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Afficher 2536 - 2550 de 2618 résultats
Ontario.Commissaire à l'information et à la protection de la vie privée, Milton (Ont.)

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT224100

Ontario.Ministère de l'environnement

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… coordonnées de l’Opération eau propre, font partie du plan d’action du gouvernement visant à faire de l’eau potable …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT214498

British Columbia.Forest Appeals Commission.

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… assessed a penalty of $1,824.08 for the contravention, based upon his assessment of the anticipated price that Mr. … of the Code. However, he reduced the penalty to $1,582.84 based upon a recommendation by the senior official. Mr. … course of carrying out activities (i) under a range use plan or a consent under section 101 or 102, (ii) under a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_259655_2001_2000for006

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Council of Public Instruction.

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_345135_1929

Alberta. Dept. of Economic Affairs, issuing body.

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… offering $250 each for the three best plays. A total of 22 plays were received and adjudicators from outside of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86027

Alberta. Publicity Bureau, issuing body.

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… which might pass through such a mixture. An equation, based upon this information, now makes it relatively simple …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86090

Alberta. Dept. of Sustainable Resource Development. Fisheries and Wildlife Management Division. Resource Status and Assessment Branch.

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… in 2000, by C.M. Smith. (2001) No. 16 Proposed monitoring plan for harlequin ducks in the Bow Region of Alberta, by … of the Grassland Natural Region, by C. Wallis. (2001) No. 22 Utilization of airphoto interpretation to locate prairie …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA89284

Alberta. Dept. of Government Services. Information Management and Privacy Branch.

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… phone numbers are in the “public domain” (e.g. a telephone book), can we exclude them from being a PIB? Since the Act … fact that their phone numbers are already in the telephone book. Example #2 shows how a collection of contact names and … collection, the authority to collect the information is based on a number of Acts. Here is how it was reported for …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA89216

Ontario.Commissaire à l'information et à la protection de la vie privée, Mississauga (Ont.)

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT224108

Commission ontarienne des droits de la personne

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… ou celles ayant des besoins particuliers sur le plan culturel ou religieux. Outre les services dans le …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT225256

Ontario.Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l'assurance contre les accidents du travail

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… encourager des pratiques appropriées favorables sur le plan de la gestion des invalidités. • La position adoptée par …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT225009

Vintners Quality Alliance Ontario

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… which consumers can identify quality wines made in Ontario based on the origin of grapes used, production methods and … in December 2002. This agreement eliminates trade barriers based on local wine-making practices and is the basis for … R O V A L S A N D P R O D U C T I O N 9 These figures are based on volumes declared at the time a wine is submitted for …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT248088AI

Vintners Quality Alliance Ontario

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… which consumers can identify quality wines made in Ontario based on the origin of grapes used, production methods and … in December 2002. This agreement eliminates trade barriers based on local wine-making practices and is the basis for … R O V A L S A N D P R O D U C T I O N 9 These figures are based on volumes declared at the time a wine is submitted for …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT248088P

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs, issuing body.

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… Executive Council 55 4(1)c Officers of the Legislature 22 4(1)h Registries records 12 4(1)g Incomplete prosecutions … 7 178 1 186 Calgary Rockyview 0 92 0 92 Diamond Willow 0 22 0 22 Sakaigun Asky 0 20 0 20 Keystone 0 17 0 17 Neegan Awas'sak …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88742

British Columbia.Ministry for Children and Families, British Columbia.Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security.

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… from your dedication. Thank you. Good Beginnings for Home-Based Child Care: Adaptability is the Key C hild Care … stimulating learning environment, and operate a home- based child care service." ( ... cont'd on page 4) …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_320972_spring_2000