services Program, Canada.Agri-Food Business Development Program, Growing Forward 2 (Canada)

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… Farm Business Management Services. This material is based on the original Growing Your Farm Profits workbook … Taking Stock Self- Assessment Prepare A Farm Action Plan Tier 1: Basic Farm Financial Assessment Complete Farm … skills and knowledge. Introduction 2 HOW TO USE THIS WORK BOOK The Taking Stock Farm Business Planning Workbook …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, School District #34 (Abbotsford, B.C.), Literacy Matters Association Abbotsford

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… … Title varies: 2008-2009, Community/district literacy plan; 2010-2011, Abbotsford district literacy plan; 2012, … adults not accessing formal programs. Although community-based literacy programs offer services that target adult … partnership with Rotary Club of Abbotsford/Sumas provide book bins in the community where families can access free …

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Alberta. Dept. of Treasury Board and Finance, issuing body.

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… and Finance For electronic copies of The Building Alberta Plan – Budget 2014, Ministry Business Plans, visit our … can be found at www.aboriginal.alberta.ca. ReSultS-bASeD buDGetinG AnD tHe GoVeRnment oF AlbeRtA StRAteGic PlAn … ($ millions): • The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund book value • The Contingency Account balance • Savings Plan

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA113557

British Columbia.Community Safety and Crime Prevention Branch, British Columbia.Ministry of Justice

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… These include:  Exploring the Combination of Community-based Victim Services (CBVS) and Outreach Services  … law matters)  There are outreach service and community-based victim service programs currently operated by the same … highlights some of the similarities in services. Community-based Victim Services Outreach Services Work to enhance …

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Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia

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… 31 December ...; 2003- , Annual report and ... service plan. … Some issues also have distinctive titles. … Description based on 68th (1984). … Catalogue record made available by … by the provincial government. We provide coverage to 2.22 million workers and more than 221,000 registered employers …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, British Columbia.Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training

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… cover title. … Running title: Canada starts here : BC jobs plan : 3 year progress update. … Previous ed. published under … Best Employer Award, Chris Day has brought the Vancouver-based company Fully Managed a long way. For more: … Over 40 per cent of the province’s regional economies are based on forestry activities, through more than 6,600 …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, British Columbia.Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training

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… cover title. … Running title: Canada starts here : BC jobs plan : 3 year progress update. … Previous ed. published under title: 1 year progress report : BC jobs plan. … "Canada starts here. The BC jobs plan." … Catalogue … 2022, B.C. is expecting one million job openings in B.C. • Based on a scenario with five LNG plants constructed in B.C. …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development

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… and Cultural Development … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … At head of title: Ministry … collaborative and innovative thinkers. Strong knowledge-based industries that value creativity and innovation will … and Cultural Development 2014/15 – 2016/17 Service Plan 22 development, the ministry continues to track indirect …

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Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Ltd., Du Gas, Lindsay, Carpenter, Marilyn, Braun, Nathan, Stantec Consulting Ltd., TransCanada Pipelines Ltd.

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… 2014, with "re" statement: Conceptual habitat offsetting plan. … "July 29, 2014." … Catalogue record made available by … The proposed route includes approximately 760 km of land-based pipeline and 120 km of marine-based pipeline. … 22 Though up to 6,000 m2 of rocky substrates may be altered …

Ontario.Local Health Integration Networks, Onario.Legislative Assebmly.Standing Committee on Social Policy

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… Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) were created to plan, integrate and fund local health care. Today, health … serve. The boards make decisions about health services based on what is important to the community. Through an … gains over the past several years. A 2013 review of 22 surgical procedures and diagnostic services prepared by …

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Partnerships British Columbia

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… Partnerships British Columbia Inc. 2014/15 ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN REPORT Partnerships British Columbia Inc. For more … hourly charge-out rates. The estimated revenue targets are based on work fees from known provincial capital projects and … Closing Balance 87,177 305,534 108,617 329,238 830,566 Net book value $ - $ 66,573 $ 29,878 $ 54,220 $ 150,671 …

British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… and Scope • 2.0 Definitions • II. Contents of a Typical Plan • 1.0 Policy Statement • 2.0 Purpose and Scope • 3.0 … with the Minister's directions. The guideline is based on standards for emergency planning, as follows: • the … risks through application of emergency management programs based on international best practices. This includes ongoing …