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Afficher 91 - 105 de 7578 résultats
British Columbia.Parks and Protected Areas Division, Wet'suwet'en (First Nation), British Columbia.Ministry of Environment.Skeena Region

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… … "The development of the Morice Park Management Plan was a joint initiative between the Ministry of … consultation, and drafted and revised the management plan based on direction from the management planning team. Johann … 22 Figure 1: Map 1 – Morice Lake Park Regional Context …

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British Columbia.Employment and Labour Market Services Division, British Columbia.Ministry of Housing and Social Development, British Columbia.Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development

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… in part: Labour market development agreement (LMDA) annual plan for British Columbia by the Ministry of Housing and … form of post-secondary education that combines paid, work-based training, with technical training in a classroom or … in 2009/10 and the proposed investment plan for 2010/11. 22 2010/11 Annual Plan for British Columbia — Labour Market …

British Columbia Assessment Authority

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… Assessment Authority … Cover title: BC Assessment service plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … Risks and Opportunities 19 Our Corporate Strategy 22 Goals 22 Corporate Performance Measures 23 Target-Setting … for the 2010–2012 period: • Develop and implement a broad-based, multi-year human resource improvement strategy to …

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Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia

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… 31 December ...; 2003- , Annual report and ... service plan. … Some issues also have distinctive titles. … Description based on 68th (1984). … Catalogue record made available by … clothing/blanket/ toy drives, 50/50 draws, jeans day, book fairs, hanging basket and poinsettia sales, and …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… Finance … Includes: Public Affairs Bureau annual service plan report. … Catalogue record made available by the British … by increasing the home owner grant in many resource-based communities recovering from the economic downturn. The … Ministry of Finance 2010/11 Annual Service Plan Report 22 Receipts ................................... 40,600 0 …

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B.C. Innovation Council

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… ends March 31. … Continued by: Innovate BC. Annual service plan report. … As of September 2004 the Innovation and … to cater to the specific needs of technology entrepreneurs based on the stage of their business. BCIC’s programs focus … (2010 - $21). 4. Capital assets: 2011 2010 Accumulated Net book Net book Cost amortization value value Furniture, …

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South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority

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… the British Columbia Legislative Library. … Consultation plan for the 2011 Supplemental Plan (14 p.) -- TransLink … of 2,233 panelists completed the survey. The report is based on the responses of Metro Vancouver panelists only … TL Listens Strongly support 26% 19% Somewhat support 24% 22% Somewhat oppose 16% 18% Strongly oppose 25% 38% Don’t …

Roslyn Kunin & Associates, Inc., 2010 Winter Games Human Resources Planning Committee (B.C.), British Columbia.Ministry of Skills Development and Labour, British Columbia.Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services

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… Committee, towards the objective of an overall strategic plan and component strategies. The main supply options for … The recommendations throughout the Executive Summary are based upon RKA’s detailed analysis of the relevant … the next, the inner city neighbourhoods. The Olympic Bid Book acknowledges that the four First Nations governments …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… of Environment … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … Catalogue record made … assigns key actions to each priority species and ecosystem based on the best conservation science available and best … Ministry of Environment 2010/11 – 2012/13 Service Plan 22 Goal 3: Healthy and diverse native species and ecosystems …

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Ontario.Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.Health System Planning and Research Branch

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… to achieve patient- centredness, health care must be based on the principles of respect, choice and empowerment, … Recently, the new coalition government has unveiled a plan to make structural changes to the NHS in an effort to … Providing care and support for an aging population: Briefing notes on key policy issues. Healthcare Quarterly, …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Health

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… Columbia. Ministry of Health Services. Annual service plan report. … Ministry of Health Services (2008) was … best practices across the province. The guidelines will be based on the best evidence and are part of a system-wide … Navigation Services  279,984 calls to Nursing Services  22,700 calls to Pharmacist Services  15,527 calls to …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture

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… Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Annual service plan report, ISSN 1718-9756. … Printed from the Internet. … … costs to premiums for Production Insurance 20:80 22:78 SUBSTANTIALLY ACHIEVED Number of commercial BC … Finfish Aquaculture Facilities Annual Report. 1 Estimate, based on calendar year inspections from January 1, 2010 to …

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British Columbia.Parks and Protected Areas Division, Wet'suwet'en (First Nation), British Columbia.Ministry of Environment, BC Parks

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… BC Parks … Cover title. … "October 2010" … Previous draft plan issued October 2009. … "The development of the Atna … consultation, and drafted and revised the management plan based on direction from the management planning team. Johann … 22 4.1 Implementation Period …

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Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust

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… Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust ... annual monitoring plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … follow standard methodology to characterise remoteness based on distance from roads (and other relevant factors). It … (Validation Monitoring/Research) • Table A3 (p. 22) Detect Negative Consequences (Effectiveness Monitoring). …

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B.C. Hydro

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… document summarizes the status of Peace Project Water Use Plan (WUP) physical work and monitoring program projects ... … “Order”)."--Introd., June 30, 2009 issue. … Description based on June 30, 2009. … Catalogue record made available by … Survey  GMSWORKS#21: WLL Dust Control Trial  GMSWORKS#22: WLL Debris Management  GMSWORKS#23: WLL Erosion Control …

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