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Afficher 241 - 255 de 7137 résultats
British Columbia.Premier

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… British Columbia.Premier … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … Catalogue record made … the provincial government and sets out goals and actions based on respect, recognition and accommodation of Aboriginal … as our economy transforms from a primarily resource based economy to a knowledge based economy. Investment in …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_351239_op_2006

Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, Leicester, Glen.

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… Greater Vancouver Regional District … 2007 transportation plan / Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority. -- … CHAIR … bridges; and installation and maintenance of specific road-based transit priority system equipment. MRN OPERATING, … 70,000 70,000 70,000 Average Vehicles per Vessel Sailing 22 22 22 *Includes Translink allocated costs (i.e., property …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_406073_4_2attachment

Holt, Rachel Faith,1968-, British Columbia.Integrated Land Management Bureau

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… to the Province and the Haida Nation on a Land Use Plan to guide future land management. As part of the process the LUP CPF committed to incorporating Ecosystem-based Management as a fundamental basis for the plan. Stated … Within this time period of short-to-mid term, two ‘book-ends’ are given – one that assumes that today’s …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_403575_viewpoints

First Nations Leadership Council, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations, First Nations Summit., Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, British Columbia, Canada, British Columbia.Premier

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… release: B.C. launches first-ever First Nations Health Plan -- Backgrounder: First Nations Health Plan -- Factsheet: … Nations Leadership Council entered into a New Relationship based on the principles of mutual respect, recognition and … other British Columbians. The First Nations Health Plan is based on the B.C. First Nations Health Blueprint and the …

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British Columbia.Islands Trust, Bowen Island (B.C.).Advisory Planning Commission

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… Snug Cove (Bowen Island) … Bowen Island (B.C.) … Snug Cove plan / [prepared by the Islands Trust and the members of the … V.2 V.3 V.4 v.s VI.l TAB L E PURPOSE Preparation of the Plan Study Area Goals PHYSICAL LANDSCAPE 0 F C 0 N T E N T S … IMPLEMENTATION Relationship to the Official Community Plan for Bowen Island General Development Permits Zoning and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_323723_snug_cove_plan

British Columbia.Ministry of Forests and Range

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… British Columbia. Ministry of Ministry of Forests. Service plan. ISSN 1712-3194. … Continued by: British Columbia. … ............................................................22 Goal 2: Sustainable Forest and Range Benefi ts … for Aboriginal British Columbians. The new relationship is based on respect, recognition of Aboriginal rights and title, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_401425_bcfor_sp_2006_09

Ontario.Ministry of Children and Youth Services

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… the design professional is in receipt of your functional plan. The functional plan will outline your program physical … implementation. The criteria contained in this Guide are based on the standards found in the DNA and Regulation. … guidance cues (i.e. quiet area, cognitive area, and book corner) and the flow of the room must also be …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT260361

British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General

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… report; 2007/08-2012/13, Annual report and ... service plan; 2013/14- , Annual report. … Some reports also have title: Auditing in the public interest. … Description based on 1982. … Catalogue record made available by the … subsequently went into receivership. -Property with a book value of $1.9 million has been sold, but is still …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_98619_bc_ag_ar_1979

British Columbia.Population Health and Wellness., British Columbia.Ministry of Health

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… … Medical policy British Columbia Periodicals. … Service plan / Population Health and Wellness, Ministry of Health. -- … The 2006/07 Population Health and Wellness Service Plan is based upon, and supports, the current goals, objectives, and … HealthGuide and BC NurseLine. BC NurseLine staff use the book for triage and health education. The second in the …

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Ontario.Education Quality and Accountability Office.

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… eliminated in 2004–2005. Students are now assigned a level based on the work they submitted, with unanswered questions … Level 1 at each of these schools. If actions are planned based only on the percentage of students performing at Level … using these results in formulating your school improvement plan. © 2006 Queen’s Printer for Ontario Education Quality …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT267928

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources

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… … Emergency management Ontario … Emergency response plan [electronic resource] : approved 2006 / Ministry of … 114 Figure 26 Minister’s Information Briefing Note Format ............................... 117 … for nuclear emergency planning and management. • Based upon requirements specified by the Provincial Emergency …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT282467

British Columbia Ferry Services

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… … Ferries British Columbia Periodicals. … Business plan / British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. -- 2006/2007 … … future performance. These forward-looking statements are based upon management's current expectations and assumptions … and employees remain priority one. On Wednesday, March 22, 2006, shortly after midnight, the Queen of the North, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_371689_bcfbusinessplan_2006_07

British Columbia.Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, British Columbia.Agricultural Land Commission

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… on the Internet. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Issuing body varies: … a Vice-chair. The Commission is supported by a staff of 22 full time equivalent employees (FTE’s). Vision, Mission … — Agricultural Land Reserve boundaries and decisions are based on biophysical criteria, local knowledge and site …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_359768_bcpalc_srvpln_2006

British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General

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… for personal planning in British Columbia to help adults plan the management of financial affairs, personal care and …

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Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources

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… Natural Areas 3 Table of Contents Landowners preparing a plan for admission to the Ontario Managed Forest Tax … authorities in Ontario. These authorities are community-based environmental organizations dedicated to conserving, … authority. They will also visit their local library and book store to obtain general reference material for their …

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