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Afficher 226 - 240 de 804 résultats
Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute

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… is to provide access to data to support evidence- based decision-making, leading to improved well-being in the … insurance in May 2019 in the Kootenay Development Region.22,23 The unemployment rate is a strong indicator of economic … areas, which are identified in an official community plan and defined as places with special heritage values or …

Pacific States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, British Columbia

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… CA OSPR 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Strategic Plan 3 Our Current Work 5 Jurisdictional Overviews 27 WELCOME … Dam and Reservoir. Photo: BC ENV Photo: CA OSPR 7 HWY 22 MP 63 NORTH SANTIAM RIVER SPILL - IDANHA, OR On February … The Task Force data is collected using a template based on our data dictionary, which helps ensure consistency …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_356203_356203_ostf_2020annlrpt

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth, Hogg, Gordon J., British Columbia.Legislative Assembly, British Columbia.Hansard Office

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… this month we’ll release our annual report and ser- vice plan that covers that 2019-20 fiscal year and looking ahead … released several days ago, on the collection of race-based data. I’ll also reference that our own report, Caught … — things are in very early stages. When we recently had a briefing pertaining to complex care and what was called …

British Columbia.Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists

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… decision makers on the Facilities Development and Services Plan. 10. Christian von Donat, a consultant lobbyist with … holders on behalf of Whirlpool Canada LP regarding a needs-based approach in determining essential service and worker … NorthRiver’s assets in B.C. and potential projects. 22. Allan Krasnick, a consultant lobbyist with Allan Krasnick …

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… includes USB stick. … Accompanied by: Budget and fiscal plan, 2002/03/2004/05- , 2002- … Title for 2004: Balanced … for the future. … Title for 2010: Budget and fiscal plan, 2010/11-2012/13. … Title for 2011: Budget and fiscal plan, 2011/12-2013/14. … Title for 2013: Balanced budget …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_75771_2020_75771_2020_budget_speech

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… includes USB stick. … Accompanied by: Budget and fiscal plan, 2002/03/2004/05- , 2002- … Title for 2004: Balanced … for the future. … Title for 2010: Budget and fiscal plan, 2010/11-2012/13. … Title for 2011: Budget and fiscal … their education through the new BC Access Grant. The needs-based grant complements the Canada Access Grant, ensuring …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_75771_2020_75771_2020_highlights

Medical Services Commission of British Columbia, Medical Services Plan of British Columbia

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… Services Commission of British Columbia … Medical Services Plan of British Columbia … Looseleaf for updating. … … Commission of British Columbia, … Medical Services Plan of British Columbia … Medical care, Cost of British … 7-10 Community Based FP Hospital Visits … 7-12 Community Based FP with Active Hospital Privileges … 7-22 Investigation …

Medical Services Commission of British Columbia, Medical Services Plan of British Columbia

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… Services Commission of British Columbia … Medical Services Plan of British Columbia … Looseleaf for updating. … … 7-10 Community Based GP Hospital Visits … 7-12 Community Based GP with Active Hospital Privileges … Listings ............................................... 7-22 8. ANESTHESIOLOGY …

British Columbia.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

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… extent, the principle of functus officio applies. It is based, however, on the policy ground which favours finality … 46, footnote excluded from the quote. 7 In its November 22, 2018 “Appendix B”. 8 The Ministry provided an affidavit … Standards Act referee could reconsider a decision based on an incorrect date in the parties’ agreed statement …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_156693_2020_156693_orderf20_25

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… includes USB stick. … Accompanied by: Budget and fiscal plan, 2002/03/2004/05- , 2002- … Title for 2004: Balanced … commitments to bring capital spending over three years to $22.9 billion – the highest level in B.C.’s history. And work … education or training. Budget 2020 creates a new, needs-based BC Access Grant for students to make sure all …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_75771_2020_75771_2020_news_release

Legal Services Society of British Columbia, B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union, Crown Corporation Employers Association

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22 12.6 Salary on Recall … 31 17.1 Sick Leave Plan … provided by the law, an effective working relationship based on mutual respect. 1.2 Future Legislation In the event … is not meant to inhibit interactions or relationships based on mutual consent or normal social contact between …

British Columbia.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

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… of the adjudicator’s decisions respecting ss. 19 and 22 (disclosure an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy), … of my mind when making this decision. I make this decision based 3 Section 57(1) of FIPPA. Whenever I refer to section … on the Site C project. These names appear in a board briefing document and a PowerPoint presentation. As indicated …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_156693_2020_156693_orderf20_03

British Columbia Egg Marketing Board

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… … Some issues also have distinctive titles. … Description based on 2007. … Catalogue record made available by the … Director’s Report 14 Committee Reports 20 Market Review 22 Marketing Update 24 In the Community 29 Board of Directors … meetings via Zoom and these have been so successful, we plan to continue to offer virtual producer meetings even …

British Columbia.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

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… 21 (harm to third party business interests) and 22 (unreasonable invasion of third party personal privacy) of … proceedings. The University made its initial submission based on the understanding that the notice of inquiry set out … Human Resources, its Human Resources Advisor and Benefits Plan Administrator, its Director of Human Resources and its …

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