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Afficher 241 - 255 de 401 résultats
Anderson, James R., British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… . Dwarf Spirrea ........... . 7 12 13 15 17 20 22 26 27 33 35 36 37 40 41 43 45 46 46 . … 162 FOREWORD. THIS manual has been prepared as a reference book for use in the schools of the Province and remains the … of the school to which it is sent. It is hoped that the book, which gives authentic information relative to the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_holmes_590087_trees_shrubs

British Columbia.Public Utilities Commission

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… 5,249.95 5,413.49 Miscellaneous _______________________ 22.00 85.70 56.70 25.30 41.55 55.28 Totals … fact that the majority of carriers do not keep adequate book-keeping records from which proper information can be … one commodity, namely, household goods, and the rates .are based on a " per 100 lb. per mile " basis with appropriate …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_402356_1944_45

British Columbia.Dept. of the Provincial Secretary, British Columbia.Hospital Programs, British Columbia.Ministry of Health, British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service

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… The Government pays for these servi~es under agreement based on the "service at cost" principle. It is not … 6,531 12.07 65.19 Chilliwack___ 1,042 1,815 7, 795 9,610 9.22 59.32 ~f IT{i~~::i:l~Sol:riu1: _____ 1_~-~-~1----~-~~1 __ … -- -- ------------- 7,261 7,261 652 457 13,793 I 22,200 Cobble Hill-Solarium------- 20.481 I I ~~:I 20,481 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_186690_1937

British Columbia.High School Correspondence Branch, Lucas, E. E.(Edith E.), British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… find about it. For a number of years I kept a pocket note-book in which I sketched hundreds of sunrises and sunsets and … culture? Certainly not the barbaric 'Kultur' of our enemy, based upon special privilege--the regi­ mentation of … to take training under the Macdonald Manual Training Plan in Ottawa. I then be­ came Instructor In the Ottawa …

British Columbia.Forest Branch

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… 64 11. 7 20 -----------------------·--------- 69 12.8 22 72 14.0 24 75 15.4 26___ - 78 16.0 28 _________________ _ … 84_,_.,_, ____ , ___ _ 88 21.4 86 ____ .,_,, __ ,., __ 90 22.3 88._.--... ··-----·---·-·----- 90 23.4 40 __ ·---------· … __ ,_ --------------··-·-------·--·- ----· 32.5 Volumes based on 8.2 feet sections for 106 trees. Average …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2010_209516_1937

British Columbia.Provincial Fisheries Department, British Columbia.Provincial Department of Fisheries

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… invested in the fisheries of British Columbia in 1936 was $22,360,630, 01· nearly 49 per cent. of the total capital … 55 3 74 4 73 6 67 10 68 The analysis of the run of 1937 is based on data for 1,491 fish collected in thirteen random … to record recoveries, and to discuss the conclusions based on the results. METHODS. The method used for obtaining· …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_128144_1937

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture, issuing body.

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… operating under the Dominion Restricted Areas Plan. During the year, a policy of artificial breeding of … 960,300 Crested Wheat ................ 13 271 69,450 7 187 22,900 Creeping Red Fescue ... . Red Clover . . . .. .. .. . … 18 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The following summary is based on seed potato field inspections, 1943: Variety No. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85142

British Columbia.Bureau of Provincial Information

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… themselves into the sea. In some such fashion was laid the plan of British Columbia as we know it, w ith its profusion … excellent road conditions, and nobody need hesitate to plan a motoring vacation to any settled part of British … 22 W ater-power …

Barnstead, Arthur Stanley

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Nouvelle Écosse

… Minutes, reduce them to Form, enter them upon the Council Book, publish such Acts as required being made public and … This was on the 24th of April, 1840. In the Council Book, curiously enough, there are two blank pages between. … of kindly feeling toward Sir Rupert has been manifested 22 COLLECTIONS OF N. S. HISTORICAL SOCIETY throughout these …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000002971

British Columbia.Lands Service

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… stations Index cards, records Triangulation index maps Plan of triangulation, vicinity Big Bend, J. drawn 16 597 660 … on the west coast of Vancouver Island is contained in a book published by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1926, … well into their territory. The whole triangu- lation was based on the geodetic positions supplied for " Whymper " and …

British Columbia.Provincial Game and Forest Warden., British Columbia.Provincial Game Warden., British Columbia.Game Conservation Board, British Columbia.Game Commission, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… life, the registration system is the best game management plan so far evolved on this continent. While it functions as … with good natural reproduction. In order to improve w 22 BRITISH COLUMBIA. the condition of the fish and afford … This is an industry with tremendous possibilities, and a plan could quite well be prepared as a post-war scheme. w 32 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_346798_ar_1944

Mercer, William M.,1918-1961, British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics, British Columbia.Royal Commission on Forest Resources (1943-1945)

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… to serve the few settlers in the area. WARDNSR - located 22 miles south east of Cranbrook. In its heyday during the … Fernie District is much the same as it is for the Cran- book District« In the early days activity was centred in the … The object, it is alleged, was to collect fire Insurance based on the "going concern" val ms of property. In late …

Manning, Ernest C.,1908-, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Forestry Committee, British Columbia.Forest Service

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… 55% of the re- maining timber stand of the United States: "Based on normal rates of cut, losses from fire, insects, … Foresters whose selection and promotion have been entirely based on merit. You may smile at my next remark, but in my … south of Cape Spencer fell from 65 million lbs. in 1918 to 22 million in 19~0. Regulation under a Commission came in in …

British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. 20 PART II. V. Draw up a plan for an essay (which would be about three pages in length … (19.) Francis Thompson. (20.) W. B. Yeats. (21.) "Daisy." (22.) "Romance." (23.) R. L. Stevenson. (24_) Spain. The … _________________________________ _ 16 V. Question V. is based on Amy Foster. Select the correct answer and put its …

Stevenson, John Sinclair,1908-, British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… • .---------------------------- 21 History ~.------- 22 Properties :______________________________ 22 Types of Ore … The discussi~n of the 'general geology and ore deposits is based largely on informa- tion abstracted from publications … particular, nomenclature of the geological formations is based on material in the latest comprehensive reports on the …