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Afficher 256 - 270 de 6842 résultats
B.C. Hydro

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… release : Standing Offer Program to advance clean energy plan. … "June 20, 2007." … Note: Questions and answers … BC Hydro will pay for each MWh of energy delivered based on: (1) the base price as determined by the region of … that may be more suitable. 12. Will the price vary based on the generation technology used? BC Hydro is …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_415959_ipp51331

Alberta. Management Employees Pension Board, issuing body.

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… Pension trusts -- Alberta. … Management Employees Pension Plan annual report / 2006 … ANNUAL REPORT 06 Management … members contribute to the Plan and will receive a formula-based pension determined by their average pensionable salary … income and payables are estimated to approximate their book values. (c) Income Recognition Dividends are accrued on …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA125598

Clayoquot Sound Central Region Board (B.C.)

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… policy Periodicals. … Annual report ... & strategic plan ... / Clayoquot Sound Central Region Board. -- Annual … will be made available for necessary CRB members’ briefing, study, analysis. The Board considered twenty two … provided under Proposed Projects: Strategic Plan Step 1. Based on the Board’s previously commissioned paper outlining …

Columbia Basin Trust (B.C.)

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… River Power utilization … Columbia Basin Management Plan strategic priorities [draft]. -- … 1 Columbia Basin … The priorities defi ned in this document have been chosen based on a scan of the current state of affairs the Trust is … conditions have been built and are fl ourishing. • Broad-based education (about Basin ecosystems and human …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_411445_strategicprioritiesnote

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.Northeast Region

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… Planning … Temagami Region (Ont.) … Crown land recreation plan : Temagami integrated planning. … CROWN LAND RECREATION … 22 4.6 TIMING … maintenance, drawing on the expertise of Ontario Parks, based on the maintenance program they have developed and … overall framework for this integrated planning effort was based upon Ontario’s provincial park planning process. The …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT272442

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Justice

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Nouvelle Écosse

… Nova Scotia.Dept. of Justice … Also issued in French : Plan de services en français. … 2017/2018- editions have … … Politique linguistique Nouvelle-Écosse. … Plan de services en français = French-language services plan [electronic resource] / Nova Scotia Dept. of Justice. … …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000006523

British Columbia.Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, British Columbia.Agricultural Land Commission

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… on the Internet. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Issuing body varies: … lations to be more citizen centred, cost-effective, results-based, and  … Columbia by 2009 / 10. •  2. Decision-making practices based on adequate information and that are appropriate to … Agricultural Land Commission ......................... 22 23 23 23 Total …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_359768_bcpalc_srvpln_2007

British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

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… title. … Stapled in LLBC copy: News release : BC energy plan outlines vision for clean energy (2 p.) -- Backgrounder … : skills, training and labour ([1] p.) -- The BC energy plan : a vision for clean energy leadership ([2] p.) … … Government policy British Columbia. … The BC energy plan : a vision for clean energy leadership. --. Fact Sheet … …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_408672_bc_energy_plan_fact_sheet

British Columbia.Integrated Land Management Bureau, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Office of the Wet'suwet'en

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… Internet. … Stapled in LLBC copy: News release : Morice plan ensures sustainable resource management / Ministry of … July 18, 2007 -- Morice land and resource management plan : LRMP resource management zones [map]. … [Victoria, … River Region (B.C.) … Morice land and resource management plan. -- … Babine Lake Granisle Houston Topley Morice Lake …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_417541_472

New Brunswick.Office of Self-Sufficiency., Nouveau-Brunswick.Bureau de l'autosuffisance., New Brunswick.Office of the Premier., Nouveau-Brunswick.Bureau du premier ministre.

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… … Nouveau-Brunswick Politique sociale. … Our action plan to be self-sufficient in New Brunswick. … Our Action … Task Force has delivered its recommendations based on those discussions. Its recommendations have been … cultural sector through development of a New Brunswick book publishing policy and support for New Brunswick, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL589

Alberta. Dept. of Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture, issuing body.

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… Culture … Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture business plan / 2007/2010 … 305TOURISM, PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURE … sector, sport, recreation, the arts, film, project-based community initiatives and public-use facilities. • … returned to three levels of government 55.8 (2004-05) 22.5 (2004-05) 551 211 571 221 59 23 Performance Measures …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA98318

Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de l'Environnement.

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… … Available in English under title : Climate change action plan 2007 - 2012. … Comprend des références bibliographiques. … Nouveau-Brunswick. … Gaz à effet de serre Réduction. … Plan d'action sur les changements climatiques : 2007 - 2012. … de l’ordre de 16,1 Mt en équivalent CO 2 en 1990 et de 22 Mt en équivalent CO 2 en 2004 : une augmentation de 5,9 Mt …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL419

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Emergency Management Alberta, issuing body.

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… - Alberta. … Petroleum Industry Incident Support Plan … Petroleum Industry Incident Support Plan July 2007 … any department requiring coordinated Government assistance based on the impact on public safety, property and the … resources. Provide ongoing situation reports or briefing notes to appropriate provincial officials. Notify …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA98754

Nova Scotia Lands Inc. , Harbourside Commercial Park Inc. , Nova Scotia.Dept. of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal , Nova Scotia.Dept. of Transportation and Public Works

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Nouvelle Écosse

… combined with Harbourside Commercial Park Inc.'s business plan. … Effective December 1, 2022, Nova Scotia Lands is … Commerical Park Inc. … Nova Scotia Lands Inc. … Business plan [electronic resource] / Nova Scotia Lands Inc. … …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000003499

Alberta Water Council. Shared Governance and Watershed Planning Framework Project Team.

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… depend upon committed partners 7 Shared governance based on consensus decision-making 8 Ensuring participation 8 … to watersheds 12 Components of a watershed management plan 13 Using adaptive management in watershed management 14 … Tuesday, November 20. • Slave Lake, Thursday, November 22. • Lethbridge, Monday, November 26. • Calgary, Tuesday, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA98566