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Afficher 151 - 165 de 1816 résultats
Ontario.Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, Ontario.Commission d'appel et de révision des professions de la santé., Ontario.Health Services Appeal and Review Board., Ontario.Transitional Physician Audit Panel., Ontario Hepatitis C Assistance Plan Review Committee., Ontario.Health Professions Board., Ontario.Commission d'appel et de révision des services de santé., Ontario.Comité provisoire de vérification des honoraires de médecins., Ontario.Comité de révision du Programme ontarien d'aide aux victimes de l'hepatite C., Ontario.Commission des professions de la santé.

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… Physician Audit Panel. … Ontario Hepatitis C Assistance Plan Review Committee. … Ontario.Health Professions Board. … … are not included in the financial data on pages 18 and 22-24 as it would be arbitrary to determine what portion of … for placement in a long-term care facility; community-based long term care service providers regarding the scope …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT185214AB

Hamilton, Keith R., Oppal, Wallace T., McKinnon, Gil, Policing in British Columbia Commission of Inquiry.

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… briefly. Police independence There are sound reasons, based on history and principle, why police officers should be … or legal issues. The security system must be an open book to responsible Ministers and to the Prime Mimster. No … contend that, were we to develop a master policing plan from scratch today, we would come up with 11 municipal …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_191273_governancepolicingbc

Prowse Commission of Inquiry (B.C.), Prowse, Jo-Ann E.

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… following day, and to advise the court of the New Haven plan. The August 20 court appearance was brief. Crown … Offenders Act and its Relevance to the Transfer transfer based on their predictions. This task only becomes easy with … and the District Directors, and in informal meetings and briefing statements concerning important issues. B. ROLE OF …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_177232_transferdanielmichaelperrault

Ontario.Natural Heritage Information Centre

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… of Canadian Species at Risk................15 Community-based Biodiversity Conservation in the Western L. Superior … Biological Programme(IBP) was a global research plan, con- ducted mainly through the late 1960s and early … to Thunder Bay District. Herrick, T.W. 1860. Field Note Book 1572, Survey of the Township of Paipoonge. Zoltai, S.C. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT178515P

Ontario.Natural Heritage Information Centre

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… of Canadian Species at Risk................15 Community-based Biodiversity Conservation in the Western L. Superior … Biological Programme(IBP) was a global research plan, con- ducted mainly through the late 1960s and early … to Thunder Bay District. Herrick, T.W. 1860. Field Note Book 1572, Survey of the Township of Paipoonge. Zoltai, S.C. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT178515AQ

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.

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… April of 2000 and established the organization’s strategic plan for the next several years. This planning process … position the AFM to be focused on client centered services based on best practice models. Vision: Leading the way to an … 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Video Loans Book Loans Mail Outs Reference Questions Inter Library Loans …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107416109R

British Columbia.Cabinet Office.

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… Columbia Politics and government 1991- Periodicals. … The plan : strategic priorities. -- … '. DOC BC C24 D:P62 1994/95 … natural re- sources and to expand and to build knowledge-based industries; , ~ a strong north/south trade relationship … from traditional resource to value-added and knowledge-based industries. Building on the Premier's Summit on Skills …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_170478_strategic_priorities

Smallwood, Joan., Gove, Thomas J., Gove Inquiry into Child Protection (B.C.)

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… my attention when my office received a critical incident briefing note dated July 13, 1992, the substance of which my … being performed, and that further police action would be based on the results of that autopsy. The area manager had … compounded within a system where many different ministries plan and fund different parts of a service continuum, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_192190_submissiontohonjudgegove

Ontario.Natural Heritage Information Centre

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… preparation of an atlas of Ontario amphibians and reptiles based on over 100,000 records gathered by the OHS project. … enhancements had been made to the original work plan, the centre was well ahead of its work schedule. … and southern Ontario are surprisingly similar, and this book will be particularly useful to botanists in southwestern …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT178515W

Ontario.Natural Heritage Information Centre

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… preparation of an atlas of Ontario amphibians and reptiles based on over 100,000 records gathered by the OHS project. … enhancements had been made to the original work plan, the centre was well ahead of its work schedule. … and southern Ontario are surprisingly similar, and this book will be particularly useful to botanists in southwestern …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT178515AX

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning., Saskatchewan.Ministry of Education.

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… such as SchoolPLUS and the Aboriginal Education Action Plan confront us and ask us to provide an environment where … schools and First Nations schools, or learn through home-based education? … Saskatchewan Health. (2002). 2002 Covered Population Book. Regina, SK. 900,000 925,000 950,000 975,000 1,000,000 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9911073503479A

Ontario Financing Authority, Office ontarien de financement

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… it y 10 The OFA was established by the Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993. The OFA performs the following … Board of Directors from June 2000 to June 2003.) Tye is based in Toronto and is a member of the Board of Directors of … Finally, the division coordinated the annual post-budget briefing sessions for the rating agencies that culminated …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT175247Q

Ontario Financing Authority, Office ontarien de financement

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… it y 10 The OFA was established by the Capital Investment Plan Act, 1993. The OFA performs the following … Board of Directors from June 2000 to June 2003.) Tye is based in Toronto and is a member of the Board of Directors of … Finally, the division coordinated the annual post-budget briefing sessions for the rating agencies that culminated …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT175247AJ

Shapiro, Bernard, Nova Scotia Council on Higher Education

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Nouvelle Écosse

… D External Reviw Team Page 1 1 2 3 4 9 12 12 14 17 22 22 26 38 38 41 45 52 52 53 55 57 58 59 CHAPTER ONE: AN … the Council is charged with establishing a long range plan for development of a coherent, coordinated system of … education programme in Nova Scotia that is not university-based. Its development over the last two decades can be seen …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000002091

Ontario.Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council, Ontario.Conseil consultatif de réglementation des professions de la santé

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… Pg. 20 Patient relations Pg. 20 Financial Report Pg. 22 Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council – Annual … Canada. He has been General Editor of Newsweek Magazine, based in New York, Editor of FP News Service, Managing Editor … professions under the RHPA at its January, 2005 meeting, based on the RHPA public interest principles, the Health …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT179465GM