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Afficher 31 - 45 de 3997 résultats
British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General.Community Programs Division.

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… 4 Developing an Action Plan … and Safe Schools Fund, to support schools and community- based strategies that enhance public safety and local crime … contributions noticed by their team mates. Sue Vineyard's book, Beyond Banquets, Plaques and Pins: Creative Ways to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_366485_projectguide

British Columbia.Ministry of Health Planning

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… plans), which are updated yearly, and annual service plan reports (formerly called performance reports). The … ensure the public system makes the best use of technology, based on patient need and the best evidence about the impact … airport, university-college, TV station and even a phone book. But they did not share a health region, even though …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_355221_355221_bchp_ar_2001_02

British Columbia.Pollution Prevention and Remediation Branch.

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22 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED RISK … to meet certain standards. The trend is for performance-based warranties whereby the supplier provides assurances … is specific to a project. The limit can be selected based on the perceived exposure relative to the particular …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_361806_assurance_plan_guide1

British Columbia.Land Use Coordination Office., British Columbia.Kispiox Land and Resource Management Planning Team

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… Region. … Amended Kispiox land and resource management plan. -- … Amended Kispiox Land and Resource Management Plan22 6.7 PROTECTED … public and inter-agency participation and consensus-based decision making were incorporated as the process … stumpage will be used to enhance forestry, forest-based communities and the forest sector. Intensive …

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Alberta. Capital Planning Initiative, issuing body.

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22 Table 4 - Comparative Analysis of Business Practices - … SUMMARY Background The government’s 2000-2003 Business Plan includes the following goal: ‘Alberta will have … and urban links to the Primary highway system. Measure is based on 1999-00 data. 3. The Utilization measure excludes …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA89741

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Planning, Evaluation and Children's Services Branch.Policy and Planning Unit.

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… 21 Activity 7 – Understanding Privilege in Daily Life 22 Activity 8 – Making a Personal Commitment and Becoming … your classroom, school, or school division to discuss, plan and take concrete actions toward ensuring that each … and ensures equality of results for all students based on individual aptitudes, abilities and interests, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99959623503479

Catherine Berris Associates Inc.

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… LLBC copy: Scoping a comprehensive coastal zone management plan. ([2] p.) … [Tofino, B.C. : Clayoquot Sound Central … Canada proposal to develop and monitor a conservation-based shellfish economy in Clayoquot Sound, and • Joint … work plan and consultation process. It was developed based on significant input from the CRB, as well as contact …

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McKim, Patricia, British Columbia.Land Use Coordination Office., Forest Renewal BC

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… Coast Land and Coastal Land and Resource Management Plan : northern plan area economic opportunity and barrier … or revenue flow. Eco tourism and recreational based fisheries directed from a local community base does … These fishing lodges target a high-end clientele who pre-book holidays. Community development and expansion into the …

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Forest Productivity Council of British Columbia.Biodiversity/Habitat Working Group, Forest Productivity Council of British Columbia, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… Group five-year strategy, 2002-2006 : implementation plan / Forest Productivity Council of British Columbia. -- … … area over the next three years. The Implementation Plan is based on a set of BWG-developed Action Plans related directly … implementation plan (the Plan) in the fall of 2001. It is based on the BWG Five-year Strategy and an associated …

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Legal Services Society of British Columbia

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… Columbia … Cover title. … Running title: LSS business plan. … Available on the Internet. … Vancouver, B.C. : Legal … for family services (far beyond what was anticipated based on the eligibility and coverage changes). This suggests … objective of this initiative is to pilot such a program. 22 LSS Business Plan 2001 – 2002 Outputs • Use the designated …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_346620_lssbc_bp_2001_02

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment

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… of the Environment … Issued also in French under title: Plan d'activitès 2001-2002 / Ministére de l'environnement. … emissions from vehicles in the program area by 22 per cent (or 62,000 tonnes), while also cutting 100,000 … 2001-2002 Commitments Cleaner Air Reductions in Ontario-based air emissions, as measured by nitrogen oxides (NOx), …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT219670

British Columbia.Parks Division.South Vancouver Island District., British Columbia.Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

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… Water, Land and Air Protection … Cover title: Management plan for Koksilah River Provincial Park. … "May 2001" … … 22 Wildlife … the park. Relationship with Interest Groups Introduction Based upon the regional nature of some of the park’s major … support for BC Parks initiatives. Some of these are local based groups while others are local branches of national and …

Ontario.Ministry of Finance

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… of Finance … Issued also in French under title: Plan d'activités 2001-2002 / Ministère des finances. … … and universities over the next three years. Through a plan based on fiscal responsibility, accountability and economic … facilities to address growth and expansion; < providing $22.3 billion in interim operating spending for Ontario’s …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Highways

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… Periodicals. … Roads British Columbia … Performance plan / Ministry of Transportation and Highways. -- … Ministry … in progress toward achieving ministry goals, which are based on the ministry’s mission and vision. Effective … and prepare Cabinet and Treasury Board submissions, briefing notes, correspondence and speaking notes. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_345330_bctransportation_pp_2001_04

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries

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… Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Strategic and business plan. ISSN 1481-3491. … Continued by: British Columbia. … as necessary. The ministry’s three-year strategy is based on three key priorities: industry development, resource … in the target areas by the end of the program in 2005. 22 A G R I C U L T U R E A N D F O O D P E R F O R M A N C E …