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Afficher 3871 - 3885 de 3997 résultats
Alberta. Dept. of Government Services, issuing body.

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… Affairs 57 5 3 0 1 0 66 Human Resources and Employment 10 22 5 10 2 0 49 Treasury 4 12 21 3 5 0 45 Community … including Provincial Archives 6 9 4 6 3 3 31 Justice 0 22 1 0 6 1 30 Health and Wellness 4 5 8 4 2 0 23 Learning 0 5 … Willow 0 40 0 40 Sakaigun Asky 0 32 0 32 Region 13 0 22 0 22 Sun Country 2 17 0 19 Southeast Alberta 0 19 0 19 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA89072

Ontario.Ministère de l'éducation

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… enseignement des langues — conseils de langue anglaise 22. Somme liée aux programmes de français langue seconde 23. … aux fins du programme. 4. Le ministre a approuvé le plan de dotation élaboré à l’égard du programme et il est … et des avantages sociaux des enseignants dans le cadre du plan de dotation visé à la disposition 4 du paragraphe (2). …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT219117

Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal

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… is issued, a hearing will not be held. The order will be based on the claim you made in the application. If you have … amount in the total. The most the Tribunal can order based on your claim is $10,000. Once the Tribunal issues the … will you use? The Tribunal also needs to know how you plan to give a copy of the Notice of Hearing to the tenant. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT226408

Ontario.Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.Access to Professions and Trades Unit, Professional Engineers Ontario

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… high demand in Ontario's globally competitive, knowledge-based economy. Whereas unemployment levels for professional …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT228029

Ontario.Ministère du travail

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… (1 of 7) [11/22/2001 4:31:01 PM] et ses règlements (Les règlements sont … (2 of 7) [11/22/2001 4:31:01 PM] L'employeur fixe la période pendant … annuelles et doit s'assurer qu'il le fera dans les 22 mois suivant la date à laquelle il a commencé à travailler … d'emploi | site principal | commentaires | recherche | plan du site | english | | Page d'accueil | Messages | Normes …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT223172

Ontario.Ministère du travail

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… d'emploi | site principal | commentaires | recherche | plan du site | english | Jours fériés- Ministère du travail …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT223215

Ontario.Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

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… flexible, transparent, clearly worded and scientifically based. Stakeholders suggested that the proposed act be … act should: · be flexible, transparent, simple, broad-based, clearly worded, and scientifically based; · support … numerous organizations, providing oversight of food safety plan audits, certifications, validations making it less …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT220175

Ontario.Office of the Integrity Commissioner, Evans, Gregory T.

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… will only act when the conflict of interest is based on facts established beyond a reasonable doubt. … when the tax-free allowance was eliminated, the pension plan revised and the salary restructured to the present … $69,100 plus an incidental tax-free expense allowance of $22,800. The Lumley Report recommended that the tax-free …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT221488

Manitoba.Appeal Commission., Manitoba.Medical Review Panel.

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… by a file review if all the issues are easy to understand based on the file documents. The panel reaches a decision … 42 Is present condition related to the compensable 27 11 22 injury Entitlement to medical aid payment 14 19 21 Should … 3 1 0 treatment Was the vocational rehabilitation plan appropriate 3 5 5 Average earnings policy 2 4 1 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107422599K

Manitoba.Appeal Commission., Manitoba.Medical Review Panel.

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… Statistics 21 Service Levels MEDICAL REVIEW PANELS 22 About Medical Review Panels 23 Medical Review Panel … of the completion of the hearing. Appeal decisions are based on the evidence on file and the evidence presented … medications 5 6 6 Was the vocational rehabilitation plan appropriate 4 2 2 Entitlement to a permanent partial …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107422599

Manitoba.Appeal Commission., Manitoba.Medical Review Panel.

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… MEDICAL REVIEW PANELS 21 About Medical Review Panels 22 Medical Review Panel Statistics 23 Service Levels 4 … within 60 days of the hearing ending. Decisions are made based on the evidence on file, the evidence presented during … impairment award 7 6 10 Was the vocational rehabilitation plan appropriate 5 3 2 Deeming process 4 4 2 Entitlement to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107422599E

Manitoba.Appeal Commission., Manitoba.Medical Review Panel.

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… ........…...................................................22 Service Levels sise 23 4 2014 Annual Report Introduction … within 60 days of the hearing ending. Decisions are made based on the evidence on file, the evidence presented during … medications 3 2 0 Was the vocational rehabilitation plan appropriate 3 2 3 Are deemed workers earnings reportable …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107422599F

Manitoba.Appeal Commission., Manitoba.Medical Review Panel.

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… Medical Review Panels 21 Medical Review Panel Statistics 22 Service … within 60 days of the hearing ending. Decisions are made based on the evidence on file, the evidence presented during … be accepted 3 3 1 Was the vocational rehabilitation plan appropriate 3 3 0 Is worker capable of performing …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107422599H

Vancouver Island Energy Corporation, B.C. Hydro, British Columbia Utilities Commission

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… 28.2 or 28.3 applies; or (b) an approval of a development plan under section 5.1 of the Canada Oil and Gas Operations …

BC Stats

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… BC in 1999 came from addi- tions to full-time employment. Based on the first eleven months of 2000, the net gain in … 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Thousands Percent Full Time Employment Part Time … in British Co- lumbia. If you prefer, we offer paper-based subscriptions at prices that reflect our increased …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_204296_2001_01_jan5