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Afficher 526 - 540 de 690 résultats
British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Highways, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

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… to explain the pro- cess indeveloping theTransporta- tion Plan; to the South Coast Re- gion to open the Pacific … McDonald has two branches un- der hisdirection - Highway Plan- ning and Planning Services - as well as foursenior … on March 31 , 1988. john passed away on De- cember 22, 1988. john Epoch John Joseph Epoch Mr. Epoch began …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_174919_1980_1989_1989_05_spring

British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Highways, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

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… and the Deputy Minister . . 2 Provincial Transportation Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Inland Ferries. . . . . … smiling answer might be: $250. That's howmuch theQues- net-based employee earned when he recommended that already- … Marine Policy. Bruce W. Dean, startdate: Febru- ary 22, 1962, retirement date: July 31, 1989, 27 years service. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_174919_1980_1989_1989_10_fall

Alberta. Emergency Measures Organization, issuing body.

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… for scouts to participate in a national emergency plan, the organi- zation can best serve by continuing … OTTAWA — The second phase of Canada's Emergency Health Plan will begin shortly as a result of discussions now … Government of Canada, developed a series of publications based on the opinions of the most expert ad- visors available …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86825

British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development

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… items are: 1. Workers' Compensation Act; 2. Canada Pension Plan and 3. Unemployment Insurance. 1. Worker's Compensation … purposes will be $20,400 in 1980. 2. Canada Pension Plan The Canada Pension Plan is a compulsory Federal Government program designed to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_517735_2

British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development

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… items are: 1. Workers' Compensation Act; 2. Canada Pension Plan and 3. Unemployment Insurance. 1. Worker's Compensation … purposes will be $20,400 in 1980. 2. Canada Pension Plan The Canada Pension Plan is a compulsory Federal Government program designed to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_517736_2

Manitoba.Assemblée législative.

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… intermédiaire. Il s’agit là de la troisième étape d’un plan de cinq ans visant à réduire de 10 % l’impôt des … aux Manitobains et Manitobaines d’épargner près de 22 millions de dollars. Le 1er janvier, un nouveau crédit … proches à domicile. D’autres initiatives relatives à notre plan fiscal figureront dans le Budget de 2009. Elles …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107455200K

Alberta. Emergency Measures Organization, issuing body.

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… over to the local unit, and the main part of its disaster plan has been approved. Over 3,000 copies of the booklet "11 … and problems encountered in the development of EWS.—Based on a complete report in The Lacombe Globe. A month of … is capable of coping with a real disaster in the area.—Based on a news story in The Leduc Represenattive. Dr. S. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86828

B.C. Hydro.System Engineering Division., Thurber Consultants Ltd.

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… ... Environmental and socio-economic assessment, was based on a report Prepared by Thurber Consultants … and reservoir shoreline stability. The climate study was based on information from Environ- ment Canada, the B.C. … However, at present there is no coordinating sub-regional plan to guide land allocation within the lower Peace River …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_341466_part_two_a

Best, Bill, B.C. Hydro

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… Our load forecasts, on which planning for our system is based, do not include any provision for supply of electricity … and scheduling of additional generating facilities is based entirely on serving forecast re- quirements in this … forecast is revised "There's only one realistic way to plan a hydroelectric system - and that's to expect a repeat …

British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Publication Services Branch

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… advice or information in this area. Credit Allocation Plan This new system for the ordering of mat- erials by … acquisitions. The Cre- dit Allocation Plan (CAP) is based on a per- pupil credit arrived at by dividing the … costs, purchase of tapes and other materials, the Library Book Pur- chase Plan, and freight and storage costs. Library …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_522144_publication_services

Manitoba.Assemblée législative.

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… de réduire les délais d’attente. Nous allons présenter un plan de réduction des délais d’attente pour les interventions … cliniciens travaillent dur à l’élaboration du tout premier Plan de services cliniques et préventifs au Manitoba, qui … et de la sécurité des patients, qui vient compléter ce plan, touche à sa fin. 3 Cette stratégie garantira …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107455200

Ontario.Legislative Assembly.Standing Committee on Administration of Justice.

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… 18, 1980 . Opening remarks of Minister dated October 22, 1980 . Re report, "Housing in Metropolitan Toronto - …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT24028A

Manitoba.Assemblée législative.

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… à terme sans retard et sans surcoûts; mettre au point un plan d’immobilisations à long terme visant à optimiser nos … de santé à l’échelle de la province. Conformément à un plan clinique provincial, cela permettra de réduire les … la foulée du retrait de la supervision fédérale. Notre Plan 96/4 – Un investissement durable dans le tourisme montre …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107455200A

British Columbia.Environment and Land Use Committee.Working Group on Mitigation and Compensation

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… and compensation decisions. The Awards and decisions are based more on the advocacy or vocif- erousness of the parties … of resource availability will be established by region based on economic, biophysical and social criteria. The … whose auspices or direction the mitigation/ compensation plan should be implemented. In cases where the developer …

Manitoba.Assemblée législative.

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… emplois et la croissance économique sont au cœur de notre plan pour un meilleur Manitoba. Une économie plus forte nous … les familles de la province. Il est essentiel d’avoir un plan financier solide pour bâtir une croissance soutenue. Le … auprès des visiteurs du monde entier. Nous lancerons le Plan Nord pour favoriser des partenariats nécessaires afin …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107455200C