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Afficher 61 - 75 de 210 résultats
Alberta. Dept. of Industry and Development. Industrial Development Branch, issuing body.

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… installation - l%c per KWH. Discount - 10% within 10 days, based on dollars of total bill with a minimum discount of 30c … vegetables, honey, fish, natural gas, oil, sand and gravel.22. GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND SERVICES Federal - Post Office, … Film Club, Art Club, Handicraft Guild, Community Band, Book Club, Drama at School, Music Teach- ers (piano, violin, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86732

British Columbia.Public Utilities Commission

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… ordinary application was received from School District No. 22 (Vernon). The district wished to obtain water for the. … such areas, and the first extension constructed under the plan consisted of 15 miles of distribution-line to serve … pointing out that the Wasa-Ta Ta Creek exten- sions were based on the cost of providing, service. Subse- quent tariff …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_259705_1962

British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General, British Columbia.Corrections Branch.Report of the Inspector of Gaols.

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… and regulations of the Reformatory may be considered to be based on those in force in the adjoining Provincial Gaol, but … recreation in the open air. "A reference to the Conduct Book shows that tlie general behaviour in the Reformatory has … so that thereafter he cannot plead ignorance. "The Conduct Book, in which marks are entered against each boy's name …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_345310_1897

Alberta Board of Visitors for Public Institutions, issuing body.

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… of a bakery, waterworks system, farm building and, in X$22, a building for female prisoners* % gbqotbs* jSTOLPigos … 88* x 3&1, which was added to the women*b building in 1^22 by prison labor is of ei liar construction. It is modem in … Dtpah puny Public Woa\S. P_RG\ 4Cir\_L hi U^BRiDGE Ke.y Plan jcALE 30 = I C I COW 3A£h L£-.- Ydl-\ :CITAQ£ // \ MCI 3 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84432

Alberta. Emergency Measures Organization, issuing body.

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… years scientific editor of Lord Beaverbrook's Fleet Street based Daily Express, Pincher tells of the new Vulcan and … strength of the Canadian armed forces is 134,000; 22,000 in the navy, 60,000 in the army and 52,000 in the air … AUGUST 1962 NUCLEAR WEAPON EFFECTS These tables are based on material compiled for the United Kingdom Civil …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86715

Alberta. Dept. of Industry and Development. Industrial Development Branch, issuing body.

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… Red Deer Public Library offers 19,857 volumes. Red Deer Book Club, United Nations Club, Red Deer Choral Society, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86710

Alberta. Emergency Measures Organization, issuing body.

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… charge, from the edi- tor. So NEAR and yet, so far ... . (Based on Facts from "Milwaukee Civil Defence Newsnotes") … ready. PROVINCIAL: Three volumes of the Alberta Surviva l Plan giving information covering all aspects of conduct in an … 19. FC 6. RADREP 20. FRP 7. RADEXREP 21. FWC 8. SITREP 22. FWO 9. AFWC 23. GZ 10. ALP 24. GS 11. CASS 25. HOB 12. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86713

British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… of Education Home Economics Circular No. 1 PREFACE, HIS book is intended for use in the teaching of foods and cookery … 1. Read recipe carefully; follow directions accurately. 2. Plan work so as to save time and labour. 3. Economize in the … .1 cup. .3-4 dates. .iy2 large. .1 large bunch. .y2 cup. .22 grapes. .1 cup. .3 large. .6-8 olives. .6-8 olives. .1 …

British Columbia.Central Statistics Bureau, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations.Planning and Statistics Division, British Columbia.Treasury Board Secretariat.Statistics Branch., British Columbia.Central Statistics Branch, BC Stats

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… for purchase. At this time, data available on diskette is based on data released by Statistics Canada in April 2002. On … rate of growth of real GDP at market prices for 1981 based on current methodology appeared to be unreasonably … 1972 11,846 13.9 106,785 11.2 5,286 4,898 1.08 1973 14,506 22.5 125,384 17.4 6,302 5,688 1.11 1974 17,299 19.2 149,883 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_93222_1962_81

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, issuing body.

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… program , linked with Alberta's Five Year Development Plan, are enabling smaller towns and villages to construct … Districts GRAND TOTAL 173 23,982.67 7,218.45 3,609.22 1,804.61 49,883 58 5,195.16 1,853.45 926.73 463.37 13,494 … but specialized diagnostic services would not. A county- based public health program would have to be reinforced on a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86726

Research Council of Alberta.

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… Q 8 2 Knobs are hills and hillocks circular to oval in plan outline. They F are composed almost entirely of till. … Alberta Soc. Petrol. Geol., Seventh Ann. Field Conf. Guide Book, p. 52 - 53. (1960): Surficial geology of the Red … in the Edmonton district are classed into three groups, based on mode and time of deposition. Preglacial deposits are …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86767

British Columbia.Provincial Fisheries Department, British Columbia.Provincial Department of Fisheries

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… was employed in catching and handling the catches and $22,253,544 invested in canneries, fish-packing … $18,849,658 $20, 795,91'4 $21;257,567 $22,414,618 $27,367,109 Nova Scotia … 3,657,423 gallons. The reliable "Pacific Fisherman's Year Book for 1927" gives the total fish-oil production on the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_128144_1927

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. Field Crops Branch, issuing body.

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… is also given. All control methods included herein are based on actual experiments conducted in the Province by … stray winter annuals will be well repaid. A good plan would be to gather all such plants in a sack, and burn … times if positive and rapid eradication is to be expected. 22 Wild Oats wild OATS (Avena Fatua, L.) Annual, of European …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84431

British Columbia.Dept. of Labour.

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… minimum wage for experienced employees is $12.75; 727 or 22.19 per cent, of all employees reported received this … required in this 12 00 „ 6th 4 class. Above rates are based on a 48-hour week. Maximum working-period 48 hours, … includes the work of females employed as stenographers, book-keepers, typists, billing clerks, filing clerks, …

British Columbia.Royal Commission to Inquire into the Truth of Certain Allegations Contained in a Declaration Made by One John A. Gauthier Imputing Improper Conduct to the Honourable Mr. Sutherland, Minister of Public Works, Morrison, Aulay., British Columbia.Lieutenant-Governor

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… Sir: I beg to submit this, an ~m~,er~:n repol~,t_ based upon the evidence adduced at the 3 ittings of the Royal …