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Afficher 8971 - 8985 de 9111 résultats
British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General, Bellringer, Carol, British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… by the Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia, based on BC Hydro data. $ bil lio ns 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 … Fiscal Year Actuals are based on BC Hydro's consolidated balance sheet figures … require that I comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2017_2_681561_final_ropa_2016_17

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry. Statistics and Data Development, issuing body.

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… Note: Public land grazing rental rates shown are charged based on the carrying capacity of the land, which is … set by Alberta Environment and Parks. They are not charged based on actual use; as a result the prescribed stocking …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA117679

Hunter, Dave, B.C. Hydro.Site C Clean Energy Project, B.C. Hydro.Site C Clean Energy Project.Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat Monitoring and Follow-up Program, B.C. Hydro.Power Smart., B.C. Hydro, Diversified Environmental Services

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… Peace River as part of the BC Hydro Peace River Water Use Plan (WUP). The program has involved the monitoring of water … no FUNCTIONAL w et IF DRY, HEIGHT ABOVE WATER TETHER TYPE 22 CREW ICE CONDITIONS cm cm CREW ICE CONDITIONS cm cm CREW … 648362 6222823 DOWNLOAD DATE 13 Oct 2016 DOWNLOAD TIME 14:22 BC TE TEST RECORDER TYPE Merc WATER TEMP 5.4 AIR TEMP -3.0 …

Alberta. Dept. of Transportation, issuing body.

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… and design, that are part of the approved 2017 Capital Plan. This list is tentative: Projects that are under … Base, Full Paving 8 km of Repaving 12 km of Repaving 22 km of Repaving Slide Repair 31 km of Repaving 32 km of … on Hwy. 13, 4 km west of Winfield (9875-1) Between Hwy. 22 and west of Hwy. 761 Between Hwy. 20 and 6 km west of Hwy. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA118063

Ontario.Ministère de l'éducation

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… 2001 sur les municipalités, des paragraphes 353 (4), 364 (22) et 365.2 (16) de la Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités, de … des conseils scolaires 17 4. Le ministre a approuvé le plan de dotation élaboré à l’égard du programme et il est … et des avantages sociaux des enseignants dans le cadre du plan de dotation visé à la disposition 4 du paragraphe (2). …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT231358

Ontario.Ministère des finances

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… que la croissance dans les zones Quoi de neuf? ... Le 22 avril 2003 Office ontarien de financement de … du site. | Site principal | Commentaires | Recherche | Plan du site | English | Autres liens | Page d'accueil | | …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT231296

British Columbia.Ministry of Forests.Compliance & Enforcement Branch.

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… Contravention Description Determination DSA-2001-0071 5/22/1996 FPC 70 (4)(C) Improper Use of Seed and Seedlings No Action DSA-2001-0071 5/22/1996 FPC 67 (1) Operation Contrary to Requirements No Action DSA-2001-0071 5/22/1996 SILV 2 (3) Exceed the Transfer Limit No Action   …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_269587_compliance_ar_2003_2004

Geoscience BC

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… Geoscience BC, Report 2018-4, p. 1–10. Introduction Based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) … reported CO2e values are only best estimates and are not based on actual, routine, di- rect GHG measurements in BC. … Climate Change Canada, 2017). These modelled val- ues are based on emission factors as outlined in schedules, such as …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2018_684550_2017_soa2017_e_whiticar

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Policy Secretariat.

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… loonie began its ascent, it has appreciated by close to 22%, gaining almost all the value it lost over the previous … the depreciation of the Canadian dollar. However, the tax plan has not yet produced significant results. The fine …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA92008

Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal

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… (1 of 10) [9/8/2003 10:22:23 AM] C op y fo r a rc hi ve p ur po se s. P le as e co … (2 of 10) [9/8/2003 10:22:23 AM] C op y fo r a rc hi ve p ur po se s. P le as e co … | liens | mises à jour | commentaires | recherche | plan du site | english | Accueil | À notre sujet | Services …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT235788A

Ontario.Ministère du travail

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… | accueil | site principal | commentaires | recherche | plan du site | english | Avis de non-responsabilité …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT233777

Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal

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… | liens | mises à jour | commentaires | recherche | plan du site | english | Accueil | À notre sujet | Services …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT234193A

Saskatchewan.Agriculture Development Fund., Bauml, Dave., Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (Canada), Marysbury Chapter OCIA.

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… PVC Strip on Reel Bats. The flail system consists of a 22 ft (6.7 m) wide series of flail chains that replaces the … In both years, CDC Glamis lentil was seeded in 9 in (22 cm) rows at a seeding rate of 116 lb/ac (130 kg/ha) on May … May 11 at 12 locations in each treatment located (0, 10, 22, 36, 52, 70, 90, 112, 136, 162, 180, and 200 feet) from …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991046523503479

Dost, Frank N., British Columbia.Forest Practices Branch.

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… 615.9'1 C2003-960120-X DISCLAIMER: This publication is based on research information available as of the date this … of a treatment option involves a decision-making process based on integrated vegetation management concepts that … lifetime total intake (USEPA, 1998). The new figures are based on incidence of leukaemia in studies of occupationally …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_362998_3_dost_powersaw_emissions

British Columbia

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_145821_2017_04_june15