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Afficher 226 - 240 de 2866 résultats
Alberta. Dept. of Justice and Attorney General, issuing body.

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… Justice and Attorney General … Just … Justice ... business plan / 1998/2001 … Justice - 279 Accountability Statement … “justice” are guiding principles upon which our society is based. A justice system that provides “fair and equal” … 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 Target Target n/a n/a 21% 22% 21% or less 21% or less Crime rate This measure is …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88517

British Columbia, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

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… conditions … Prince George land and resource management plan : reference document. … Prince George Land and Resource … is more supportive of wilderness tourism & other nature-based livelihoods • LRMP would somewhat reduce long term … declines where high value marten habitat occurs in areas • 22% reduction in the propo areas subject to intensive s • the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_418607_pg_lrmp_seea_feb1998

Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia

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… 31 December ...; 2003- , Annual report and ... service plan. … Some issues also have distinctive titles. … Description based on 68th (1984). … Catalogue record made available by … Capital Assets ($ thousands) 1998 1997 Net Net Accumulated Book Book Cost Depreciation Depreciation Value Value Land …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_125674_wcbc_ar_1998

Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia

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… trustees British Columbia Periodicals. … Service delivery plan / Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia. -- … and Trustee in accordance with the provisions of s. 22 (4) of the Public Guardian and Trustee Act. This plan … complex client matters from within a traditional paper based work place, supported by unsustainable legacy …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_363025_363025_pgtbc_sdp_2020_2023

Alberta. Dept. of Environmental Protection, issuing body.

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… Protection … Envir … Environmental Protection business plan / 1998/2001 … Environmental Protection - 229 … of the Fish Conservation Strategy - provide resource-based recreational opportunities - support and promote … 1994 1995 1996 AAC 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 24.5 24.5 24.5 22.1 22.1 Harvest 8.2 8.3 9.6 8.8 11.6 11.9 13.7 13.1 15.1 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88527

Manitoba.Manitoba Finance.96063.

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… balance of 1998. This change will save Manitoba taxpayers $22.4 million for the 1998 tax year, and $45.0 million per … the taxfiler has employment income and pays Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance premiums at relevant rates. … assistance to post- secondary students or their families based on the monthly education amount, and eligible tuition …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107465977C

British Columbia.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, British Columbia.Lobbyists Registrar, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… … Data protection British Columbia Periodicals. … Service plan / Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for … increased dramatically. Privacy complaints increased by 22%, requests for information grew by 17%, and the total … mandate, and by creating scalable guidance documents based on the open government/open information report; o …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_351330_351330_serviceplan2020_23

Island Coastal Economic Trust (B.C.)

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… Columbia Mount Waddington (Regional District) … Strategic plan / Island Coastal Economic Trust. -- 2020-2022 … … Account.” The first ICET strategic plan was developed based on the Mt. Washington Strategic Planning Conference, … www.islandcoastaltrust.ca | Strategic Plan 2020 – 2022 | 22 BUILD COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY …

B.C. Hydro, B.C. Hydro.Distribution Engineering & Planning

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… Producer’s equipment This guide is written for generation based on rotating machines (synchronous and induction … from voltage and frequency excursions, - a maintenance plan forwarded annually to BCH. (b) generating plants rated … Connection Guide (gen connect.doc) December 1998 Page 22 Circuit Breakers & Reclosers Fuses Fuses Type of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_361132_info2154

British Columbia.Vancouver Coastal Health Authority

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… Periodicals. … Vancouver Coastal Health Authority service plan. -- 2020/2021 - 2022/2023 … Vancouver Coastal Health … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of Vancouver Coastal Health's … Actuals 3.20 2019/20 Actuals 3.26 2020/21 Target 3.36 2021/22 Target 3.36 2022/23 Target 3.36 2 Data Source: Ministry of …

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… includes USB stick. … Accompanied by: Budget and fiscal plan, 2002/03/2004/05- , 2002- … Title for 2004: Balanced … for the future. … Title for 2010: Budget and fiscal plan, 2010/11-2012/13. … Title for 2011: Budget and fiscal … taxpayer-supported capital spending over three years to $22.9 billion — the highest level in B.C.’s history. Work …

Manitoba.Manitoba Finance.96063.

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… on July 1, 1997 was 1,142,100—up 0.4% from 1996. Based on three quarters of data for calendar year 1997, it … markets. Winpak Ltd. announced a $33.8 million expan- sion plan that will create 81 new jobs in Winnipeg, and a new … 4.3 4.2 5.6 6.2 6.9 Retail Trade FOREIGN EXPORTS 7.5 22.4 21.1 13.2 13.6 Total Exports 19.6 30.0 21.5 13.3 19.3 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107465977A

Ontario.Joint Policy and Planning Committee.Financial Issues Advisory Group

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… time of change. Our mandate was to develop a comprehensive plan for short and long term stabilization of Ontario … ratio of 1:1 generally suggests a good liquid position. Based on year-end financial information submitted to the … 0.95: 1. 2 As a reference, the 1997 Deloitte Touche Source Book indicated that the median in the United States in 1995 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT221614

Alberta. Office of the Auditor General, issuing body.

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… General of Alberta … Auditor General of Alberta business plan / 2020/2021 … The Independent Audit Office of the … result from extensive planning with stakeholders, and are based on significance, level of risk and relevancy to … Budget 2018–19 Actual 2019–20 Budget 2020–21 Estimate 2021–22 Estimate 2022–23 Estimate EXPENSES BY OBJECT Operating …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA123278

Automobile Insurance Rate Board, issuing body.

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… -- Alberta. … Automobile Insurance Rate Board business plan / 2020/2023 … APRIL 1, 2020 TO MARCH 31, 2023 BUSINESS … 69 insurance companies offering coverage to Albertans. Based on 2018 direct written premiums1, the top ten insurance … ACTUAL 2019/20 95% TARGET 2020/21 95% TARGET 2021/22 100% TARGET 2022/23 100% STRATEGIC GOALS A U T O M O B I L …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA126682