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Afficher 256 - 270 de 4652 résultats
Teck Corporation, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… Columbia Elk River Valley. … Elk Valley water quality plan [electronic resource]. -- … Elk Valley Water Quality … Columbia Minister of Environment for approval on July 22, 2014. More information about the development of the Plan, … Minister of Environment required Teck to develop an area-based water quality management plan. The Plan addresses …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_546067_downloadasset

Royal BC Museum

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… … Annual report / Royal BC Museum. -- Annual Service Plan Report 2014/2015 … Royal BC Museum 2014/15 ANNUAL … reporting and alignment with our strategic learning plan based on our volunteer program review.  We streamlined our … M earned $0.23 M4 in-kind $1.0 M earned $1.36 M in-kind $1.22 M earned $0.3 M in-kind $1.1 M earned $0.75 M in-kind …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_370199_rbcm_ar_2014_15

B.C. Transit, Comox Valley (B.C. : Regional District)

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… and state British Columbia. … Transit future plan [electronic resource] : Comox Valley, January 2014 / … by transit. Frequency and vehicle types are selected based on demand with LTN routes sub categorized into either a … cost of $40. Registrants are permitted to purchase an $80 book of vouchers every 30- day period. In order to use these …

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B.C. Transit, Sunshine Coast (B.C.)

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… and state British Columbia. … Transit future plan [electronic resource] : Sunshine Coast, January 2014 / … to the FTN. Frequency and vehicle type are selected based on demand with a preference for smaller vehicles. … Saltery Bay available on some trips. Call 604-483-2008 to book your trip Rural Transit door-to-door service area …

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British Columbia.Forest Practices Board

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… validates sound practices and recommends improvements based on direct field observation, consultation and research. … This investigation examined how well forest licensees plan and mitigate forestry impacts to timbered natural range … and enforcement staff should continue the practice of “de-briefing” after a penalty determination has been made, to …

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Lees, Erik, Redman, Heidi, Holy, Lukas, BC Healthy Built Environment Alliance, Provincial Health Services Authority (B.C.).Population and Public Health Program, LEES + Associates

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… outcomes are indicated. Health Evidence Diagrams Diagrams based on the collective evidence reviews visually depict the … point for informing the development of funding proposals, briefing documents or background papers to obtain support for … The CIP website outlines its 2012-2014 Strategic Plan, and provides links to CIP publications (e.g., CIP …

British Columbia.Ministry of Energy and Mines, B.C. Hydro

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… Responsible for Core Review today announced a 10 year plan that will keep electricity rates as low as possible … over $391 million in savings. New measures in the 10 year plan will reduce the amount of money that government takes … Columbia Legislative Library. … News release : 10 year plan means predictable rates as BC Hydro invests in system -- …

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Private Career Training Institutions Agency of British Columbia

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… standards set by the Board. Cf. 2010/2011-2012/13 Service plan: Message from the Chair of the PCTIA Board, P. 2. … In … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of PCTIA’s operating environment, … 16 13 23 Net (total closures minus new registrations) 22 25 9 Technology After two years in planning, beginning …

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British Columbia.Premier

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… and government 2001- Periodicals. … Annual service plan report / Office of the Premier. -- 2014/2015 Annual … • Build new strategies and update the plan annually based on feedback and results. Performance Measure 2: BC … 42 countries in the April 2014 Consular Corps Technical Briefing and 48 countries at the December 2014 Consular Corps …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_362976_bcp_asp_2014_15

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Municipal Affairs , Furey, Mark

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Nouvelle Écosse

… Nova Scotia.Dept. of Municipal Affairs … Furey, Mark … Bill briefing (April 16, 2014) -- An Act to amend chapter 39 of … : [press kit]. … Department of Municipal Affairs Bill Briefing - HRM Charter re: Airport tax Wednesday, April16, … Tax Policy, Department of Municipal Affairs ~~' Bill Briefing Wednesday, April16, 2014 MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000010141

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Justice , Metlege Diab, Lena

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Nouvelle Écosse

… Nova Scotia.Dept. of Justice … Metlege Diab, Lena … Bill briefing (April 7, 2014) -- An Act to amend chapter 160 of … Nova Scotia Dept. of Justice. … Department of Justice Bill Briefing - Amendments to the Maintenance and Custody Act … Scotia Association N.S. LEGlSLATlVE UBRARY ,r~~- · . Bill Briefing Monday, April 7, 2014 JUSTICE--Amendments Support …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000010065

British Columbia.Office of the Ombudsperson

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… British Columbia. Office of the Ombudsman. Service plan. ISSN 1705-5857. … Printed from the Internet. … On … This Service Plan 2014/2015 - 2016/2017 is based on the Office of the Ombudsperson Strategic Plan 2010 - … Individual Complaint (by phone, in writing or web-based form) * Office of the Ombudsperson Page 6 Service Plan

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2010_462193_2014_2017

Ontario.Ministry of Transportation, IBI Group.

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… transit operators and accessibility planners to deliver a plan that will showcase a transportation network that is … transit, and security partners and is subject to revision based on changes to competition schedules, venue operations, … R E A D Y Transportation Commitments The bid book submitted on behalf of the Games partners makes specific …

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British Columbia.Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner.

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… Files 140 Registered Complaints 29 Questions or Concerns 22 Ordered Investigations 85 Monitor Files 2 Internal … Misconduct: Abuse of Authority Date of Incident: June 22, 2012 Ordered Investigation (initiated by PCC) (OPCC File … to his own decision with respect to those allegations. Based on his review of the record, the retired judge found …

BC Emergency Health Services, Nickerson, Chris

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… Services … Nickerson, Chris … PDF file cover page title. … Based on review by Chris Nickerson. Cf. P. [2] … "Final plan." … "August 15, 2014." … Catalogue record made available … transfers and critical care patient transport based on patient-centred objectives. BCEHS will undertake …