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Afficher 181 - 195 de 2682 résultats
Saskatchewan.Labour Relations Board., Saskatchewan Legal Education Society.

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… who have historically been excluded from bargaining unit – Based on all evidence no logical reason why womens’ centre … Swinnerton stated that each centre has a similar strategic plan. Although each centre has its own brochure, all are … Adams, Canadian Labour Law, 2nd ed. (Aurora: Canada Law Book Inc., 2003) at paragraph 7.100, as follows: A …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9956653503479EAA

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Curriculum and Instruction Branch.Mathematics, Science and Technology Unit.

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… Indian and Métis content and perspectives, and Resource-based Learning are Much of the foundation for curriculum … expectations and attitudes in an effort to Year Action Plan for Native Curriculum create an educational environment … journals, and oral Program Evaluation Resource Book (1989) to be presentations are all excellent ways to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9959253503479

Manitoba.Civil Legal Services.95728., Manitoba.Manitoba Justice.93641.

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… levels appropriate to client demand, the ability to plan on a long term basis, and the ability to acquire … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with … 73 Total accumulated amortization $ 481 $ 25 $ - $ 506 Net book value $ 39 $ (6) $ - $ 33 CIVIL LEGAL SERVICES AN AGENCY …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107420254A

Saskatchewan.Labour Relations Board., Saskatchewan Legal Education Society.

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… Chartered Local Union” dated February 12, 1973, Joint Book of Documents at Tab 2. 3 See: The University of Regina … receipt of Mr. Flis’ communications, CUPE changed its plan, and set up a table outside the entry to the Owl. CUPE … August 2, 2016, CUPE filed this application alleging that based on the events recounted above URSU has committed a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9956653503479OS

New Brunswick.Auditor General.3221, Nouveau-Brunswick.Vérificateur Générale.3223

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… mission, as included in our 2014 to 2020 strategic plan is: To provide objective, reliable, and timely … had a lack of performance monitoring. Consultant was paid based on anticipated savings, not actual savings 1.8 This … https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/briefing/key-issues-climate-change.html 3 Transitioning to a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL396CJ

New Brunswick.Auditor General.3221, Nouveau-Brunswick.Vérificateur Générale.3223

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… The refusal to give my Office a copy of the document is based on the concept of cabinet secrecy found in the … and performance targets is that it will require an action plan when there are shortcomings. While we tend to measure … and the Province’s Board of Management receive an annual briefing on the increases in property assessments and the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL396Z

Saskatchewan.Labour Relations Board., Saskatchewan Legal Education Society.

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… of success should the Union proceed to arbitration. Based upon that opinion, the Executive of the Union … brief and case authorities which we have reviewed. [22] Counsel for the Union argued firstly that the City should … 12 [1998] S.L.R.B.R. 76, LRB File No. 015-97 13 Canada Law Book at para 13.1100 14 At para 15:2500 15 At paras …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9956653503479JI

Ontario.Advisory Panel on Future Directions for Postsecondary Education, Smith, David C.,1931-2000,chairman, Stephenson, Bette, Ontario.Ministry of Education and Training

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… (1 of 109) [10/22/2004 11:57:41 AM] C op y fo r a rc hi ve p ur po se s. P … seriously inadequate in recent times. This assessment is based on a variety of measures we have examined, including … government introduce an income-contingent loan repayment plan (ICLRP) that would have a number of helpful features to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT193547

British Columbia.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

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… records relating to the development of a five-year plan for School District No. 65 (Cowichan) … ISSN 1198-6182 … out that the draft five-year plan indicated that the full briefing records were available at the School District … limitations. (Submission of the Applicant, paragraph 22) Documents identified as publicly available This inquiry …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_156693_1996_orderno113-1996

New Brunswick.Auditor General.3221, Nouveau-Brunswick.Vérificateur Générale.3223

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… to adopt the P3 approach for the two school project was based. 1.3 The objective of our work on Constituency Office … Estimates, including a multi-year capital expenditure plan that clearly identifies the future year funding for all … of buying assets from their constituency offices at net book value, which is often a very low percentage of their …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL396BD

British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations

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… of Finance and Corporate Relations … Description based on 1985-86. … Title varies slightly. … 1996/97- . also … Pension and Long—Term Disability Funds BC Rail Ltd Pension Plan. B.C. Hydro and Power Authority Pension Plan . British … average market value rate of return, rather than an annual book value rate of return. To make the change from one policy …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_71051_71051_pa_1997_v3

Manitoba.Civil Legal Services.95728., Manitoba.Manitoba Justice.93641.

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… Procurement Guidelines, an Organizational Action Plan for the Department of Justice was developed. CLS adopted … is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with … improvements (73) (5) 78 - $ (506) $ (20) $ 526 $ = Net book value $ 33 $ (10) $ (23) $ - a EL ou 2013 a Opening …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107420254

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

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… unpaid taxes. The work is carried out by qualified staff, based on clear, appropriate procedures and consistent … also operates a free telephone helpline, and taxpayers can book personal visits from ministry staff. In addition, the … program and data changes and the disaster recovery plan, so that income support services continue at the full …

New Brunswick.Auditor General.3221, Nouveau-Brunswick.Vérificateur Générale.3223

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… legally establishing that it was topsoil that was removed based upon the definition of “topsoil” in the Legislation. … are required Health and Wellness to submit a sampling plan to the Province and have their water tested on a monthly … and achievable. While Committee members found our briefing sessions on our Report useful, there was no …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL396L

New Brunswick.Auditor General.3221, Nouveau-Brunswick.Vérificateur Générale.3223

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… Innovation Trust. Both Trust Agreements are dated 22 March 2002. The Province invested a combined $35 million … is extremely important that the governor of every pension plan is involved in the key investment policy decisions. The … results used in 2.8 In this chapter, our analyses are based on the current year analyses financial statements as …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL396P