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Afficher 211 - 225 de 2645 résultats
Ontario Parks, Usher, Anthony

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… Park (Ont.) … Presqu'ile Provincial Park management plan / prepared by Anthony Usher. … Presqu'ile Provincial … and was managed for the next three decades by the locally based Presqu'ile Park Commission. In 1954, the Presqu'ile … on the mailing list, - an open house in Brighton on June 22, 1996, attended by about 100 people, - mailing, and over …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT216213

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… were brought to my 13 attention which we reflected in the briefing 14 note, and that is that the monies flowing through … to be 5 blunt, the position of the gaming commission 6 based on the evidence that I've heard so far is 7 that that … that you came in like the lone 2 ranger and disrupted a plan for a balanced 3 response to NCHS in Nanaimo which was …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_334637_trans_jan19_corbeil_rhodes

Ontario.Halton-Peel District Health Council.

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… (Regional municipality) … 2000-2001 Hospital Operating Plan Review Committee summary report [electronic resource]. … … team of 8 people. Members of the Committee were selected based on the mix of competencies and perspectives that they … 230 227 35 49 65 80 39 39 369 395 Credit Valley 230 248 22 40 40 78 39 69 331 435 Trillium 354 420 42 56 206 206 63 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT298468

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… includes USB stick. … Accompanied by: Budget and fiscal plan, 2002/03/2004/05- , 2002- … Title for 2004: Balanced … for the future. … Title for 2010: Budget and fiscal plan, 2010/11-2012/13. … Title for 2011: Budget and fiscal … objective by cutting taxes, building an innovation economy based on the strengths of our land and people, and investing …

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British Columbia

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… Vancouver Island. … Vancouver Island summary land use plan. -- Appendices … 1 Vancouver Island Summary Land Use … 22. SAN JUAN … expectations. They are, however, subject to change, based on the availability of funding and resources. A: … AND REVIEW ♦ Provide a deadline for review completion based upon plan/application complexity, etc. and in …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_336544_vislup_appendices

British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General

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… report; 2007/08-2012/13, Annual report and ... service plan; 2013/14- , Annual report. … Some reports also have title: Auditing in the public interest. … Description based on 1982. … Catalogue record made available by the … 3 Number of Audits by Subject Area, 1994/95 to 2000/2001 22 A u d i t o r G e n e r a l o f B r i t i s h C o l u m b …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_98619_bc_ag_ar_2000_01

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… '524,'215 '4,373 ···················· 8,832,823 4;842,9'22 DIVISIONS. 1926. $234,936 '5,'853,804 4,678,739 301,5'53 … 19·03,420,8'60 I '5'9,508,6·9·2 I 620,192,470 I I I I 22 BRITISH COLUMBIA. TABLID VIL-PRODUCTION IN DETAIL OF THE … 14,024 $ $ 59,627 156,886 151,648 3,929 195,340 15,802 · 22:i;.ioii 50,955 s $ . ... 2;666 2,000 45,000 8,182 4,000 .. …

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… events which was 4 different. In bingo the minimums are based upon 5 the amount of paper purchased. In casino you 6 … Mr. Corbeil's 3 recommendation which was based on the briefing 4 note that we looked at, which I need to find, 5 … pressed for time here. 20 THE COMMISSIONER: That was the plan. I believe what she's 21 doing now is just for graphic …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_334637_trans_may08_rabbitt_greenaway

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… write: 20 Henderson further advised that the 21 societies' plan to plead guilty and he is 22 proposing a fine of $20,000 … be corrected 4 but I believe this is a continuation of a 5 briefing that you Mr. Boyarski and others had 6 with … 14 maximums were agreed to by the Royal Bank 15 who had based their decisions on the 16 financial statements provided …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_334637_trans_apr26_boyarski

Alberta. Dept. of Community Development, issuing body.

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… … comdev … Alberta Community Development business plan and supplementary information / 2000/2003 … 61COMMUNITY … and growing volunteer base, and working with community-based organizations funded through the lottery-funded … Presenting Alberta's Unique Cultural and Natural History 22,205 23,626 22,850 28,004 25,576 25,862 Supporting Special …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA89064

Ontario.Halton-Peel District Health Council.

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… District Health Council 2000-2001 CCAC Agency Service Plan – DHC Review Page 1 Background/Context The Ministry of … ! To secure/retain service providers in the community based health care system It is important to note that the … 17,063 17,275 35.1% 11.9% 1.2% Physical Therapy 21,990 22,491 28,648 29,039 2.3% 27.4% 1.4% Nursing 173,800 181,240 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT298467

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.

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… To develop team-building skills by working in groups to plan, design, and create various products; to develop … module permits the student to apply academic and school-based learning to workplace settings in the community. … the Saskatchewan School-Based Program Evaluation Resource Book (1989). For information about curriculum evaluation …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99900813503479

Ontario.Ministry of Education

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… choices, which will be reflected in their annual education plan. The selection of courses for exceptional students … the following elements: an individual- ized learning plan based on the curriculum expectations for a course and the … School–work transition programs combine in-school and work-based education and training that allow students to complete …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT210630

Holman, Gary John, Terry, E.(Eliot), British Columbia.Integrated Land Management Bureau

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… … Cassiar Iskut-Stikine Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) "consensus recommendations package" : … Case Ecosystem Representation & Protected Areas • 17.7% of Plan Area in fully Protected Areas (PAs). Another 4.4% … vulnerable to potential mineral development. • 26.3% of Plan Area in PAs (~1.37 million ha). This % includes most of …

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… with Mr. Stupich which you have averted 22 to and wrote a briefing note or memo on this 23 issue and we're going to get … this repayment of debt was not 20 a charitable object was based on a review of 21 statements by other regulatory agency … 7 NCHS despite the actions taken pursuant to the 8 Corbeil plan, but with respect to this witness 9 who was at best …

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