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Afficher 226 - 240 de 6941 résultats
British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

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… British Columbia. Ministry of Energy and Mines. Service plan. ISSN 1703-9304. … Continued by: British Columbia. … British Columbians. One of the challenges facing resource-based industries today is attracting young people into their … and Petroleum Resources 2008/09 – 2010/11 Service Plan 22 Goal 3: The Ministry, communities, First Nations and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_401424_bcempr_sp_2008_11

British Columbia.Species at Risk Coordination Office, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… October 2007 BC Mountain Caribou Recovery Implementation Plan. They are intended to guide the development of a … and prey management will be taken, supported by a science-based biological rationale. o Predator management will be … and management of overall project budgets o Developing briefing material and options and recommendations to …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General

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… Columbia. Treaty Negotiations Office. Annual service plan report. ISSN 1715-2518. … Continued in part by: British … 22 Resource Summary Table … whether there is substantial likelihood of conviction based on the available evidence, and, if so, whether the … system. The targets and results for this measure are based on the averaged (rounded) public confidence results …

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Community Living British Columbia

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… disabled Services for British Columbia … Community-based child welfare British Columbia Periodicals. … … health services British Columbia Periodicals. … Service plan / Community Living British Columbia. -- … ............................................................22 Summary Financial Outlook …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance

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… of: British Columbia. Ministry of Human Resources. Service plan. ISSN 1705-4346. … Some years have additional … in employment and assistance, using effective and outcome based practices, and working in collaboration with … from working or a volunteer supplement. 13.6% 20.8% 21.4% 22.1% 22.9% Data Source: Research, Evaluation and Statistics …

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Legal Services Society of British Columbia, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… name Legal Aid BC (LABC) (p. 6, 2019/20 Annual service plan report) … Vancouver, B.C. : Legal Services Society of … The performance targets in this plan were determined based on an assessment of the LSS operating environment, … Goals Objectives Strategies Measures 1. There is broad-based support for legal aid. perceptions of legal aid are …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_352312_srv_pln_lss_2008

British Columbia.Liquor Distribution Branch, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… 2002/04-2003/06, Three year corporate strategy, a service plan for ...; 2004/05/2006/07- , Service plan for fiscal … The performance targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of the LDB’s operating environment, … 840.3 810.1 845.3 853.6 863.1 874.5 Capital requirements 22.7 17.5 17.5 20.3 18.6 40.4* FTEs 2,749 2,658 2,781 2,808 …

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British Columbia.Agricultural Land Commission

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… Provincial Agricultural Land Commission ... business plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … and local food. Over the past several years a broader-based societal interest in farmland preservation and local … initiate pro-active planning to move away form application based planning which is re-active in nature and towards …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services

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… Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services ... service plan. … "This report, new to the Ministry, is a "living … and services through Citizens’ Services. The measure is based on two customer satisfaction ratings: a Service BC … rating; and Methodology: This rating is currently based on an index comprised of customer satisfaction survey …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_406507_pmr_citizens_2008_2011

Partnerships British Columbia

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… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … institutions, boards of education and local governments. Based on a solid track record for delivering capital projects … British Columbia Service Plan 2008/2009–2010/2011 22 Goal 3: Remain commercially viable and increase …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_359668_pbc_srvpln_2008

Ontario Parks

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… (Ont.) … Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park management plan. … Kawartha Highlands *OP logo.vert final — English … Desired Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 8.0 Park Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … proposed legislative wording for the KHSSP Act, which was based largely on the recommendations of the …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Education, School District #53 (Okanagan Similkameen, B.C.), Literacy Now South Okanagan-Similkameen

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… South Okanagan Similkameen; 2010- , District literacy plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … has been some district direction, schools have mostly based this on the needs of their students. The district has … funds while schools have supplemented with school based funds. The background includes: 1996/97 District adhoc …

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BC Renal Agency, Provincial Health Services Authority (B.C.)

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… in 2005 and 2006; cataloguer supplied title: [Strategic plan]. … Title varies: 2008/09-2010/11, Strategic plan; … Priority #2: Support Evidence-Based Decision … with health authority renal programs, relationships based on influence and leadership rather than formal …

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Forest Genetics Council of British Columbia, Forest Renewal BC

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… Running title: Forest Genetics Council of BC ... business plan. … "Budgets list allocations of funds provided through … ............................................................22 Appendix 1: Seed Planning Units and … and management. 3.3.1 Planning OTIP investment is based on input from SPU (species) plans developed by species …

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Ontario.Education Quality and Accountability Office.

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… DATA TO PROMOTE STUDENT SUCCESS If actions are planned based only on the percentage of students performing at Level … in the performance of English language learners based on the length of time they have been in Canada? (Be … using these results in formulating your school improvement plan. © 2008 Queen’s Printer for Ontario Education Quality …

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