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Afficher 136 - 150 de 871 résultats
Legal Aid Ontario, Aide juridique Ontario, Ontario Legal Aid Plan, Régime d'aide juridique de l'Ontario

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… Aid Ontario … Aide juridique Ontario … Ontario Legal Aid Plan … Régime d'aide juridique de l'Ontario … Tabled … and priorities for the provision of legal aid services based on its financial resources; (c) facilitate … clients over the telephone via the Client Service Centre. 22,400 client service hours were spent delivering: • General …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT7544FC

Legal Aid Ontario, Aide juridique Ontario, Ontario Legal Aid Plan, Régime d'aide juridique de l'Ontario

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… Aid Ontario … Aide juridique Ontario … Ontario Legal Aid Plan … Régime d'aide juridique de l'Ontario … Tabled … and priorities for the provision of legal aid services based on its financial resources; (c) facilitate … clients over the telephone via the Client Service Centre. 22,400 client service hours were spent delivering: • General …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT7544I

Nova Scotia.Community Planning Division., Strait of Canso Development Commission., Strait of Canso Regional Planning Commission.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… of the Strait of Canso Preliminary Regional Development Plan - namely, that a serviced park for commercial and light … INDUSTRIAL PARK IS NEEDED In the Regional Development Plan 1 , 215 new service jobs are projected for the Region by … this problem was recognized in the Regional Develop- ment Plan which recommended (Recommendation 15) that all existing …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000009359

British Columbia.Premier, Hart, John,1879-1957, Dominion-Provincial Conference(1945-1946 :Ottawa, Ont.)

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Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.

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… : The Ministry, … Point Farms Provincial Park, master plan. -- … Point Farms Provincial Park Management Plan | … Waterloo, London and Windsor, was over 5 million in 1974. Based on the mos recent population projections, (TEIGA, … 129,757 17,881 26 1,452 1974 (opened May 10: closed Sept. 22) 208 (12,055) 6,641 4,098 45,621 40,217 140,759 16,431 41 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT549

British Columbia.Royal Commission on Automobile Insurance, Wootton, Robert Alexander Burnie.

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… 6 I Rate-making and the Statistical Exhibit (the 'Green Book') I 224 7 I Insurance Company Finance I 269 ( c ) 8 i … the Driver -- not the Vehicle I 586 20 I The proposed Plan for Automobile Insurance in British Columbia I 605 21 I … of Canada. It will be seen from the following Table 13:1 (based on a five year average 1962-1966) that insofar as the …

British Columbia.Royal Commission on Automobile Insurance, Wootton, Robert Alexander Burnie.

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… or by some variation or variations thereof, or by a plan ~hereby oompensation for damage arising from … 212 I Rate-making and the Statistical Exhibit (the 'Green Book') 1 224 I Insurance Company Finance I 269 i Competition … inordinately substantial. Premium differentiation is also based on type of licence such as a chauffeur's as opposed to …

British Columbia.Royal Commission on Automobile Insurance, Wootton, Robert Alexander Burnie.

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… or by some variation or variations thereof, or by a plan ~hereby oompensation for damage arising from … 212 I Rate-making and the Statistical Exhibit (the 'Green Book') 1 224 I Insurance Company Finance I 269 i Competition … inordinately substantial. Premium differentiation is also based on type of licence such as a chauffeur's as opposed to …

Nova Scotia.Community Planning Division., Strait of Canso Development Commission., Strait of Canso Regional Planning Commission.

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Nouvelle Écosse

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000004184

British Columbia.Library Development Commission

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… too small and under-financed to support an adequate book collection. Cost of all this service runs to about … the Commission's goal. Such an integrated, Province-wide plan for library service calls for a number of inter-related … store for 1969 /70. The new formula for determining grants based on population served, ability to pay, and performance …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_309629_1968_69

Alberta. Dept. of Education, issuing body.

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… Department of Education J. F. SwAN VIII. Report of School-Book Branch w. H. NOBLE IX. General Statistics A. P. WILSON … during that period. In the adoption of the "enterprise" plan and the consequent integration of subject matter in the … for assistance to Vocational Schools. This agreement is based on Dominion legislation which makes available the sum …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85211

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into Educational Finance., Cameron, Maxwell A.,1907-

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… I 31.6 $7,986,130.53 I 68.4 $11,668,959.48 I 100 I I • Based on Schools Report, 1943-44, and a memorandum provided … correspondence schools, the summer school, the text-book branch, and the like. TABLE IV. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT … of many small schools. It is hoped, however, that the plan for school administration proposed in this report will …

Alberta. Post-War Reconstruction Committee, issuing body.

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… of a "New Order" in which, by the evidence of those who plan it, not simplicity, but complication and confusion will … on the situation in Alberta. The following statement is based mainly on this report. Selection: Though the interests … grant of $50,000 available to purchase an initial book stock, it is ex¬ pected the regional shares will be …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85229

Alberta. Petroleum and Natural Gas Conservation Board, issuing body.

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… body. … Cover title … Errata cover vols. 11-13, 15, 17, 20-22, 27-29, 36-37, 39-42, 51-54, 56-59, 67-68 … Index covers … results obtained in the above run are very promising and based on a 10% olefin content represent .9 gallons of poly … and it is taken from page 89 of his notes, 6 months, 1943, Book 7 7(B) and he made this test using the standard method …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85299

Saskatchewan.Office of the Premier., Saskatchewan.Government of Saskatchewan., Saskatchewan.Premier (1944-1961 : Douglas), Dominion-Provincial Conference on Reconstruction(1st :1945 :Ottawa)

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… by making these buildings part of n Dominion~Provrncial plan for undertaking socially useful projects. Such ventures … shelf for a depression to occur, but as part of a national plan designed to increase the national well-being. Dominion … The gov, ernment of Saskatchewan is prepared to agree to a plan whereby the provinces would surrender by agreement …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99471113503479