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Afficher 3166 - 3180 de 3256 résultats
British Columbia.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

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… for a projected Clayoquot Archive Project, a projected book, a workshop, and an undergraduate course essentially on … The revenues from writing and publishing a scholarly book in Canada are minimal. In addition, there are no …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_156693_1997_orderno155-1997

British Columbia.OHS Legislation Research Team., Heinmiller, George., Bryce, George K., Royal Commission on Workers' Compensation in British Columbia

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… We end this paper by advancing a proposed outline, based upon previously highlighted principles, which could …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_345352_issues7provisions

British Columbia.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Halvorson, Harold., H.N. Halvorson Consultants Ltd., British Columbia.Job Protection Commission., British Columbia Ferry Corporation

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… to refuse access to the information severed under section 22(1) of the Act, with the exception of the information … withheld at pages 12 and 44 of the record under section 22(1) of the Act. Under section 58(2)(c), I require the … to the remainder of the information withheld under section 22(1). David H. Flaherty January 12, 1999 Commissioner Order …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_326725_order289

British Columbia.Milk Board, British Columbia Milk Marketing Board

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… The period for fluid quota maintenance for 1996 will be based on the following four months: August, September, … As most producers know, the quota maintenance period is based on the four months in the calender year with the lowest … production will be shared among the four western provinces based on the following percentages: British Columbia Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_247454_1997_vol_2_no_7

British Columbia.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

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… the record. For the reasons given below, it is my view - based on the evidence in this case - that s. 19(1) does not … was faced with requests for the names of individuals. Based on the evidence in those cases, it was decided that s. … fanciful, imaginary or contrived but rather one which is based on reason" as shown in "sufficient evidence" submitted …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_156693_1999_order323

Ontario.Office of Francophone Affairs, Ontario.Office des affaires francophones

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… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Sud-Ouest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … femmes en général (9,2 % comparativement à 9,6 %). Sur le plan régional, les Franco- phones affichent un taux de … sur cinq qui sont originaires de la province. Sur le plan socio-économique, les Francophones du Nord-Est sont …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT209482A

British Columbia.Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology, Canada.Human Resources Development Canada, Centre for Education Information Standards and Services, B.C. Outcomes Working Group, BC Stats

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… Oral Communication 54% 38% 8% * 42% Teamwork 57% 37% 6% * 22% Analysis / Problem Solving 53% 44% 3% * 20% * Mathematics … * Library Materials 43% 39% 18% * 38% Library Services 74% 22% * 4% * 40% Instructor Availability 56% 34% 10% * 9% * … 41% 8% * 18% * Program & Career Counseling 37% 40% 23% * 22% Places for Campus Socializing 58% 39% 3% * 20% * N=45 How …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_329967_1997_1997_business

British Columbia.Election Advisory Committee, Elections British Columbia

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… After an extensive process of development of a systems plan, real business needs were identified that could only be … other parties? Mr. Stipp stated he favoured regionally based training for party representatives. Dr. West agreed. … places, will begin. Mr. Roberts concluded that there is a book of maps of new electoral districts in 8 1/2 x 11-inch …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_356943_1990s_september_1999

British Columbia.Ministry of Employment and Investment, British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General, British Columbia Law Institute

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_301918_bcnewbla

Ontario.Ministère des richesses naturelles, Centre de ressources pour propriétaires fonciers

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… • Un inventaire peut être effectué avant de dresser un plan de gestion, d'élaborer une prescription de travail …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT219123

British Columbia.Forest Appeals Commission.

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… this Act, the regulations, the standards or an operational plan, the senior official may levy a penalty against the … However, he indicated that he made his determination based on his conclusion that Edward Yaremchuk was the … under the Code. The Respondent also submitted that, based on the circumstances in this case, Edward Yaremchuk had …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_259655_1998_1997for31

British Columbia.Legislative Library

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… : British Columbia Film Commission, [1997] [30] p. ; 22 cm. Scanned by LLBC; text … : maps ; 28 cm. -- GSC open file ; 3291 Open file, 1996-22 … /www.llbc.leg.bc.ca/public/pubdocs/bcdocs2011/276758/of1996-22.pdf ISBN: 0772631085 : Price: $20 + 7 % GST. Stock number: …

Ontario.Office de la qualité et de la responsabilité en éducation

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… . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.3 RŽsumŽ des consŽquences sur le plan pŽdagogique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … n ³ 1, P(n) ✇ P(n+1). 2.3 Résumé des conséquences sur le plan pédagogique Nous rŽsumons ici les suggestions … initiale confidentielle) Pour tout nombre naturel n, 12 + 22 + 32 + ... + n2 = Quelles sont les Žtapes essentielles que …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT206677

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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… http://www.leg.bc.ca/cmt/36thParl/foi/hansard/fi0527.htm[2/22/2010 9:52:05 AM] 1998/99 Legislative Session: 3rd Session, … then -- on "Government Ministries," page 193, I guess. Based on our last meeting, were there any matters or things … Standing Committee on Forests overview of the business plan in order to try and fill in the blanks. I don't know …

New Brunswick.Dept. of Health and Community Services.Provincial Epidemiology Service., Nouveau-BrunswickMinistere de la sante et du mieux-etre.

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… conséquences, notamment en leur causant des ennuis sur le plan familial, judiciaire et scolaire. L’adolescence est … à des fins non médicales......................22 Usage des tranquillisants a des fins médicales … de la Dalhousie University a approuvé l’enquéte sur le plan déontologique. Pour cela, il s'est penché sur les …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL303A