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Afficher 91 - 105 de 793 résultats
British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Highways, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

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… Mapping the Road Ahead German author Thomas Mann, inhis book "The Magic Mountain, "written in 1924, said the … dulls any enthusi- asm to invigorate the transportation plan and the Regional Transportation Planning Committees; all … retrenchment. As mentioned earlier , it can be no secret, based on the public comments by the Premier, the Minister of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_174919_1990_1999_1992_05_spring

Ontario Heritage Policy Review., Ontario.Ministry of Culture and Communications.

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… ee mn REA Mme re ARR F A Ee Bee We AE ; : ” ELLE 5 eg sre” 22 A os) 3 se ‘ ns ee pers = 2.7 ak wie ~~ > ? Le af AO NES … instruments, such as the Niagara Escarpment Development Plan; • approaches such as the provincial parks program, the … to Powerhouse: Towards an Arc/tim/ System in Ontario. Based on an extensive needs survey, the document sets forward …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT109250

British Columbia.Office of the Ombudsman

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… seemed distant and complex is suddenly obvious. It is not based on an individual doing everything or nothing, but … public service. The secretariat has published a business plan and provided a copy to each provincial public employee. … the Minis- try's summaries of the proposals and the briefing memos to the Minister, the objec- tive superiority …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_96988_bco_ar_1990

d'Entremont, Carmelle, Nova Scotia.Dept. of Advanced Education and Job Training

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Nouvelle Écosse

… At the secondary level, programming in Acadian schools is based on a proportionate system. From grades 7 to 9, students … was rated as a high priority by the Acadian community: 22 - I In all regions, the desire to have solid structures … "functional" in English and even less in French? (Wagner, Plan d'action, 43. Author's translation) Refrancisation is …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000000703

British Columbia.Discretion to Prosecute Inquiry, Owen, Stephen(Stephen Douglas),1948-

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… disqualified; - applicants must provide a financial plan for the project; and - funds to be paid in installments, … from Columbia of $84,500 for the manufacture of a mould based on the sample provided. The quotation also provided … On pages 636 - 638 of Laipnieks’ transcript, discussing briefing notes prepared by the Purchasing Commission, the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_48966_discretiontoprosecutevol2

Saskatchewan.Agriculture Development Fund., Sulatisky, M., Hill, S.

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… period, the conclusions and recommendations are based on the results for 1988-89, a year when crop production … from an oxygen sensor. Furthermore, a microprocessor-based conversion system, developed by ORTECH International, … Instrumentation and Monitoring 21 5.2 Economic Analysis 22 6. OPERATING EXPERIENCE 23 6.1 Billett Farm 23 6.2 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99713073503479

Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women

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Nouvelle Écosse

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000000031

British Columbia.Ministry of Education

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… also provides you with a baseline from which you can plan new learning for that child. Many kinds of data can be … Teacher's Association for allowing us to make use of their book, Evaluation Techniques: A Handbook for Teachers, (1985). … "Knowing that young children form a picture of themselves based on how others react to them is cause for reflecting on …

Alberta. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary. Mines Branch, issuing body.

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… OF ALBERTA Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. September 1922 This book entitled “Coal Truths” is issued by the Govern¬ ment of … position industrially and financially. The text of this book is written in an effort to make the subject …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84309

Alberta Law Reform Institute, issuing body.

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… Reform Institute … Pensions. … Division of Canada Pension Plan Credits in Alberta … ALTA133762 … Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA133762

Alberta. Treasury Dept. Members of the Legislative Assembly Pension Plan, issuing body.

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… Treasury Dept. Members of the Legislative Assembly Pension Plan, issuing body. … Sessional Paper number provided for … … Members of the Legislative Assembly Pension Plan annual report for the fiscal year ended March 31 / 1989 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA138442

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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… A.R.C.M., F.T.C.L., M.R.S.T. Officer in Charge of Text-book Branch: P. G. BARR. Chief Clerk: R. D. SMITH. Principal, … school the teachers of the subjects which have been named plan and correlate their work effectively. This demonstrates … skills in metalwork. Upon this background could be based training in a variety of special skills required in …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2019_73597_1940_41_public_schools_ar

British Columbia Entomological Society

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… BRANCH, DoMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In his book on the '' Orthoptera of North-Eastern America,'' W. S. … area; it was found that mites were present be- neath 22 of them, six individuals being the greatest number seen …

Alberta. Treasury Dept, issuing body.

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… prior to the year end from the Government of Canada based on its estimate of the amount due to the Province under … of the present or future benefits payable under Pension Plan Acts with benefits directly chargeable to or guaranteed … 1990 CASH AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES In thousands 1990 1989 Book Market Book Market Value Value Value Value Bonds: …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87901