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Afficher 121 - 135 de 6381 résultats
Ontario Parks

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… Ontario Parks … "The purpose of this management plan amendment is to address the recommendations contained in … public review and comment on May 2, 2007 (EBR: 010-0445). Based on Aboriginal, stakeholder and public comments received … Environment 13,765 1.8 Historical 1,680 0.2 Development 22,545 3.0 Access 735 0.1 Recreation/Utilization Zone 594,860 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT323420

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … for F2012 through to F2021. BC Hydro, like other 22 electric utilities in the Pacific Northwest that have … to F2022 – for which BC Hydro 13 proposes a mix of B.C.-based resources and increased market reliance. 14 BC Hydro is …

Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation, British Columbia.Environmental Assessment Office

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… spill compensation framework : Technical Working Group briefing note. -- … 31 August 2012 1 VAFFC VANCOUVER AIRPORT … 17 and Chapter 3 of the VAFFC Oil Pollution Emergency Plan). 2.2 Common Law The common law imposes liability for … Documents are similar to communal FSC licences, but are based on the TFA. o The TFA requires DFO to issue Tsawwassen …

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … Assessment of Climate Change Impacts ............... 2-22 2.3.2 Heritage Thermal … term, use per account is expected to be relatively flat, based on a number 9 of off-setting factors.6 10 Commercial: …

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … 22 6.1 Operating Reserve Requirements … the load-net-wind reserves. The reserve calculations are based on ten years of historical BC Hydro one-minute load …

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … 18. Revelstoke 19. Ruskin 20. Seton 21. Seven Mile 22. G.M. Shrum 23. Shuswap 24. Spillimacheen 25. Stave Falls … our existing resources and buy more electricity from B.C.-based producers. In addition, as part of good utility …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_520046_executive%20summary

Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust

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… Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust ... annual monitoring plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … ($53,534.60) Funds Available minus Expenses $14,176.22 $14,176.22 3. Monitoring Priorities The Trust supports … value for monitoring (i.e. high priority and achievable) based on the information gathered in Phase I. • Phase III …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_378134_bwmt2012

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … 22 Figure 12 CRP 3 - … units at Mica are constructed. 2 BC Hydro's reserves are based on 14% of total supply excluding the Alcan contract and …

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Labour and Advanced Education, More, Marilyn

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Nouvelle Écosse

… of Labour and Advanced Education … More, Marilyn … Bill briefing, May 9, 2012 -- Remarks for Honourable Marilyn More, … restoration of lost value." Within six months of a pension plan closing, its administrator prepares a financial report that compares the value of the plan's assets with its obligations. After that report is …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000008507

British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

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… Internet. … Stapled in LLBC copy: News release : land use plan charts course to prosperity ([3] p. : Aug. 22, 2012) -- [Letter of approval for land use management plan … those of the Crown, and to establish a new relationship based on mutual respect and recognition. The New …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_522538_dease-liard-srmp

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … 22 5 Cluster Analysis … 39 Table 6 Transmission Requirements Based on the Gap Size ....................... 40 2012 … Page 6F-iii May 2012 Table 7 Transmission Requirements Based on the North Coast Loads ........ 42 Table 8 …

British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… of Finance … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … Catalogue record made … 22 Resource Summary … are in place for the broader public service • Use risk-based approaches to effectively manage government’s … Corporate Human Resource Plan for the BC Public Service, based on feedback and results. Ministry of Finance 2012/13 – …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_352705_srv_pln_fin_2012

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … 22 M2M_DFT_KN0_C00_T_output_AA_EL_N … for the planning period.  The information presented based on simulated generation and planned firm energy …

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … 22 3.3.4 Price Elasticity … by legislation or by regulation of manufacturers. U.S. based codes and standards are reflected in the average stock …

British Columbia.Islands Trust.Denman Island Trust Committee, British Columbia.Islands Trust, AEL Agroecological Consulting, Denman Island Agriculture Plan Steering Committee (B.C)

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… AEL Agroecological Consulting … Denman Island Agriculture Plan Steering Committee (B.C) … PDF file cover page title. … … context. Agritourism can generally be defined as “any land based farm or business that is open to the public” and can … other Coast Salish Canoe source: University of Washington 22 diseases brought by the Europeans in the late 1700s and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2017_669741_denmanislandfarmplanfinal