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Afficher 181 - 195 de 280 résultats
Alberta. Commission to Inquire into and Concerning the Conditions and Practices Prevailing in the Fluid Milk and Cream Industry in the Province, issuing body.

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… $l.l4 $ .91 $ .94 $1.05 5 17 7679.4 1.36 1.57 1.66 1.66 6 22 6924.1 1.60 1.11 1.32 1.33 6 25.3 9464.2 1.23 i.o4 1.06 … made by the Dairy Branch, and conclusions, as drawn, were based on the condi¬ tions^existingif1934 and 1935- In all, … It would appear that the present price set-up is based upon the con¬ sumption of city sweet milk, the greatest …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84853

Alberta. Dept. of Labour. Electrical Inspection Branch, issuing body.

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… thermal protection to fluorescent lamp ballasts, which was based on the August 15th, 1961, Canadian Standards …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86740

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources., Koster, F., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources.Mines Branch.Geology Division.

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… IÀ DOCket Figure 1.. . . aose ............Facing page 22 Plate 1: Eastward view of the Teseljiri Falls in Tazin …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991487143503479

Alberta. Dept. of Industry and Tourism. Bureau of Statistics, issuing body.

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… Tourism. Bureau of Statistics, issuing body. … Description based upon 1968 title … Digitization partner: University of … 2. FAffi.'1 DELIVERIES AND n-ico:ME FROM GRAIN IN ALBERTA BASED ON COUNTRY Ek.---V ATOR RECEIPI1S AlJD PRIVATE ELEVATOR … .15 20.72 21.95 16 .48 15.50 25.47 21 .63 Edmonton 20. 84 22 . 67 20. 84 21 .86 17,31 16 .42 25. 38 21.55 Leth bridge …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA125474

Wilson, W. King, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture.Poultry Branch

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… J. B. McDougall, of Great Britain, recently published a book ntitled " Angoras in oloni s." We quote a review:- " … on a large scal . A preliminary report of hi results, based upon two years' expel'ience, i. con- tained in a … daily, but this was later raised to 1 lb. The practice was based on the' little and of,ten ' principle. "Another chapter …

British Columbia.Provincial Fisheries Department, British Columbia.Provincial Department of Fisheries

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… 133,213 ·'4,52% 72,004 28,500 27,407 21,753 1~,502 9,100 22,851 76,982 42,130 29,879 45,106 15,940 29,190 12,944 … 143,429 48,427 79,116 32,.500 27,516 21, 775 12,502 9,100 22,851 77,612 43,275 31,376 45,349 15.940 35,362 12,944 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_128144_1905

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, issuing body.

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84838

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… _--------------------------------------- __ 22 Forage-crops, Collection of------ … exhibition fruit, whether in plate or box exhibits, are based upon -ideals of perfection that have been proven to be … material. In the case of weeds the scoring should be based on their number and degree of noxiousness. Other plants …

Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Mines. Mines Branch, issuing body.

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… 21,982,058 1928 1 7,336,330 23,532,414 1929 1 7,150,693 22,928,182 1930 1 5,755,528 18,063,225 1931 1 4,564,015 … 864,030 469,657 538,576 Head of Lakes 21,817 26,539 22,543 Manitoba 11,091 12,748 15,427 Saskatchewan Alberta … Great Britain 33,270 9,606 9,854 Germany 314 1 4,595 22,549 Poland 4.276 Belgium 2,786 1 562 Total 1 934,833 1 i …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84809

British Columbia.Provincial Board of Health

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… diseases are recommended for notification:— 21. Measles. 22. Mumps. 23. Paratyphoid fever. 24. Pellagra. 25. Plague. … the precautions to be taken. 3. Period of quarantine (based on incubation period) and isola­ tion according to the … least one hour before being finally disposed of. 6 RABIES. 22. When an animal suspected of having rabies has bitten a …

British Columbia.Registry for Handicapped Children and Adults, British Columbia.Division of Vital Statistics.

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… of Age and Over by Sex, as at December 31, 1962 . . • • . 22 Table 7 - Number of Live and Dead Cases with Congenital … 109 2.1 787 Richmond 312 15.9 81 3.4 393 Boundary 1,048 22.3 143 2.3 1,191 Central Vancouver Island l_,003 26.7 112 … 820 - 291 - 1,111 Total 17,020 26.5 3,027 3.1 20,047 1 Based on 1961 Population Census. *Numbers too small for rate …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_400877_1962

British Columbia.Bureau of Provincial Information

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Alberta. Bureau of Statistics, issuing body.

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… BY INDUSTRY, ALBERTA - 1956-1961 Index of Employment based on 1949 = 100 Indus try 1936 1957 1258 12S£ i960 I96I … per hundred pounds • Calgary 1956 17.90 16.01 18.28 22.96 1957 17.41 16.82 18.84 27.44 1958 21.72 21.75 19.30 25.OO 1959 23.29 23.22 17.72 20.31 i960 20.60 19.87 18.26 20.89 1961 20.98 20.48 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86655

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Dairy Branch

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… be kept in a clean place protected from dust and dirt: (22.) Employees shall not use tobacco or intoxi- cating liquor … "\vith a n1inin1uln of g,G per cent.; this a'verage to he based on salllples taken icl1roughout " period of not over …

Alberta. Dept. of Industry and Development. Industrial Development Branch, issuing body.

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… the net minimum charge. Commercial Rates Demand charge — (based on the consumer's kilowatt demand). First KW (or … - 1 2/3c per KWH. Discount V 10% within 10 days, based on dollars of total bill, with a minimum discount of … horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, sand and gravel, gas and oil. 22. GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND SERVICES Federal Post Office …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86737