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Afficher 256 - 270 de 3494 résultats
First Nations Health Authority

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… hygiene British Columbia Planning … FNHA summary service plan [electronic resource] 2017/2018 FNHA Summary Service … OUR BRAND The First Nations Health Authority brand is based on the thunderbird, a traditional symbol of … and communities in their health and wellness journeys. 22 • FIRST NATIONS HEALTH AUTHORITY HOW WILL WE MEASURE OUR …

Basi, Jada, British Columbia Housing Management Commission, BC Non-Profit Housing Association, CitySpaces Consulting Ltd.

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… into useful tools and resources for you to use as you plan for the expiry of your operating agreement. This guide, … poor; and } More than 30 % is considered critical. Based on the known condition of buildings for which there is … provide greater detail on some ele- ments of this Guide. } Briefing Memorandum: Legal Considerations & Expiry of …

College Pension Plan (B.C.), British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… College Pension Plan (B.C.) … British Columbia Pension Corporation … Cover … available until March 31, 2018 college.pensionsbc.ca Task-based design: the new site makes it simple to get information … has a Member tab, since it’s easier to find information based on what you need to do. http://college.pensionsbc.ca …

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Columbia Basin Trust (B.C.)

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… report / Columbia Basin Trust. -- 2017/2018 Annual Service Plan Report … Columbia Basin Trust 2017/18 ANNUAL SERVICE … 10% 11.7% 10% 10% Data Source: Returns are calculated based on audited year-end financial statements, which are … with the tangible capital assets are less than their net book value. The write-downs are accounted for as expenses in …

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College Pension Plan (B.C.), British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… College Pension Plan (B.C.) … British Columbia Pension Corporation … Caption title. … "The College Pension Plan newsletter for retired members." … Catalogue record made … 6.8% Active 52% 13,719 Retired 26% 6,996 Inactive1 22% 5,734 Membership (total 26,449) University College for 9 …

B.C. Games Society

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… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of the BC Games Society’s operating … and Mission staff which represent B.C. at Canada Games. 2 Based on input from and consultations with other provincial …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture

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… of Agriculture … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … Catalogue record made … organizations have a role to play in supporting broad-based economic growth, developing poverty reduction … place on the limited agricultural land base. The ALR is based on the biophysical resource base (soil and climate) …

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B.C. Hydro

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… Hydro and Power Authority. -- 2017/2018 Annual Service Plan Report … British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority … 2 Reliability targets are based on specific values, however performance within 10 per … amount of an asset increases above the impaired net book value, not to exceed the carrying amount that would have …

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British Columbia.Oil and Gas Commission, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … [Fort … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of the Commission’s operating … 70% of the province’s raw gas production. The volumes are based on calendar years. Performance Measure 2: Hectares (ha) …

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BC Parks, Jack, Sylvester R., Boudreau, Larry, Ranson, David, Taku River Tlingit First Nation

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… (B.C.) … Mount Minto/K'iyan Conservancy draft management plan [electronic resource]. -- … Mount Minto/K’iyán … Attributes 9 3 Management Direction 10 3.1 Ecosystem-Based Management 10 3.2 Management Objectives and Strategies … Land Use Plan 20 Appendix 2: Jackie Williams K’iyán Story 22 Appendix 3: Appropriate Uses Table 23 Appendix 4: …

British Columbia Observatory Population & Public Health

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… BC Observatory for Population & Public Health strategic plan, 2016/17-2020/21. … "March 2017." … Catalogue record … specific tasks lies with the most appropriate organization based on jurisdictional authority. „ Work together across … and decision making at all levels. „ Prioritize activities based on established priority-setting criteria. „ Ensure …

Alberta. Dept. of Environment and Parks, issuing body.

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… resources -- Alberta. … South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, 2014 - 2024 : an Alberta land-use framework integrated … Airshed Organizations and Air Monitoring Stations ... 22 Landscapes and Biodiversity … and social pillars. This system must adapt to place- based challenges and opportunities as well as allow …

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N|A|T|I|O|N|A|L.683, Commission d'énergie électrique du Nouveau-Brunswick.6159, Énergie NB.8569

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… … Énergie NB.8569 … Document associé : Plan integré des ressources 2017 (39663) … Titre de la … also in English under title : Integrated resource plan public engagement program : What was said, final report … maintenir les tarifs aussi o o o o bas que possible 63 % 22 % 13 % 2 % 3,88 Je suis ouvert à l‘achat d‘énergie …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL991

MODUS Planning, Design and Engagement Inc., South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority

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… also worked with the City to host a workshop for Vancouver-based stakeholders at City Hall on February 10, 2017. The … Measured 15% 13% 34% 15% 34% 9% 31% 13% 25% 17% 28% 25% 22% 12% 6% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% D3) … thoughts across all options: • Flat fare is simple to plan cost of travel; flat fare is most unfair; refined zones …

British Columbia.Ministry of Advanced Education, British Columbia.Teaching Universities Institutes and Aborginal Programs Branch

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… Education (Higher) British Columbia … Aboriginal service plan and reporting guidelines / Ministry of Advanced … of Reference ......................................... 22 Appendix V: Aboriginal Service Plan Deferral & … to Aboriginal learners and communities Goal 2: Community based delivery of programs is supported through partnerships …

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