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Afficher 136 - 150 de 690 résultats
British Columbia.Educational Data Services., British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Statistical Services., British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Support Services., British Columbia.Schools Facilities Planning, British Columbia.Schools Facilities Branch, British Columbia.Dept. of Education, B.C. Research

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… B.C. Research. … Issued by B.C. Research. … Description based on 1972/1982. … Vol. for 1980/1990 issued as: E.D.S. … future enrolments are projected for each school district, based on the trends established over the past few years. The … 1 47 .14% 17 .05% 28 .08% 37 .10% Age 2 44 .13% 36 .10% 22 .06% 37 .10% Age 3 35 .10% 24 . 07% 31 .09% 27 .08% Age 4 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_343945_1980_1990

Lea, E. C.(Edward Charles),1952-, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment.Assessment and Planning Division.

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… and the infonnation presented in this booklet legend are based on the following data: a. B.C. Ministry of Forests - … The forest subzone is a subdivision of the forest zone, based on climate- related successional trends in the … wB,tA Sub- Zones a,b,c, a a,b ,c a ,c a,b,c b,c b,c c a,c 22 Interior Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir Zone (Cont'd) Map …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_247852_explanatory_legend

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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… Maple Ridge Chilcotin U n a T_, h f d i S , t i C , S — N 22 PUBLIC SCHOOLS REPORT, 1963/64 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS The … com- munity recreation programming. Community grants are based on such factors as size of community, personnel … and maintained by the Visual Educa- tion Division. The book library was kept up to date with 195 new additions. New …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2019_73597_1963_64_public_schools_ar

Nova Scotia.Commission on Municipal Boundaries and Municipal Representation., Outhit, William D.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… Scotia . ............................................. 22 Part VI Part VII Part vm Part IX -Comment with reference … from them and t(} make some observations and comparisons based upon these figures. (1) Cities. All cities have been … sewers; road systems; metropolitan transportation; police; plan- ning; parks; recreation and other general area …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000009519

Ernst & Whinney, G.D. Hall Associates., Howard Paish & Associates, British Columbia, Canada, Canada-British Columbia Travel Industry Development Subsidiary Agreement

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… 45%; 2. overnight charter boats drew approximately 22%; and 3. day charter boats drew approximately 33%. … Mainland) Alberta Washington Other 31% 30% 20% 14% 5% e Based on the location and size of North American diver … Diving Diving Trip U.S.A. Diving Diving Trips Airlines in Plan a Diving I I Past Trip in in Past Trip in Past in Past …

Alberta. Dept. of Industry and Development. Industrial Development Branch, issuing body.

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… in the province, is now off the press. The 166-page book contains six sec- tions: an alphabetical listing of … Fair will be held at the Edmonton Exhibition Grounds April 22 to 27 inclusive. Highlight of the first day will be the … fire protection. Tax Structure: The mill rate is 65 mills based on 34.5 municipal; 27.1 school; 3.4 hospital. Total …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86815

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

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… authority treated an action for money had and received as based upon an obligation imposed -3- ex aequo et bono, 8 (out … trust to give a proprietary remedy was appropriate.22 Recent years have seen the steady growth of a body of case … plaintiff 3s 6d for every extract he made from a register-book of burials and baptisms. The charge was not authorized …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_267728_working_paper

Minnekhada Advisory Committee (B.C.), British Columbia.Provincial Agricultural Land Commission

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… Map - "The Local Setting" Minnekhada - The Resource Plan of Land Forms Photo 1 Photo 2 Information and Opinion … of plant and wildlife habitat. Four land forms, or regions based on elevation, have been identified and are coded and … of these proposals? Do you have other suggestions? 4 21 22 4 - 3. Estate Grounds and Marsh The marsh and surrounding …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_254556_minnekhada

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills

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… incorporation and presumably meets a level of canpetency based on the course material it provides, and since ours is … I didn’ t mean to mislead you • It’ s ca~ered by sections 22 and 23 • I slDuldn’t have said it’s a code of ethics, but … liability action, and failure to adhere to the same harx~book shall constitute prima facie evidence of professional …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2010_212414_06_may_6_1980

Vancouver Island Energy Corporation, B.C. Hydro, British Columbia Utilities Commission

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… company Cominco L t d . ("Cominco") . The application was based upon a proposed Plants and S u r p l u s Energy … l i c Convenience and Necessity was heard commencing April 22, 1980 and was completed April 3 0 , 1980 in Vancouver, …

Ontario.Hazardous Contaminants Programme., United Technology and Science Inc.

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… 9.6 Tetrachloroethylene Manufacture .................. 9-22 9.7 Tetramethyl Lead Manufacture ..................... … 12-21 12-3 Reactivity Classification Based on Reaction with the Hydroxyl Radical … keep in mind that the data upon which the categories are based are very seldom complete and/or are often not of a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT181748

Ontario Tender Fruit Producers' Marketing Board.

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… appointed shipper-dealers and licensed growers. Values are based on gross FOB. TABLE I Tonnage and Gross FOB Value of … these new tools into their integrated pest management plan. 9 2019 TENDER FRUIT RESEARCH PROJECT UPDATES … os #8 | a € SS2E £9 : © ‘ 2° ë HR . os ° ao 55 528 : = ol Book : É 8 ra = 2 O| X © 56 aseckee © g © 5 © _ © = QE = 3 Ee …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT21519A

Ontario Tender Fruit Producers' Marketing Board.

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… appointed shipper-dealers and licensed growers. Values are based on gross FOB. TABLE I Tonnage and Gross FOB Value of … these new tools into their integrated pest management plan. 9 2019 TENDER FRUIT RESEARCH PROJECT UPDATES … os #8 | a € SS2E £9 : © ‘ 2° ë HR . os ° ao 55 528 : = ol Book : É 8 ra = 2 O| X © 56 aseckee © g © 5 © _ © = QE = 3 Ee …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT21519L

Lim, Patricia G.,1950-., British Columbia.Water Investigations Branch

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… were done at each site. 3. An ecological classification based on expected species and habitat type was devised … review a multitude of ideas before formulating a workable plan for land use. It has been the objective of this project … British Columbia, Washington and Oregon 11 , Gordon Soules Book Publishers, Vancouver/ London. Thompson, T. E. (1976) 11 …

Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario, Ontario.Dept. of Agriculture, Ontario.Dept. of Agriculture and Food, Ontario.Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ontario.Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

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… statements necessarily involves the use of estimates based on management’s best judgement, particularly when … require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance … Deferred capital contributions represent the net book value of the buildings transferred to ARIO from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT2309W