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Afficher 121 - 135 de 6616 résultats
B.C. Innovation Council

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… ends March 31. … Continued by: Innovate BC. Annual service plan report. … As of September 2004 the Innovation and … upon a continuing supply of highly qualified personnel. Based on current trends, the number of BC students trained … - $321,329). 6. Capital assets: 2009 2008 Accumulated Net book Net book Cost amortization value value Furniture, …

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Business Practices & Consumer Protection Authority of British Columbia

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… Practices and Consumer Protection Authority business plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … 10 Achieving Our Goals 12 Ongoing Performance Measures 22 32 While pursing new goals, our ongoing focus will … delegated by government in 2008-2010. • Conduct a risk-based assessment of gaps in consumer protection which would …

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Saskatchewan.Public Service Commission.

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… internal and external resources required to achieve the plan. This Means... This Doesn’t Mean... • learning all the … start of the day and after your breaks, set a quality goal based on your philosophy. Reflection Tip: ∗ How do these … Movies The video, “Applied Strategic Planning: Executive Briefing”, by William J. Pfeiffer. This video presents an …

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Tourism British Columbia

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B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Running title: BC Hydro ... long term acquisition plan. … Continues in part: B.C. Hydro. Integrated electricity … filed with British Columbia Utilities Commission December 22, 2008. See bib record 453236. … Electronic copy of plan is … uncertainty can be dealt with through the use of qu based on historical data bases. Some judgement is needed to …

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BC Timber Sales

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… title. … Running title: BC Timber Sales annual service plan report. … Catalogue record made available by the British … tives such as species at risk recovery and ecosystem based man- agement (EBM) in the Central and North Coast Land … Balance $113.2 $134.3 Roads $634.7 $679.2 Book Value Accumulated Amortization ($341.0) ($373.5) Net …

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B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Running title: BC Hydro ... long term acquisition plan. … Continues in part: B.C. Hydro. Integrated electricity … filed with British Columbia Utilities Commission December 22, 2008. See bib record 453236. … Electronic copy of plan is … capacity of 50 per cent or more and 200 MW or more. Based on this information, the only rebuild scenario that has …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_441362_2008_appendix_j4

Bell, Pat, Geisler, Mike, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests and Range, Geisler Consulting Inc., PricewaterhouseCoopers (Firm)

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… of Forests and Range, British Columbia Forest Service briefing note [Issue: removal of the private land owned by … land removal from Tree Farm Licence 23 : communications plan. … "Ensuring payments to local suppliers and contractors … … Minister's decision on TFL 23. -- Communications Plan … Private Land Removal from Tree Farm Licence 23 …

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B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Running title: BC Hydro ... long term acquisition plan. … Continues in part: B.C. Hydro. Integrated electricity … filed with British Columbia Utilities Commission December 22, 2008. See bib record 453236. … Electronic copy of plan is … The opinions expressed in this report are based on Global Energy Decisions’ judgment and analysis of …

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Research Power Inc., Nova Scotia.Dept. of Health Promotion and Protection

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Nouvelle Écosse

… care providers may judge the likelihood of an addiction based on what they assume a person with an addiction would … Further, along with an update on the patient’s treatment plan/progress, a few expressed an interest in receiving … the obstacle of a lack of time. Moyer and Finney (2004) 22 provide examples of various computer programs designed to …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Richmond School District (No. 38), Richmond Literacy Now Committee

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… Pdf caption title. … Title varies: 2008, District literacy plan; 2009, Richmond community literacy plan; 2010, District literacy plan; 2012- , District literacy plan Richmond. … Catalogue …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation

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… of Transportation … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Continued by: Service plan / … 22 Resource Summary Table … Volatile but generally rising prices for petroleum-based products will also change travel behaviour and shift … Construction and Maintenance Branch. The data are based on the results of local and regional audits, and road …

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British Columbia Assessment Authority

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… from cover. … Title varies: 2002-2007, Annual service plan report for the year ... and a report on the creation of … • We continued to invest in our ability to provide map-based information to our customers through the e-valueBC web-based application. To support the additional need for …

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British Columbia.Premier

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… British Columbia.Premier … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … Catalogue record made … Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … 22 Resource Summary Table … new strategies and update the human resource plan annually based on feedback • and results. Performance Measure 4: …

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Plant, Byron King, British Columbia.Legislative Library

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… ranging from large-scale urban renewal to community-based revitalization. This paper examines the history of … a report updating and revising the earlier 1929 city plan. Their report, “A Preliminary Report upon Economic … 3 See John Atkin, “Strathcona,” in The Greater Vancouver Book, Chuck Davis, ed. (Surrey, BC: Linkman Press, 1997), 86. …

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