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Afficher 46 - 60 de 6382 résultats
Ranson, David, Kurschner, Mark, Product Care Association, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment, British Columbia.Environmental Standards Branch

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… … At head of title: LightRecycle. … "This stewardship plan for lamps and lighting equipment has been developed by … Lights – flashlights, snake lights, night lights, book lights 10. Emergency Lighting 11. Ballasts – Ballasts … Management Current end of life management practices vary based on the type of product and whether it is considered …

British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General

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… report; 2007/08-2012/13, Annual report and ... service plan; 2013/14- , Annual report. … Some reports also have title: Auditing in the public interest. … Description based on 1982. … Catalogue record made available by the … improvements Total Year ended March 31, 2012 Opening net book value 138 28 190 - 356 Additions 48 71 60 67 246 …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, School District No. 5 (Southeast Kootenay, B.C.)

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… British Columbia Kootenay Region … District literacy plan [electronic resource] / School District No. 5 (Southeast … thinking and ability required in today’s’ knowledge based economy. People with high levels of literacy are more … with the use of a draw for an Ipod. 3. Add information book marks to teen book‟s at the circulation desk at local …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Revelstoke School District (No. 19), Revelstoke Literacy Action Committee

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… … Title varies: 2008-2010, A community/district literacy plan for Revelstoke; 2012- , Revelstoke community/district … meeting  Program identification/prioritization process based on funding available.  Information provided on …  Raise a Reader planning, directory, financial literacy, book exchange and district literacy planning process …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii, B.C.), Literacy Haida Gwaii Society

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… Haida Gwaii … Literacy Haida Gwaii community literacy plan ... and Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte School District … that response to individual circumstances. Community-based learning is flexible and responsive. Supporting … 50 administrators -teachers -students Page 12 of 34 Cedar Book Awards programs. -Continue to develop partnership with …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training

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… Training … Cover title … "Canada starts here. The BC jobs plan." … Catalogue record made available by the British … — through regional workforce tables, through sector-based tables and through one-on-one conversations at which … It is anticipated that there will be a cumulative gap of 22,000 to 32,000 technical and trades workers in B.C. alone, …

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BC Parks, Bell, Tom, Bawtinheimer, Brian, Unesco

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… provided in the Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park master plan (1989)."--P. [2] … "November 2012." … Catalogue record … heritage structures from the earliest days of facility-based backcountry tourism in the Canadian Rockies. … environmental impact.  Provide roofed accommodations based on existing heritage structures that have evolved in … 22 3.1 Vision …

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Alberta Innovates - Energy and Environment Solutions, issuing body.

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… issuing body. … null … Alberta Innovates … Busines Plan … Business Plan … [Government of Alberta] … Alberta … • Low natural gas prices • U.S. demand for petroleum-based transportation fuels is continuing to fall • Volumetric … Risk Analysis Gap Defining Technology Platforms Roadmaps 22 STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN – ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT SOLUTIONS …

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Alberta. Dept. of Finance, issuing body.

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… Document Format (PDF) … Includes Government Business Plan and Ministry Business Plans … Alberta Finance … … a credible and open source information system on science-based environmental indicators . (Environment and Water) Th … 817 Tourism, Parks and Recreation 164 163 179 182 186 188 22,321 22,332 22,650 24,056 25,231 26,005 Securing Alberta's …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, School District #70 (Alberni, B.C.)

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… British Columbia Port Alberni Region … District literacy plan [electronic resource] / School District #70 (Alberni, … partner in the development and implementation of community-based literacy initiatives. In addition, the district … free service open to the entire community - kind of like a book library. Like a book library, you borrow items for a …

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B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Web page listing title: Draft integrated resource plan. … First Pdf file comprises a summary entitled: BC Hydro … ............................................... 22 6 Upgrading From Single To Redundant Supply To A Load … as prepared by BC Hydro’s distribution planners, are based on the ten-year High distribution substation forecast …

British Columbia.Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, British Columbia.Premier

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… under title: 1 year progress report : the BC jobs plan. … "Canada starts here. The BC jobs plan." … "October … * BC data source: 2011, Statistics Canada; 2012, forecast based on Royal Bank of Canada data; 2013 and 2014, BC … lanes. (The Port Mann Bridge is officially in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s widest bridge.) } …

British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

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… Financial statement audit coverage plan for fiscal years ...; 2016/17/2018/19- , Financial … The extent of direct and oversight involvement required is based on my judgment and detailed assessments of risk at both … corporations 42 24 4 14 24 5 13 24 5 13 Total 150 105 22 23 106 22 22 106 22 22 29% 71% Total Government Expenses …

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Canadian Food Inspection Agency., Canada.Public Safety Canada, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, British Columbia.Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, British Columbia.Ministry of Health Services, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment, Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia

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… purpose of the Foreign Animal Disease Emergency Support Plan is to provide an agreement whereby federal and … and the animal industry may be utilized in any function, based on personal qualifications and need. This Plan … authorities or industry may be utilized in any function, based on qualifications and need. For example, local industry …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows School District (No. 42), Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows - Katzie Community Literacy Committee

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… … Title varies: 2008-2010, District/community literacy plan; 2011- , Community and district literacy plan. … "July … communities: 1. Identify and increase free and community based services to adult learners in Maple Ridge, Pitt … Katzie Community and District Literacy Plan 2011 Page 22 Proposed Action Plan The following action plan is the …

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