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Afficher 16 - 30 de 76 résultats
Holland, Stuart S., British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… along a major anticlinal axis which runs down the creek. 22. There is no areal correlation apparent between rich … 1874 to the present. PRESENT WORK. The present report is based on two and one-half months’ field-work in 1945 and … and flow north-easterly and south-westerly into them. In plan, the drainage lines form a noticeably rectangular …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_2_498718_bulletin_026

British Columbia.Public Library Commission

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… missing 1937/38. … Year ends March 31. … 1919-1920, 1921-22-1925/26 unpublished. See B.C. Clerk's Papers collection. … … are not in a position to supply all demands from their own book collections, the Commission makes its stock of books … who have thus been enabled to supplement their own book collections and to provide a larger service. In …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_318175_1948

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… and exports in this Report, the quantities and values are based upon the declarations of importers (import entries) and … Neth E. I. 4,095 421,132 Ceylon - 672 Neth W. I. 1,478 22, 201 B. Malaya 63,273 160,726 Nicaragua 4,462 5,560 … of wheat U. Kingdom Brl 76,358 563,795 500 Hong Kong 1,362 22,055 C. Rica 2,930 47,806 Ecuador 2,040 36,840 Norway …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330574_1948_1948_feb

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… and exports in this Report, the quantities and values are based upon the declarations of :iJnporters (:iJnport entries) … and exports in this Report, the quantities and values are based upon the declarations of importers (import entries) and … Is. 38 1,155 Phil. 4,321 125,084 u. States 107 2,512 22,098k ,Gl7, 676!!: Note: Articles marked "B.C." considered …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330574_1948_1948_jan

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… and exports in this Report, the quantities and values are based upon the declarations of importers (import entries) and … be B. c. products. 25,989 10 BC 366,040 140 2,886 68,657 22,744 58,333 544,789-fJ 5, 320 210 BC 3,669 1,121 56,528 … (Cont'd.) Vegetabl~ food products N.o.P. Hong Kong 22,800 800 B c Japan 4,000 Alaska 448 U. States 6,035 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330574_1948_1948_nov

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… and exports in this Report, the quantities and values are based upon the declarations of importers (import entries) and … San Dom. - 82 Burma - 26,435 Siam 501 5,044 Argentina 22,389 178,004 Austria 22,910 726,097 Sweden 21,809 32,909 Switzrlnd. 3,550 459, 677 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330574_1948_1948_apr

Watson, Kenneth DePencier,1915-, British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… mapping. In this work, positions topographic map, based on a survey made by W. E. Lawson of the Geological … in a somewhat schistose matrix of similar material. 22 Some, however, consists of fragments and matrix that are …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_2_498721_bulletin_025

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… and exports in this Report, the quantities and values are based upon the declarations of importers (import entries) and … 879,811 600 14, 372, 348,206 2,836 71,554 21,157 40,329 22,571 1,560 5,178 545,806 53 3·, 525, 794 296 $102,175,960 … - 7,126 18,632 541,752 - 40,230 13. 270.130 105 .181. 531 22.367.956t 174.291.270! 33.672.805 303.559.284 5 6 TABLE 2 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330574_1948_1948_oct

British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… and exports in this Report, the quantities and values are based upon the declarations of importers (import entries) and … 4,876,160 Alaska 23,154 80,259 - 210 Virgin Is. - 1,155 22,469 7 4, 220 123,134 285,0~0 7,166 93,629 Guam 14,301 … canned B. E. Afr. Cwt 52 1,025 2340 BC Union S. A. 1,341 22,345 G. Coast 63 1,103 B. Malaya 1,588 18, 507 Jamaica …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330574_1948_1948_may

British Columbia Women's Institute, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… … British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture … Description based on 1948. … Catalogue record made available by the … given in the Ontario Women's Institute Handbook) _________ 22 Chapter 9.-Regulations for British Columbia … munity a Better Place; Why I like to live here; Favorite Book of Fiction, Non-fiction, Movie, Stage Play, etc. 20 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_591572_1948

British Columbia.Dept. of the Provincial Secretary, British Columbia.Hospital Programs, British Columbia.Ministry of Health, British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service

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… __________________ 100. 00 1948. Per Cent. 55.72 29.65 5.22 1.09 2.36 2.00 0.83 1.24 0.33 1.56 100.00 It should be … 16,310 8,720 147,488 374,644 316,781 131,150 197,079 22.597 28,386 1,534 247,548 Total expenditures … 17,882 2,278 876 6 1,070 750 22,124 738 22,862 1,478 24,340 Williams Lake …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_186690_1948

British Columbia.Social Welfare Branch

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… to this body rather than to a particular institution. They plan for him as his needs indicate,—Avhich might be placement … itself as an integral part of the community’s effort to plan for children. Magistrate Hall told of having social … Assistant Inspector of Institutions In George Lawton’s book “Aging Successful­ ly” is written the following—“I often …

British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… basis ofa (a) a standnrd basic salary scale for teachers based upon certification re~uirements; (b) r.m allowance for current expenses based upon the avero.ge daily attendance of pupils; (c) special grants for supervision based upon the number of pupils in the district. The …

British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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22 Industrial Arts … (412). (e) Classification and Cataloguing (413). (/)· Book Selection and Reading Guidance (414).* • NoTE.-Courses … of 114 units in each of two of the following fields:- (a) Book-making and Book Design (362). (b) Weaving (363). (c) … in Canada, the United Kingdom, or the United States. 22 2. A Diploma in Education, or its equivalent, recognized …

British Columbia Police., British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General

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… (5.) (a.) Whenever possible and practicable, a sketch or plan is to accompany the Crime Report submitted in connection … at a district headquarters or detachment office the duty book of such district headquarters or detachment office is to … side-arms are not carried, lanyards need not be worn. (22.) N.C.O.'s and constables, other than those employed …