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Afficher 226 - 240 de 401 résultats
British Columbia.Royal Commission on Health Insurance, Winn, E. S. H., Spofford, Cecelia., Green, T. Bennett., McCallum, D.

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… females, or 57 percent· of the adUlt male population and 22 percent of the adult female population. Later figures … suoh a measure adapted to New Jersey's needs should be based upon the following fundamental prinoiples. Existing … attaohing at the same time to this effort a compliQated plan of insurance as contemplated by the proposed Health …

Canada.Parliament.House of Commons Special Committee on Reconstruction and Re-establishment., Saskatchewan.Premier (1935-1944 : Patterson), Saskatchewan.Government of Saskatchewan.

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991087443503479

British Columbia.Provincial Library, Provincial Archives of British Columbia

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… 1901/02; 1907; 1909; 1915/16; 1919;1920; 1921; 1921/22; 1923/24; 1924/25; 1925/26; 1926/27; 1930; 1931; 1932; … the Newspaper Index 2614 Cards II Ii II 905 5 121 3 18 16 22 18 34 308 REPORT OF THE REFERENCE DESK, (General … MONTH OF OCTOBER 1937. General Vlo:rks Philosophy Religion 22 Sociology 52 Philology 1 Natural Sciences 15 Useful Arts …

Walker, John F.(John Fortune),1893-, British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… deposits it is well to remember that the science is based on observation and deduction. While there is likely to … perfectly into the pictures and descriptions of the text-book.. He should not attempt to do so, but after comparing … metallic and those having non-metallic lustre. The metals 22 CHAPTER 2. (8.) Topaz. (9.) Corundum. (10.) Diamond., are …

Research Council of Alberta, issuing body.

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… 10,998,000 788,763 792,563 Territories 294*000 731,000 22.899 _22,899 Canada_ _ . .21,439*400_ __39v5_ll*700_ … in the Province shown in the above table (Table 1) are based on power sites which have been investigated. Th is c op … E. A. loans are made on the following 25-year amortization plan: "accumulation of interest for 30 months from the date …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85177

British Columbia.Dept. of Labour.

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… includes the work of females employed as stenographers, book-keepers, typists, billing clerks, filing clerks, … 22 37 Number of employees— Over 18 … girls and women are gradually taking it up. This Order is based on experience or inexperience, not on age. The average …

Carl, G. Clifford,1908-, British Columbia Provincial Museum

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… amphibians in a number of features, such as general body plan and the aquatic habits of some members. Birds, too, have … of this, many of the beliefs connected with snakes are based on inaccurate observa­ tion or on faulty logic. In … No. 1 , p. 44. *D itmars, Raymond L. 1908. The Reptile Book. Doubleday, Page & Co, New York, pp. 1-472. --------- …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_holmes_370597_370597_reptilesofbc

Hardy, George A.,1888-, Carl, G. Clifford,1908-, Clemens, Wilbert Amie,1887-1964, British Columbia Provincial Museum

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… amphibians in a number of features, such as general body plan and the aquatic habits of some members. Birds, too, have … of this, many of the beliefs connected with snakes are based on inaccurate observa­ tion or on faulty logic. In … No. 1 , p. 44. *D itmars, Raymond L. 1908. The Reptile Book. Doubleday, Page & Co, New York, pp. 1-472. --------- …

Perry, Henry George Thomas,1889-1959., British Columbia

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… m il l w orker, garage m echanic, fa c to ry employee, book­ keeper and o th e r occupations too numerous to r e c i … r week fo r a m arried man. Allowances f e r c h ild re n based on t^ o same s c a le as th e D ependents’ allow ances … o f the most d esira b le b u ild in g and fin an c­ in g plan in resp ect o f tim ing, fo r a con stru ction period o …

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Provincial Board of Health

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… This booklet should be regarded as a school library book. It is not to be taken away by the teacher when he or … permanent basis. The school-lunch project is not just a plan for feeding children. It is an important phase of the … better hot school lunch! A school-lunch programme may be based on one or more of the following plans :— (1.) The …

Alberta Liquor Control Board, issuing body.

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… ... 429,907.82 $ 622,853.02 Liquor in transit prepaid. 22,068.85 Containers on hand 1,238.98 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ... … 20,288.95 —--- $ 452,798.41 .. 830,720.75 168.55 36,260.22 .. 793,646.30 .. 161,388.01 .. 143,641.26 2,054.63 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84813

Ontario.Commission to Inquire into the Recent Disturbances of and among the Prisoners at the Ontario Reformatory at Guelph., Madden, James Ernest,commissioner.

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… 5, prepared by Inspector McJannet and estimated at ^22,000.00. By the breaking of several grilles on outside … evidence clearly establishes that there was no organized plan to riot, but there was undoubtedly a plan among 25 or 50 … and include such subjects as shorthand, typewriting, book- keeping, tailoring, electricity, automobile mechanics, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT15322

British Columbia.Provincial Board of Health

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… Establishment of a Central Records System. This should be based upon clinic reports, reports from private physicians, … because they have not followed the other fellow's plan but rather have developed their own in the light of … quotations, taken from Sir Arthur Newsholme’s well known book "Vital Statistics" outline very clearly the vast …

British Columbia.Premier, Hart, John,1879-1957, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… which will mean the ultimate establishment of an economy based on socialist principles.” This is so entirely different … Provision has been made for the continuance of this plan during the next fiscal year, thus extending to farmers … the development of our potential coal and oil resources. (22.) Increase allowances to unemployables. (23.) To urge a …

Alberta. Treasury Dept, issuing body.

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… Tractor fuel and lubricating oils Relief settlement plan Movement of settlers and stock, and freight … by expenditure on: Particulars. General assets at book value consisting of roads, bridges, ferries, public … Coal Mines Act, Sundry Revenue . Coal Mine Licenses based on output . Coal Rentals, Fees, etc. Coal Royalty …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84842