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Afficher 151 - 165 de 9111 résultats
British Columbia.Justice and Public Safety Council, JusticeBC (web site)

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… … Cover title. … Running title: Justice and public safety plan. … Available on the Internet. … Issued by JusticeBC. … … ______________________________________________________ 22 Progress on mental health, justice and public safety … expenditure of public resources, engage in evidence-based decision making, make informed evaluations of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_585608_strategic_plan_2017_2020

British Columbia.Oil and Gas Commission

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… … Cover title. … Running title: Besa-Prophet pre-tenure plan, phase 1, MKMA. … Available on the Internet. … … ............................................................22 … Values and Uses / Besa Prophet Pre-Tenure Plan, Phase I, based on 1:50,000 Overview; Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_364866_guidelines

British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.Resource Management Division

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… B. Hagen, Minister. … Web index page title: Pre-tenure plan - Halfway-Graham and Muskwa-West (South). … Available on … resource management. This document establishes a results-based, sustainable resource management framework to guide oil … June 2003 Pre-Tenure Plans for Oil & Gas Development 3-22 in the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area and gas activities …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_364259_pre_tenure

Parcs Ontario

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… sous le titre: Missinaibi preliminary park management plan. … Comprend des références bibliogr. (p. 48-50). … no … de la végétation __________________________________ 22 Feux de forêt ______________________________________ 24 … oer oe D Oh ° owe TX os Se a ® Cache a bateau commerciale Book ; on PES © al si ) eo i i NS 02 LS f =o \ be 7 Ÿ Sy e à …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT225699

BC Public Service Agency, BC Leadership Centre

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… from cover. … Issue for 2003/04 includes Annual service plan report of BC Leadership Centre. … Co-published by: BC … Kamloops, Nelson and Prince George. • Using activity-based management processes, the Agency developed a better … from ministries. The rate for the fiscal year 2003/04 was 22.6 per cent. External organizations such as Crown …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_370355_bcpsa_asr_2003_04

British Columbia, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… Columbia Legislative Library. … 1. 2017-2019 service plan / BC Assessment -- 2. BC Games Society 2017/18-2019/20 … of British Columbia 2017/18-2019/20 service plan -- 22. Knowledge Network Corporation 2017/18-2019/20 service … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of ICBC’s operating environment, …

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture

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… Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Annual service plan report, ISSN 1718-9756. … Printed from the Internet. … … Honourable Lana Popham Minister of Agriculture June 22, 2018 It is my pleasure to present to you the Annual … place on the limited agricultural land base. The ALR is based on the biophysical resource base (soil and climate) …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_2_499280_agri_aspr_2017_2018

Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force

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… States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force ... work plan; 2012/2013-2018/2019, Pacific States/British Columbia … outreach approaches and materials we will develop in 2017. Based on feedback from Clean Pacific workshop participants, … Columbia Oil Spill Task Force 2017 Annual Work Plan 22 Seabird & other vulnerable inland and marine populations …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_461235_2017_annual_work_plan

Partnerships British Columbia

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… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … decisions, events and identified risks, as of August 22, 2017 have been considered in preparing the plan. The … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of Partnerships BC’s operating …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_359668_pbc_srvpln_2017_update

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, POLIS Project on Ecological Governance, British Columbia.Innovation and Adaptation Services Branch

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… Nutrient Management Plans under the Environmental Farm Plan program ...................... 2 3.1 Criteria for … land for the nutrients planned for land application, based on suggested nutrient balance criteria. Managing Runoff … the NMP, or in lieu of analytical results use appropriate book values and cite their source. • Use analytical results …

British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… Finance … Includes: Public Affairs Bureau annual service plan report. … Catalogue record made available by the British … accountability; supporting an open, transparent and merit-based public appointment process; and overseeing the delivery … Net Cash Source (Requirements) 156,860 0 156,860 179,756 22,896 1. “Other Authorizations” include Supplementary …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_362953_bcf_asp_2017_18

British Columbia, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… Columbia Legislative Library. … 1. 2017-2019 service plan / BC Assessment -- 2. BC Games Society 2017/18-2019/20 … of British Columbia 2017/18-2019/20 service plan -- 22. Knowledge Network Corporation 2017/18-2019/20 service … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of the First Peoples’ Cultural …

British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation

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… on the Internet. … Caption title: A transportation plan to open up B.C. … [Victoria, B.C.] : Ministry of … British Columbia. … Opening up B.C. : a transportation plan for British Columbia. -- … A transportation plan for … transportation network is growing B.C.'s Population - Up 22% in a Decade (millions) 0 1 2 3 4 5 1981 1991 2001 2011 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_365387_transportation_plan_web

B.C. Hydro.Site C Clean Energy Project.Accidents and Malfunctions Plan, B.C. Hydro.Site C Clean Energy Project, B.C. Hydro.Power Smart., B.C. Hydro, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency.

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… C Clean Energy Project.Accidents and Malfunctions Plan … B.C. Hydro.Site C Clean Energy Project … B.C. … , Site C Clean Energy Project, Accidents and Malfunctions Plan annual update. … Submitted to the Canadian Environmental … In early 2017 BC Hydro stopped classifying incidents based on environment severity. Therefore, this annual report …

British Columbia Assessment Authority

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… Assessment Authority … Cover title: BC Assessment service plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of BC Assessment’s operating … roll stability – change in taxes collected 0.06% ≤ 0.22% ≤ 0.22% ≤ 0.22% Data Source: Internal property …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_351230_srv_pln_bcaa_2017_19_update