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Afficher 241 - 255 de 7265 résultats
British Columbia.Field Services and Aboriginal Education Team.

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… over the past century, they brought a different, school- based approach to education and learning focused on literacy … However the project is being done, it is important to plan the financial budget so that it matches the timeline … major trade publishers report that to copyright a book they simply write the copyright information on the title …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_318807_planningguide

WorkSafeBC Pension Plan, British Columbia Pension Corporation, Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia, WorkSafeBC.com (Web site)

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… WorkSafeBC Pension Plan … British Columbia Pension Corporation … Workers' … to you. Your choice is personal and should always be based on your individual and family circumstances. You should … has to do with the fact the bridge benefit is calculated based on the year’s maximum pensionable earnings (YMPE) for …

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Partnerships British Columbia

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… Partnerships British Columbia. -- 2015/2016 Annual Service Plan Report … Partnerships British Columbia Inc. 2015/16 … other jurisdictions, which may then be applied to B.C. based projects, and earn revenue to sustain the Organization. … Closing Balance 87,177 345,841 121,636 340,654 895,308 Net book value $ - $ 58,698 $ 18,321 $ 67,754 $ 144,773 Computer …

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BC Immigrant Investment Fund Ltd.

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… supplied by cataloguer. … Title varies: BCIIF service plan report, 2008/09; 2013/14-2019/20, Annual service plan … changed its name to InBC Investment Corp. --Cf. InBC 2021/22-2023/24 service plan, p. 6. … [Victoria, B.C.] : BC … Plan includes performance measures that were developed based on BCIIF’s operating environment at the time of the …

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British Columbia Assessment Authority

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… Assessment Authority … Cover title: BC Assessment service plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … The targets in the service plan have been determined based on an assessment of BC Assessment’s operating … stability – change in taxes collected 0.37%1 On target ≤ 0.22% ≤ 0.22% ≤ 0.22% Data Source: Internal property …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation, British Columbia.Ministry of Social Development, British Columbia.Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, British Columbia.Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training

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… of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training. … Continues: Annual plan for British Columbia : labour market development … organizations to further develop and increase community-based partnerships across the province. 4. Continue enhancing … Skills Development (Including Apprentices Program) $116.22 42% $139.28 50% $132.52 48% $101.71 45% $95.86 36% $129.10 …

Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust (B.C.)

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… Committees developed the initial three-year strategic plan in January 2007. This plan was designed to guide the … its seventh year of operations.--P. 6. … Description based on 2014/2016. … Catalogue record made available by the … annual review by the Board and will vary from year-to-year based on various factors: Loan/equity investments depend on …

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BC Timber Sales

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… … Cover title. … Running title: BC Timber Sales business plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … Forest Sector Strategy for British Columbia” – is based on six priorities put forward by the Working Roundtable … harvest volume 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Targets 22.3% 22.9% 22.9% 22.0% Measure Description: BCTS timber …

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B.C. Hydro.Site C Clean Energy Project, B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Running title: Aboriginal training and inclusion plan : Site C Clean Energy Project,. … Catalogue record made … The environmental assessment of the Project focused on 22 valued components (VCs), or aspects of the biophysical and … and activities during construction and operations was based on a comparison of the biophysical and human …

Tourism Nova Scotia, Economic Planning Group of Canada

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Nouvelle Écosse

… ...................................... 41 • The Marketing Plan ......................................... 42 • Direct to … have invested in developing unique, quality packages based on experiential products that offer good value. One of … main coordinator is unavailable. 2. Establish a training/briefing program for all your supervisors and customer …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000003079

British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, British Columbia.Ministry of Transportation

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… file cover page title. … "Canada starts here. The BC jobs plan." … "March 2015." … Catalogue record made available by … BORDER B.C. ON THE MOVE | A 10-YEAR TRANSPORTATION PLAN 22 P Pursue federal partnership funding to enable completion … a diverse geography and economy, ranging from resource-based communities to urban centres . Long distances can …

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BC Parks, Trewhitt, John, Bawtinheimer, Brian

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… Reserve (B.C.) … Trout Creek Ecological Reserve management plan [electronic resource] : public review draft. -- … Trout … Nations governments are working toward a new relationship based on respect, recognition and accommodation of aboriginal … etc.) in the ecological reserve. In 2011, a photo montage book detailing the unique species and scenic values of the …

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Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust

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… Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust ... annual monitoring plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … It will include pre-selecting a pool of sites based on the pilot field season, completing acquisition of … http://www.babinetrust.ca/ Appendix 1: Decision tables 22 value of BRC Collaboration with MoFR Babine River MoFR …

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B.C. Hydro.Site C Clean Energy Project, B.C. Hydro

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… title. … Running title: Construction safety management plan : Site C Clean Energy Project. … Catalogue record made … 164 8.10.1 Assessment of Management and Monitoring Plans Based on Species at Risk 165 8.10.2 8.11 Environmental … The environmental assessment of the Project focused on 22 valued components (VCs), or aspects of the biophysical and …

British Columbia.Fraser Health Authority

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… varies: #1 (Oct. 15, 2014), Strategic and operational plan ... quarter report; #2 (Jan. 15, 2015)-#11 (Apr. 15, … are available in Appendix B. These measures are all based on the most up-to-date, analyzed information available … 49 positions. Of the 49 planned positions, 11 (22%) were filled this quarter. Next Quarter The …

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