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Afficher 106 - 120 de 317 résultats
British Columbia.Provincial Agricultural Land Commission

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… . . . 4 6 10 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 22 29 30 33 36 38 42 45 47 52 I 4 THE INITIATION OF AN … the program. Each Regional District then prepared an ALR plan for their region using the suggested plan as a basis, … private property. Their weZZ-documented concZusion_, based on EngZish Common Law and its interpretation in …

Bentley, Sid, British Columbia.Ministry of Education

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… Christianity, faith must precede belief because belief is based on faith. In Hinduism, belief is based on the structure … Chenrayzee: Om Mani Paymi Hume (oam-mah-nee pay-mee-hoom). 22 The mystic vibration .OM, or more correctly AUM (ohm; long … world that is the basis of evil. Maya, as a part of God's plan, gives humans the opportunity for discrimination. This …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_267705_vol_2_hinduism

Ontario.Grand River Basin Water Management Study.Grand River Study Team., Minshall, L., Ontario.Grand River Implementation Committee.

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… of the data and findings in most cases, cannot be based solely on this report, but should be analysed in light … Dams from GRCA. The reservoir inflows were calculated based on the hydrologic continuity equation as follows: … 2 8520 Apr 1 6750 Apr 2 21400 Apr 2 25500 Apr 1 1870 Mar 22 3630 Mar 22 3970 1953 play 2 4730 Mar 16 4630 Mar 16 13600 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT12480

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Government Services.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… ble to farmers. The commission provides insurance programs based on the needs expressed by producers so that producers … send mail to: P.O. Box 1059 Middleton, Nova Scotia BOS lP0 22 }{is }{onour Ju~ge John R. Nichols provincial Magistrate's … resources of research and planning for other divisions, to plan future activities through information and educational …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000000149

British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development

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… the forest's ability to repro- duce sound wood. Forest based industries form the most important segment of the pro- … looped (doubled) and fur- ther expansion of capacity is plan- ned. Distribution extends to virtua lly all communities … Columbia has been a large scale supplier of resource-based pro- ducts from mines and forests. Export sales of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_518213_british_columbia_canada

Duffy, Dennis,1956-.

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… resources and efforts I have drawn on in completing this book. Emmanuel Ronse recorded several of the interviews for … Mr. Carrick may be referring to the Sun broadcast of March 22, 1922, which featured two acts from the Pantages Theatre. … we did a lot of record programs. Record programs were based on two sources, one being the 78s of the day-the …

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia, Anderson, Thomas G.

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… arising from marriage. Clearly, to the extent that it is based on this con- ception, the law has not kept in step with … or consortium through another's intentional act. Actions based on another's negligent or intentional act, are similar … under section 37 to be heard expedi- tiously. Section 22 of the Family Relations Act provides for the general …

Prescribed Fire - Forest Soils Symposium(1982 :Smithers, B.C.)., Trowbridge, R. L., Macadam, A.(Anne), British Columbia.Prince Rupert Forest Region.Research Section., British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… resource management has h i s t o r i c a l l y been based upon maintenance o f t h e status quo by minimizing … 1973. Fores t f i re : con t ro l and use. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. pp. 8-13. Davis, Kathleen M., B.D. … and T. Klabunde. 1975. Teton Wilderness f i r e management plan. USDA For. Serv., Bridger-Teton National Forest, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_266344_lmr016

Alberta. Dept. of Environment. Lake Wabamun Watershed Advisory Committee.

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… British Colurbia Experience 2! References 22 5 Conclusions and Recommendat ions 22 YN $ 5.1.3 … be established on a user pay basis. 2. A lake management plan covering both water and land . use should be prepared … of such studiés, and the developing of recommendations based 5 ‘ . on these studies. + oo 8 ‘ + - ; ‘ È | ° 1.2.5 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87694

Carroll-Hatch (International) Ltd, Alberta, British Columbia, Carroll-Hatch (International) Ltd, British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development

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… - Lumber Panel Products Energy PAGE 2 5 7 7 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 29 31 32 35 45 CARROLL-HATCH … regions of the country. Since the early 1900's, industry based on this resource has been a major contributor to … of manufacturing in Canada was derived from the forest-based sector. The broad distribution of Canada's forest …

Automobile Accident Compensation Committee, British Columbia., McCarthy, Michael B.(Michael Bernard),1936-, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia

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… Association Mr. Brian F. Pearson Vice-President, Auto plan Claims Insurance Corporation of B.C. Mr. Stanley H. … non-economic losses (such as pain and suffering) based on a fixed scale, while others allow tort action-but … the award had been received on the date the loss occurred. 22 The Present System Most sums an insurer provides a victim …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_279233_report

Alberta. Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Legislative Offices, issuing body.

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… MOVED by Dr. Carter that the minutes of the April 22, 1983 meeting of the Standing Committee on Legislative … Minister salaries are adjusted annually and was again based on the salary of the most senior Deputy Minister. It … Ministers. The January l, 1981 increase was, however, based on the August 1, 1980 increases granted to the Deputy …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA143198

Ontario.Rideau River Stormwater Management Study.

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… Background 2-1 2.2 Terms of Reference 2-5 2.3 Study Plan 2-8 3. WATER QUALITY OF THE RIDEAU RIVER 3.1 Physical, … Fecal Coliform Densities after a Major Rain Storm on June 22, 1981 3-9 9. Composite Instream Dry Weather Fecal Coliform … of infection by using water for recreational purposes is based on a number of factors which include: sanitary surveys, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT50838

B.C. Hydro.Energy Use Engineering Dept.

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… savings) quoted by manufac- turers were generally based on the U. S. Department of Energy Testing and Ca lcul … test homes. It should be considered preliminary as it is based on limited data for a limited number of furnaces. A. B. … to be taken into account in their installation. JR74 .1 - 22 - 8.2.1 Controls A number of instances were encountered in …

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British Columbia.Special Log Export Policy Committee, Trebett, J. T., British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… Forests should permit an application for exemption that is based on industrial scale to be submitted to Victoria for … circulated. (c) Because of time constraints and inadequate briefing, LEAC cannot effectively provide informed … the value of the log export program, as exporters could plan their harvesting and shipping and produce logs to export …