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Afficher 46 - 60 de 317 résultats
Alberta. Dept. of Culture. Historical Resources Division. Archaeological Survey of Alberta.

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… 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 . 18. 19. 20. 21 . vi i i TABLE PAGE 22. Upper Republican and Equivalent Radiocarbon Dates 277 23. … studies such as mine, Byrne's (1973) or Syms· (1977) are based largely on pre-1970 data. The major publ ished work of … meant by these terms. Willey and Phill ips· recent book has had a decided effect in shifting New World …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87686

British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… . EMPLOYEES'AST BENEFITS Releva Author those contai upon t Based entitl 1983 ( as exp nt ity, desi ned he d on c emen … not 1 I9 ll If i Ca fit 2. Income-Producing Properties Net book value. Cost Accumulated depreciation Actwlty'et book … 31 MARCH 1984 4. Long-term debt 1984 1983 Canada Pension Plan Investment Fund 9.41/ to 17.51/ debentures, due 1998 …

Saskatchewan Provincial Library

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… Saskatchewan Provincial Library … Description based on: 1983. … 1997-2005 only available on the Internet. … … Storytelling Month March Canada Reads April Saskatchewan Book Awards May Saskatchewan Libraries Conference July TD … Saskatoon struck a working group to begin to develop a plan for supporting the refugees and the agencies who work …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991042103503479R

Saskatchewan Provincial Library

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… Saskatchewan Provincial Library … Description based on: 1983. … 1997-2005 only available on the Internet. … … Storytelling Month March Canada Reads April Saskatchewan Book Awards May Saskatchewan Libraries Conference July TD … Saskatoon struck a working group to begin to develop a plan for supporting the refugees and the agencies who work …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991042103503479S

Saunders, Greg, Carr, Rey A., British Columbia.Juvenile Crime Prevention Project., British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General, Canada.Solicitor General Canada

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… it is attempting to serve. Instead, youth services must be based on a thorough understanding and use of the factors … Finally, the last foundation for peer counselling is based on manpower supply and costs. The historic 1961 report … of most children; and the concept of prevention - giving -22- people the skills/opportunity to deal with a situation …

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.Policy and Planning Branch.

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… 19 2e. Water Quality and Effects on Health .......... 22 3. Research to Control Health Hazards from Contaminants 23 … The employment generated by the research projects, based on information contained in project applications, is 86 … will result in a com- prehensive stormwater management plan for the Rideau River and has potential use throughout …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT15555

Bentley, Sid, British Columbia.Ministry of Education

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… rest of the material. The lessons, for the most part, are based on a common conceptual framework. Each unit covers the … way. * Much of the central belief of a religion is based on faith or extended study and is beyond the … This belief usually evolves where polytheism has become a 22 tradition. An example of monolatry is the belief in Zeus …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_267705_vol_1_introduction

Alberta Research Council. Energy Resources Division. Coal Research Dept.

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… liquefied coal residues ..................................22 © References ..................,......44,4,4444 444 series … Figure 1. Coalification tracks of different macerals based on H/C:O/C atomic ratios ..3 | Figure 2. Thereflectance … D. Chandra and R. Teichmuller (1982): Stach’s text- | ; | book of coal petrology; Stuttgart: Gebruder Born- Wakeley, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87696

British Columbia Utilities Commission

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… format through the Internet. … Commission established Aug. 22, 1980 when it replaced British Columbia Energy Commission. … 1983 at Vancouver. West Kootenay Power sought rate relief based on the forecast Test Year ending December 31, 1982, and … to Terms and Condi- tions related to Equal Payment Plan Billing and Late Payment Charges. G-65-83 August 19 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_98620_bc_utilities_ar_1983

Alberta. Treasury Dept, issuing body.

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… Public Works, Supply and Services Revolving Fund School Book Branch Transportation Revolving Fund Water Resources … Annuities Act the long term disability income continuance plan the international aid programme the Workers’ … (g) Provision for Aircraft Overhaul This provision is based on the estimated amounts required for aircraft engine …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87675

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

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… Circumstances must Exist to constitute a Sale of stock? 22 (iii) What is an Interest in a Business? 25 B, … and a conclusion that it should be repealed cannot be based solely on the failure of the Act to be totally … Act, in its present form, should not remain on the statute book, If the Act is not repealed it should be replaced with a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_267739_bulk_sales_legislation

British Columbia.Forest Practices Board

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… and the audit findings. The report from the auditor is based on the audit procedures described in Part B.i The audit … to work economically, but also while meeting higher level plan commitments for the Goletas Channel special management … a year, and what type of audits (limited or full scope), based on budget and other considerations. The Board audits …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_367761_arc59

Northern Alberta Development Council, issuing body.

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… the 4 responsibility to “investigate, monitor, evaluate, plan and promote practical measures to 4 foster and advance … Faust, High Prairie and 5 Widewater in the central region; 22 from Bonnyville, Lac La Biche, Elk Point, Cold Lake, ; … and drug abuse q problems. Suggestions for community-based actions were also solicited. . A draft report …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87644

British Columbia.Legislative Library

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… new Members of the Legislative Assembly had an extensive briefing on the facilities and services of the Library. As … conversion project, and second, the reduction in the book budget resulting in a greater number of gift materials … titles 10 10 Microforms: Catalogued items purchased 22 251 Periodicals purchased 26 25 Newspapers purchased 21 9 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_71058_llbc_ar_1983

B.C. Hydro.Environmental and Socio Economic Services

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… Skeena Area, 1979 Average Income in the Northwest Region (Based on 1979 Individual Tax Returns) Criteria for Surficial … resources survey and the development of an overall access plan and a sound vegetation manage- ment policy. An … Hot Springs, near Hotspring Point is rated "superb" in the book "Hotsprings of Western Canada". The …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_325859_vol_1