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Afficher 1 - 15 de 6337 résultats
British Columbia.Northern Health Authority, Partnerships British Columbia

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… the most value, both during and after construction. Based on the indicative design, the site is adequate to … use of the existing site for the new hospital development. Based on the indicative design and as shown in Figure 1 … teams who will then be invited to submit proposals based on the specifications that will be included in the RFP. …

Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission.Pensions Division.

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… CEP-TPAS Joint Saskatchewan Telecommunications | Pension Plan Council (herein referred to as the “Joint Council”), … increased risk. The Consultation Paper discusses, and is based upon, one important rationale for providing relief from … Commission - CUPE Saskatchewan ~ April 30, 2012 Page 22 e Conducting “stress tests” of plans on a periodic basis …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL992009493503479

Alberta. Dept. of Finance, issuing body.

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… Document Format (PDF) … Includes Government Business Plan and Ministry Business Plans … Alberta Finance … 2012-15 … Exchange Rate (US¢/Cdn$) + 1 Cent -247 a Sensitivities are based on current assumptions of prices and rates and show the … FUND AND ENDOWMENT FUNDS These funds, with a forecast book value of $17 .2 billion at March 31, 2012, are invested …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA108816

British Columbia.Ministry of Education, School District No. 62 (Sooke, B.C.), Sooke Region Literacy Project Task Group, Westshore Literacy Steering Committee

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… title. … Title varies: 2008-2010, District Literacy Plan; 2012, Sooke region community literacy plan; 2013- , vol … adult education program, and to expand our successful Book Bin Program. The SRLP also envisioned identifying the … needs perceived by the LOC and other service providers. Based on successful programs in other communities, both of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_543698_sd_62_2012

British Columbia.Ministry of Education, School District No. 57 (Prince George, B.C.)

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… British Columbia Prince George … District literacy plan [electronic resource] : School District No. 57 (Prince … due to a visible shift away from the need for community based tutors, and towards assisting parents, grandparents and … and is into its second printing. We give each parent a book for their child and have found that books allow the …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Cariboo-Chilcotin School District (No. 27)

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… cover title. … Title varies: 2008-2009, District literacy plan; 2010, Regional literacy plan; 2011- , Regional … Program Investors Group Joy Gawne, Co-owner, Nuthatch Book Store Karen Bersford, Women's Centre Counselor Kathleen … health. Scope and Purpose This report reflects community-based literacy activities and impacts related to Literacy …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_543359_sd27_2012

B.C. Pavilion Corporation

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… Legislative Library. … Exempt from issuing Service plan in 2003/2006 cycle. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service … enabled the Convention Centre to continue to attract and book significant new business. The combined infrastructure of … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of PavCo’s operating environment, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_353286_bc_pavilion_srv_pln_2012

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … Adjusted for Uncertainty .............................. 5-22 Chapter 5 - Resource Planning Risk Framework 2012 … BC Hydro’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is to identify, based on good 2 utility practice, B.C. Government policy, and …

Public Service Pension Plan (B.C.), British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… Public Service Pension Plan (B.C.) … British Columbia Pension Corporation … Cover … on economic conditions. The basic pension benefit is based on the member’s highest average salary, years of … designated occupations have different retirement rules based on age. The normal retirement age for correctional …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_348281_guide_plan_members_2012

British Columbia.Forest Practices Board

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… and that they provide the basic information needed to help plan a response to unwanted wildland fire not controlled by … communities require periodic fire to maintain health. Based on these findings, the Board is making seven … by perimeter mop-up. The Incident Commander had a formal briefing with senior staff at the fire centre and a …

Municipal Pension Plan (B.C.), British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… Municipal Pension Plan (B.C.) … British Columbia Pension Corporation … … provides general information about the pension plan and is based on the relevant plan documents (statutes, regulations … Plan is a defined benefit plan. This means your pension is based on the number of years you made contributions to the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_337832_mpp_guide_2012

British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Vancouver Island North School District (No. 85), Mount Waddington Literacy Now Committee

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… … Pdf cover title. … Title varies: 2008, District literacy plan; 2009-2010,Vancouver Island North School District 85 and … communities. The North Island is comprised of the resource based industries of logging, fishing, and mining. In the … Do’s & Don’ts (How to safeguard your personal info) Book Club Email “Etiquette” Do’s & Don’ts (Spam, Phishing) …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_543748_sd_85_2012

British Columbia.Ministry of Education, School District No. 48 (Sea to Sky, B.C.), School District #48 (Howe Sound, B.C.), Sea to Sky Lower Stl'Atl'imx Literacy Planning Committee, Sea to Sky Regional Stl'Atl'imx Literacy Committee

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… … Title varies: 2008-2009, Community/district literacy plan; 2012, A community/district literacy plan for Sea to Sky … agencies continue to be important conduits to community based issues and ideas, linking literacy to overall health … community members. This year’s initiative included a used book sale, with donations from the Reading Tree, along with …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_543696_sd_48_2012

Ontario.Erie St. Clair Local Health Integration Network, Shaw Consulting., Agora Group.

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… Thirteen appendices to the adult mental health strategic plan for Erie St. Clair, 2012-2016; Q & A : adult mental … remove any access barriers to community services that are based on stereotypes and stigma about people with mental … emergency departments) can contact ConnexOntario to book a next day appointment with a mental health service …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT320173A

Alberta. Dept. of Finance, issuing body.

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… Document Format (PDF) … Includes Government Business Plan and Ministry Business Plans … Alberta Finance … Budget / … delivers extension programs and services, research-based information and innovative business tools to encourage … supports creative industries (i.e., sound recording and book and magazine publishing; fi lm, television and digital …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA108818