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Afficher 196 - 210 de 7192 résultats
Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (B.C.), B.C. Hydro, British Columbia, Canada.Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans

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… cover page title. … Running title: Coquitlam River action plan. … "September 28, 2017. Version 8.0 (final draft)." … … information needs to complete other actions. 2. Habitat-based Actions – These actions will conserve, restore, and … of private land for conservation purposes. 4. Species-based Actions – These actions will alleviate limiting factors … 22 Action Table …

Columbia Power Corporation., British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … performance. The targets in this plan have been determined based on an assessment of Columbia Power’s operating … Expenses 4,899 4,912 4,973 4,801 4,831 Net Income 21,923 22,586 20,694 18,296 18,150 Capital Expenditures 311 245 62 …

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Alberta. Public Service Pension Plan, issuing body.

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… Alberta. Public Service Pension Plan, issuing body. … Public Service Pension Plan … Pension … A n n u a l R e p o r t Members, Pensioners and Employers Based on 2018 year-end totals, PSPP had 29 employers and over … 53.9% Canadian 13.0% 10.0% 18.0% 12.3% Global Traditional 22.0% 19.0% 27.0% 33.9% Low volatility 11.0% 8.0% 14.0% …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA122580

British Columbia.Ministry of Parks.Southern Interior Region.

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… of Parks.Southern Interior Region. … Cover title: Master plan for Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park. … "August … Park (B.C.) … Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park master plan / prepared by Southern Interior Region. -- … Okanagan … 22 … scale of non-conforming use; • by applying a fee structure based on market values, encourage communications site …

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British Columbia.Superannuation Commission, British Columbia.Teachers' Pension Board., British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… (Teachers) Act. ISSN 1821-8862. … Teachers' Pension Plan annual report summary stapled inside, whenever … 22 25 Plan membership Types of members … Total portfolio $ 28,085 1 Company regional exposures are based on pool fund asset class designations, per the … Investment Policy and Procedures 2 Company exposures are based on the ultimate parent company exposure regardless of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_179675_tpp_ar_2018

British Columbia.Superannuation Commission, British Columbia.Teachers' Pension Board., British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… (Teachers) Act. ISSN 1821-8862. … Teachers' Pension Plan annual report summary stapled inside, whenever … showed the plan’s basic account had actuarial assets of $22.9 billion and actuarial liabilities of $22.4 billion, … Total portfolio $28,041 1 Company regional exposures are based on pool fund asset class designations, per Statement of …

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Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (B.C.), B.C. Hydro, British Columbia, Canada.Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans

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… file cover page title. … Running title: Falls River action plan. … "Final, November 14, 2017." … Catalogue record made … and information needs to complete other actions.  Habitat-based Actions – These actions will conserve, restore, and … can be supported by the FWCP. Open Throughout Action Table 22 Falls River Action Plan FALLS RIVER WATERSHED ACTION TABLE …

British Columbia.Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, British Columbia.Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation

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… Innovation … PDF file cover page title. … Description based on 2018/19. … Catalogue record made available by the … of Social Development and Social Innovation. Annual plan for British Columbia : labour market development … organizations to further develop and increase community-based partnerships across the province. 4. Leverage and …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

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… Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Annual service plan report. … Ministry established July 18, 2017; formerly … management of our forests, wildlife, water and other land-based resources, and works with Indigenous and rural … and no longer carries forward in the current 2019/20-2021/22 Service Plan. The Ministry will continue to streamline …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2018_2_688697_flnro_2018_2019

Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (B.C.), B.C. Hydro, British Columbia, Canada.Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans

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… cover page title. … Running title: Clowhom River action plan. … "Final, November 14, 2017." … Catalogue record made … and information needs to complete other actions.  Habitat-based Actions – These actions will conserve, restore, and … planning and prioritization. Open Throughout Action Table 22 Clowhom River Watershed Action Plan CLOWHOLM RIVER …

British Columbia.Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, British Columbia.Environmental Assessment Office

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… British Columbia. Ministry of Environment. Annual service plan report. … Established July 18, 2017; formerly Ministry … The Ministry delivers services directly through staff based in regional offices across the province, as well as … 2,085 13,616 14,125 509 Environmental Sustainability 22,730 0 22,730 21,970 (760) BC Parks 49,266 0 49,266 47,799 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2018_2_688691_env_2017_2018

British Columbia.Ministry of Children and Family Development

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… and Family Development … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14, 2013/14-2015/16. … At head … Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … progress from our 2017/18 service plan which was created based on consultation with Indigenous leaders and partners, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_352895_bc_cfd_srv_pln_2018

Alberta. Public Service Pension Plan, issuing body.

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… Alberta. Public Service Pension Plan, issuing body. … Public Service Pension Plan … Pension … of Provincial Employees nominates three employee nominees. Based on rules found in the Public Sector Pension Plans Act … 13.0% 10.0% 18.0% 14.1% Global Traditional Low Volatility 22.0% 11.0% 19.0% 8.0% 27.0% 14.0% 35.7% Emerging markets …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA117212

Alberta. Dept. of Municipal Affairs. Village of Ferintosh Viability Review Team, issuing body.

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… -- Citizen participation. … Village of Ferintosh viability plan … VILLAGE OF FERINTOSH VIABILITY PLAN AUGUST 2018 A … on within given timelines. The directives 7 would be based on the VRT’s recommendations in this Viability Plan. … of its existing assets. Infrastructure age - net book value of tangible capital assets The net book value of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA122500

New Relationship Trust, Coppermoon Media

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… envisions " a new government-to-government relationship based on respect, recognition and accommodation of Aboriginal … … At head of title: The New Relationship Trust : strategic plan. … Running title: The New Relationship Trust regional … » Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) RELATIONSHIP BUILDING 22 Investing in First Nations in British Columbia NRT …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_431980_strategic_plan_2017_20