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Afficher 181 - 195 de 7137 résultats
Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust

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… Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust ... annual monitoring plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … Watershed Monitoring Trust. -- 2006 Annual Monitoring Plan … Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust  … project that is based on the proposed methods.  .  Funding:  $15,000 .  …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_378134_bwmt2006

InterVISTAS Consulting Inc., British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation

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… … "The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) developed this Action Plan with support from InterVISTAS Consulting and Colledge … growth targets for container, bulk and break-bulk goods based on forecast traffic demands. The Pacific Gateway … Transportation Consulting Inc. Initiatives included are based on consultation with key stakeholders and prior …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_403804_overview

Ontario.Ministry of Transportation.Provincial and Environmental Planning Office.

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… 19 9 Built Heritage and Cultural Heritage Landscapes 22 10 Archaeological Resources … Resources Act s.33. and Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan O. Reg. 140/02, s. 29 and s. 42 (1).) Ministry of … The determination of the provision of mitigation is based on the analysis of the predicted noise level at the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT277702

British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… auditing British Columbia Periodicals. … Service plan / Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia. -- … our human resource capacity. Auditing is a knowledge-based business. The Offi ce needs experienced staff who have … in face-to-face meetings with the Auditor General. 22 Auditor General of British Columbia | Service Plan 2006/07 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2018_351329_serviceplan2006

B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Running title: BC Hydro ... long term acquisition plan. … Continues in part: B.C. Hydro. Integrated electricity … filed with British Columbia Utilities Commission December 22, 2008. See bib record 453236. … Electronic copy of plan is … BC Hydro determines it should continue to use temperatures based on historical averages or a statistical trend for …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_441362_2008_appendix_c

Ontario.Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

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… (1 of 2)31/07/2006 10:22:25 AM MAH - E-Learning Module: "Shall be consistent with" … and efficient land-use planning system. The PPS, 2005 is based on sound planning principles and applies to all … of the decision maker ● Must ensure that official plan policies are exactly the same as the policies in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT265065

British Columbia.Ministry of Environment, British Columbia.Environmental Protection Division, Sheltair Group Inc., Elevate Consulting (Firm)

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… • Outlining the steps to developing an airshed management plan; • Guidance on how to set goals and targets; • Guidance … • A Ministry registry: Participants indicated that a web-based registry could be useful, but that “a new bureaucracy” should be avoided. Such a web-based tool could be used to facilitate information sharing, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_407081_aqconsult2_summary

British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General

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… reports : our assessment of the 2004/05 annual service plan reports of government (2 p.) … [Victoria, B.C.] : Office … Columbia. -- our assessment of the 2004/05 annual service plan reports of government /. Appendix A: Annual Service Plan Reports Assessed … Building Better Reports: Our …

Tire Stewardship B.C., British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… … Cover title. … Running title: T.S.B.C. stewardship plan. … "August 17, 2006" … Financial Initiatives for … Web index page: FIRST Tires Program - Product Stewardship Plan (2 p.) ; letters (3 p.) between Tire Stewardship B.C. … (Waste, etc.) British Columbia. … Tire stewardship plan for B.C. / prepared and submitted by Tire Stewardship …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_407591_product_stewardship_plan

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Justice.Policy, Planning and Research Branch

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Nouvelle Écosse

… of future criminal behaviour by designing empirically-based prevention strategies based on the identified risk … place with Dr. Kathryn Campbell who is editor of a recent book on youth justice in Canada. It is important to note this … lives to age 40. The curriculum encouraged children to plan, implement and Perspectives on youth crime Page 73 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000007717

British Columbia.Liquor Distribution Branch, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… 2002/04-2003/06, Three year corporate strategy, a service plan for ...; 2004/05/2006/07- , Service plan for fiscal … The performance targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of the LDB’s operating environment, … Benchmarking 21 Alignment with Government’s Strategic Plan 22 Summary Financial Outlook 23 Significant Changes from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_352368_bcldb2006_09

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Lands.Resource Management Branch

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… as 500 metres from an urban edge) and only allow crop-based agriculture and/or non- commercial agriculture. These … Development Department. 1996. Surrey Official Community Plan By-law, No. 12900. Coppock, Ray and Marcia Kreith. … of a National Symposium on Urban Wildlife. January 20-22, 1986. Eds. Stenberg, Kathryn and William W. Shaw, 2-7. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_443204_epa_background_paper

British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

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… British Columbia. Ministry of Energy and Mines. Service plan. ISSN 1703-9304. … Continued by: British Columbia. … and other key services. We are committed to a science-based, environmentally responsible offshore oil and gas … and Petroleum Resources 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan 22 Ministry Goal 2: Safe and environmentally responsible …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_401424_bcempr_sp_2006_09

British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General

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… Columbia. Treaty Negotiations Office. Annual service plan report. ISSN 1715-2518. … Continued in part by: British … of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation. Annual service plan report. ISSN 1911-0340. … Printed from the Internet. … … Achieved Determining whether or not the accused is guilty• 22% 28% Achieved Ensuring a fair trial for the accused• 43% …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_362966_bcag_asp_2006_07

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

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… title. … Stapled in LLBC copy: 1990-91 ministry business plan cycle ([1] leaf : [n.d.]) … Scanned by the Legislative … will compete in a global economy. Competitive ness Based upon Qua lity: The growth and development of British … Reflects 1990-91 Branch Goals and Action Plans ~ June blue book budget ., ~ April Review of Branch Program Plans (All …