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Afficher 286 - 300 de 392 résultats
Manitoba.Municipal Board.

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… Total 6 4 APPLICATIONS OUTSTANDING AS AT DECEMBER 31ST 0 0 22 S u m m a r y o f A p p l i c a t i o n s , A p p e a l s … By-laws establishing Regional Public Libraries: Section 22(2) APPLICATIONS OUTSTANDING AND RECEIVED 2017 2018 … Objections to a By-law to adopt and/or amend a Development Plan or Basic Planning Statement filed with the Minister and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107411285A

Manitoba.Municipal Board.

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… 19 – 22 The Public Libraries Act … 46 APPLICATIONS DISPOSED 2015 2016 Applications Approved 22 46 Applications Rejected 0 0 Applications Withdrawn and/or … Objections to a By-law to adopt and/or amend a Development Plan or Basic Planning Statement filed with the Minister and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107411285C

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1960_buzzer_1960_08_26

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … do to obtain this free assistance is to send in your house plan, or scaled sketch, to the Elec- trical S e r v i c e … now, and those you hope some day to add. The free wiring plan which comes back to you in about two weeks, w i l l be a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_01_19

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, issuing body.

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… end of each chorus the vocalist would shout "It's in the book". You would do well to remember this little ditty while … revised regulations and our department's municipal hand- book. You will find that by following the proper procedure …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86730

Ontario.Royal Commission Appointed to Investigate Charges Relating to the Purchase of Lands in the City of Sarnia by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario From Dimensional Investments Limited., McGillivary, George A.,chairman.

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… approved by Cominission^ on October 30,. 19:7 and January 22, 1958 (witli dravrinr;) . 6. Estimates for Tofcnl Cost of … refei'-'^nce to dro.win^; included in Appendix 5. 7. Plan shev/ing lands acquired by Hydro from Dimisnsional … - U1,000 1.9 'alles X 100 ft. north from Gcott v^t.j 22.75 acres from $2500-S3^00/aoro (. T^:tp^P£r::^Tf . …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT15398A

Manitoba.Municipal Board.

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… 19 - 22 The Planning Act … tribunal comprised of a Chair, Vice Chair and 22 members, residing across Manitoba in 10 municipalities. … composé d’un président, d’un vice- président et de 22 membres, résidant dans dix municipalités du Manitoba. De … Objections to a By-law to adopt and/or amend a Development Plan or Basic Planning Statement filed with the Minister and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107411285D

Manitoba.Municipal Board.

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22 The Public Libraries Act … Outstanding as at January 1 st 0 4 Applications Received 22 20 Total 22 24 APPLICATIONS DISPOSED 2009 2010 Applications Approved … Objections to a By-law to adopt and/or amend a Development Plan or Basic Planning Statement filed with the Minister and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107411285I

British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Highways, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

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… Superintendents which was ~ld in Victoria February 21 and 22,1912. Note what the well dressed road super intendent wore … at his desk . On Thur s day and Friday, October 21 and 22, a he avy snowfall which was followed by a tor r enti al …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_174919_1963_1969_1965_12_december

Alberta Government Telephones, issuing body.

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… an interest rate of 43/4%, the second in March 1960 of $22,000,000 with a 5%% rate. This last issue will provide … The total number of employees contributing to the Pension Plan at the end of the fiscal year was 2,736. There was no … in the number of females at 1,066 contributing to the Plan. There were 1,670 males contributing to the Plan for an …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86419

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … That's one reason why the Community Chest united fund plan deserves our support. The Chest not only raises the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1960_buzzer_1960_09_30

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … by W. W. Howells; "To Know the Differ- ence", a book for alcoholics and their families, by A. D. Ullman; "An …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1960_buzzer_1960_12_30

Alberta. Publicity Bureau, issuing body.

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… of the building and which various areas will be put. Plan permits minimum of noise and interference of of … AGT Given Forestry Network The route was established based on evaluation of topographical features, highway … Photo Assoc. Annual Conf. 9-14 9-12 9-14 11-16 11 18-21 22 23-25 23-25 25-27 25-27 25-27 26-27 26-27 26 28-29 30-May …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86697

Alberta. Publicity Bureau, issuing body.

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… which should be com- pleted by March 31st. The overall plan calls for stockpiling approx- imatelv 2,800,000 cubic … Program Involves Lakes and Rivers A ten-year development plan to control flooding, enhance water conservation and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86478

Alberta. Dept. of Industry and Development. Industrial Development Branch, issuing body.

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… NEWSLETTER 3 Edmonton Adhesives Plant Completes Expansion Plan The contact cement is removed directly from the mixing … Continued from Page 1 ) TREMENDOUS RESOURCES Mr. Istvanffy based his projec- tion on the facts that Alberta pos- sesses … INDUSTRIES Board members were inter- ested in the plan, which would have a direct influence on expan- sion of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86487