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Afficher 181 - 195 de 401 résultats
Provincial Archives of British Columbia, British Columbia Historical Association

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… the Kootenay.2 Whether or not Thompson envisaged such a plan, the idea was discussed by later travellers, and … water rights.” See Thomas Skinner, The Stock Exchange Year-book for 1894, London, 1894, p. 762. By 1894 Baillie-Grohman … The principal sources upon which the following table is based are indicated as follows:— [R] List of Vessels on the …

Alberta. Legislative Assembly. Committee Appointed to Hear Complaints Regarding Conditions of Relief, issuing body.

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… the Legislature. (2) The Provincial Government to launch a plan of improvement to cover road building, parks … Direct relief versus work relief: Direct relief scales are based on a subsistence under four headings. (1) Food, (2) … per capita costs were obtained from the Canada Year Book. The Questionnaire submitted by the committee is …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84848

Hatfield, W. H., British Columbia.Provincial Board of Health

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… receive and to act as a guide to the field-worker. This book is the result of many staff discussions within the … particularly in the first stages, is not to be based exclusively on the presence or absence of physical … the family; then using this table as a guide decide what plan to follow. It is advisable for the public health nurse …

Middleton, M. S., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Horticultural Branch

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… 25 x 25 down to 1'1 lUllS or sour chcrries, veache8, etc.. 22 x 22 down to Gl'H1JeS ............................ 15 x 10 down … 30 by 30, after the fillers werl" ]llantec1 the orchard 2 plan would shmv t1'E'C (li-stancf's of 30 by 15. Tllis …

Alberta. Commission Appointed to Enquire Into Various Phases of Irrigation, issuing body.

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… views of the farmer himself as to the value of his land based unon its productivity is of much value. The Commission … some excepting perhaps, could have been paid under the plan set up by the Wilson Commission". c © a nn © > TG £ © nn … O wn © n © a nn 2 a TG > © oO nn © — © 2 > Qa Q oO 2 © + 22. * sowor 0n. The 'Jilson Commission fixed a maximum vaiue …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84852

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… JOURNAL. 5 The feed-unit system, as most of you know, is based on many thousands of experiments conducted by Fjord and … in this matter has been the means of drawing up this plan. I wish to make it clear that the chart contains nothing … want religion mixed in our law, while all the time the book of nature reveals law ; the heavens above do like­ wise, …

British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… group. 21. What is an insecticide? Name two insecticides. 22. What is a fungicide? Name two fungicides. 23. What is a" … 1 12. It is a wise plan to buy ready-made garments when … 2" by 7" and let it represent a side-piece for a hanging book-case, one-fourth actual size. Design suitable shapes for …

Alberta. Dept. of Education, issuing body.

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… Attendance E L. FULLER D. C. McEAcHERN V. Report of School-book Branch W. H. NonLE VI. Report of Buildings Branch H. … whereas formerly only a few districts followed this plan. "3. A music instructor was employed to supervise the … full range of our present grades from I to XII, but was based on a system of eight "standards." Standards I to V …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84839

Canada. Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations, issuing body.

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… again justify policies of land settlement. The Canada Year Book has for years pointed out that ninety per cent of the … 333,957 311,386 Value $) 49,225,064 32,491,968 20,727,107 22,775,940 Cattle: Number 660,413 631,092 685,044 768,234 … facturing industries in the two central Provinc es was not based upon a large increase either in agricultural popu …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA138030

Canada. Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations, issuing body.

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… again justify policies of land settlement. The Canada Year Book has for years pointed out that ninety per cent of the … 333,957 311,386 Value $) 49,225,064 32,491,968 20,727,107 22,775,940 Cattle: Number 660,413 631,092 685,044 768,234 … facturing industries in the two central Provinc es was not based upon a large increase either in agricultural popu …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA138037

English, H. O., British Columbia.Dept. of Education, University of British Columbia.Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, British Columbia.Agricultural Education Committee.

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… students in Agriculture receive better training if text-book teaching and the lecture method are supported by field … during Agriculture I. and II. Several of the exercises based on plant and animal study will require to be repeated … Committee for valuable assistance in determining the plan and scope of the work and in the preparation and …

Ontario.Timber Commission., Riddell, William Renwick,commissioner., Latchford, Francis Robert,commissioner.

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… de- i fects." ' \ B. That the culler shall " enter in a book of record for the purpose of ! return to the Department … amount so recovered and to be recovered by the Province based on the evidence before the Hon. Mr. Justice Logie as to … their return from work, "and enter them immediately. "The plan of 'banking' v/hich prevails at various stages of the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT15378

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Field Crops Branch

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… _ ---------- ---- ----------------- ------------ 22 Rates of … these processes and activi- ties are practically a sealed book even to the well-informed agricultural scientist. While … earth or loam before applying on the land. It is a good plan to mix together the manure from the various 'classes of …

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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… A.R.C.M., F.T.C.L., M.R.S.T. Officer in Charge of Text-book Branch: P. G. BARR. Chief Clerk: R. D. SMITH. … features of the old and the wider appeal of the new. It is based upon the knowledge that as society changes so must the … and population groupings than in others; (2) the platoon plan is also passing out of the educational picture, although …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2019_73597_1944_45_public_schools_ar

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture, issuing body.

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… AND EXHIBITIONS. Average Price. $ 23.12 25.'18 20.94 $ 22.65 Average Price. $ 11.43 25.48 18.00 10.00 23.94 $ 22.93 … 8. Promotion of the Provincial Co-operative Purchasing Plan for Pure- bred Stallions. EQUINE ANAEMIA, OR TYPHOID … from all over Canada regarding the details of this plan. Briefly, the plain is :-a group of farmers join to- …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84814