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Afficher 31 - 45 de 239 résultats
New Brunswick.Dept. of the Environment., Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l'Environnement.

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… de la terre Nouveau-Brunswick. … Climate change action plan 2007- 2012 : summary. … Plan d’action sur les changements climatiques 2007-2012 … : (506) 453-2265 www.gnb.ca, mot clé : environnement Plan d’action sur les changements climatiques - Sommaire Que …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL521A

New Brunswick.Dept. of Transportation., Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère des transports.

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… et réparations. … New Brunswick's road infrastructure plan 2008 - 2011. … TABLE DES MATIÈRES 1.0 Contexte … Ponts ……………………………………………………..…….. 6 4.0 Élaboration d’un plan d’infrastructure routière ………………. ………7 5.0 … Plan d’infrastructure routière du Nouveau-Brunswick 2008-2011 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL532A

New Brunswick.Dept. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture.1353, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l'agriculture, pêches et aquaculture.1360

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… Nouveau-Brunswick. … Growing prosperity : a strategic plan. … NBFL266A … New Brunswick …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL266A

New Brunswick.Office of Self-Sufficiency., Nouveau-Brunswick.Bureau de l'autosuffisance., New Brunswick.Office of the Premier., Nouveau-Brunswick.Bureau du premier ministre.

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… … Nouveau-Brunswick Politique sociale. … Our action plan to be self-sufficient in New Brunswick. … Notre plan d’action pour être autosuffisant au Nouveau-Brunswick … notre programme de transformation évolutive. ß ß ß ß 22 Stratégie d’attraction d’entreprises Nous devons redoubler …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL589A

New Brunswick.Dept. of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.831, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l’Éducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail.833

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22 • Repayment Assistance Plan ................................. 22 • Transition Grant … • providing learner-centered industry and community-based adult education; • la prestation d’enseignement, … labour market information and analyses, research, briefing and background materials, program evaluations, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL677C

New Brunswick.Commission on Post-secondary Education., Nouveau-Brunswick.Commission sur l'éducation postsecondaire.

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… entered into robust discussions and demanded an evidence based approach. They made our report better and we are … L’Écuyer iContent Seizing the Opportunity: An Action Plan to Create New Brunswick’s Strategic Advantage 1 … in a college and in a university. He used the same text book, the same curriculum, the same course requirements and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL391

New Brunswick.Dept. of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.831, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l’Éducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail.833

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… far, was the June 26, 2008 release of Government’s Action Plan to Transform Post-Secondary Education in New Brunswick. … • providing learner-centered industry and community-based adult education; • la prestation d’enseignement, … labour market information and analyses, research, briefing and background materials, program evaluations, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL677B

New Brunswick.Dept. of Local Government.240, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère des Gouvernements locaux.242

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… 2006). The nformaton outlned n ths annual report s based on the structure and program orentaton of the … entreprse en 2007, le mnstère a engagé un processus de planfcaton stratégque et opératonnelle renouvelé qu … Government commitments. It also coordinated preparation of briefing materials in support of the spring Legislative …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL657

New Brunswick.Dept. of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.831, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l’Éducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail.833

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… • providing learner-centered industry and community-based adult education; • recognizing achievement of … make up of the communities they serve in order to better plan library programs and services to meet community needs. • … labour market information and analyses, research, briefing and background materials, program evaluations, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL677

Service New Brunswick.742, Service Nouveau-Brunswick.743

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… Infrastructure .........................16 Business Plan Update ..................19 Financial … a 3.7% increase in the reassessment of property valuations based on an analysis of market information, and a 0.5% … in System Development Prior Investment Accumulated Net Book System Investment 06/07 Amortization Value Personal …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL681B

New Brunswick.Dept. of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.831, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l’Éducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail.833

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… of Staffing Activities ............................. 59 Plan on Official Languages .................................. … labour market information and analyses, research, briefing and background materials, program evaluations, … / ACTIVITÉS EN MATIÈRE DE MEDIATION PREVENTIVE Interest-Based Negotiations (IBN) Facilitation / Facilitation des …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL677E

New Brunswick.Dept. of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.831, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l’Éducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail.833

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… will be guided by the New Brunswick Economic Growth Plan, which focuses on strengthening the workforce; expanding … for post-secondary studies. • Leading the Home Based Work initiative, which collected information about the … committee members. It produces annual reports and various briefing books for the Minister and the senior management …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL677M

New Brunswick.Dept. of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.831, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l’Éducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail.833

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… of clients who have established an employment action plan with an employment counsellor or a third-party service … additional support to become attached to the labour force. Based on the results of an initial employability assessment, … committee members. It produces annual reports and various briefing books for the Minister and the senior management …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL677K

New Brunswick.Dept. of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.831, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l’Éducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail.833

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… and to recommend to Government a model and implementation plan for the post secondary education system. The Department … with twelve-week training sessions in the competency-based approach to teaching used by the new Workplace … labour market information and analyses, research, briefing and background materials, program evaluations, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL677A

New Brunswick.Dept. of Local Government.240, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère des Gouvernements locaux.242

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… whch resulted n the creaton of a fve-year strategc plan. Ths plan s avalable publcly through the … annual general meetng n Edmundston. The Manual s a web-based resource tool desgned to encourage a self-help … agencies; preparing the main estimates and public accounts briefing books; assisting senior management in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL657A