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Afficher 121 - 135 de 690 résultats
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Martini, Tanya S., Clare, Matt

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… testing Canada … Undergraduates' understanding of skill-based learning outcomes [electronic resource] : can … on SBLOs ............................................... 22 Table 4: Student Perceptions about Skills Developed during … One of the inherent difficulties associated with such a plan is that it requires a coordinated effort on the part of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327551

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario

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22 List of Tables Table 1: Schedule of Experimental Concepts … understand the concepts (Premkumar & Coupal, 2008). Based on this feedback, the instructor can decide whether to … tutorial to help them stay on schedule with their lesson plan. All TAs were provided with an "ARS Research Project" …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT326440

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Clark, Bea, Jurmain, Marti

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… and provide the test-taker with a customized training plan and free learning resources to build essential skills. … development and implementation of college- and community-based initiatives designed to support Ontario apprentices and … requirements for success in the program. Finally, a briefing document prepared in 2012 by the Association of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327615

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Clark, Bea, Jurmain, Marti

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… free of charge. You will receive an individual learning plan to guide you. How can you update your skills? If you are … there are college, school board and community-based programs in your community offering classes free of … employer made it difficult to raise” the opportunity. “Book learning is not an interest, school is not coming up for …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327615A

Legal Aid Ontario

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… Feedback (19-21) • PM4 – Clients Served and Not Eligible (22-24) • PM5 – Stage of Outcome Achievement (25-27) • PM6 – … deck dated July 2013 was amended in September 2013 based on clinic suggestions • Questions and Answers to … development of the draft clinic performance measures was based on logic model principles. Key components of the logic …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327814

Ontario.Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network

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… 35 1) E-mail-based Patient Experience Survey … for TC LHIN which is reflected in the TC LHIN Strategic Plan 2012-2014 and Integrated Health Services Plan (IHSP) … Importance of Measuring Patient Experience and Outcomes. Briefing April 2012. Sample Questions 1. Was there one person …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327751

Ontario Energy Board

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… holiday schedule for time-of-use prices (regulated price plan). … gr-140609 … null … [Toronto] : Ontario Energy Board, … Holiday Schedule for Time-of-use Prices (Regulated Price Plan) Electricity used on weekends and holidays is charged …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327204

Ontario.Hazardous Contaminants Programme., United Technology and Science Inc.

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… 9.6 Tetrachloroethylene Manufacture .................. 9-22 9.7 Tetramethyl Lead Manufacture ..................... … 12-21 12-3 Reactivity Classification Based on Reaction with the Hydroxyl Radical … keep in mind that the data upon which the categories are based are very seldom complete and/or are often not of a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT181748

Ontario Tender Fruit Producers' Marketing Board.

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… appointed shipper-dealers and licensed growers. Values are based on gross FOB. TABLE I Tonnage and Gross FOB Value of … these new tools into their integrated pest management plan. 9 2019 TENDER FRUIT RESEARCH PROJECT UPDATES … os #8 | a € SS2E £9 : © ‘ 2° ë HR . os ° ao 55 528 : = ol Book : É 8 ra = 2 O| X © 56 aseckee © g © 5 © _ © = QE = 3 Ee …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT21519A

Ontario Tender Fruit Producers' Marketing Board.

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… appointed shipper-dealers and licensed growers. Values are based on gross FOB. TABLE I Tonnage and Gross FOB Value of … these new tools into their integrated pest management plan. 9 2019 TENDER FRUIT RESEARCH PROJECT UPDATES … os #8 | a € SS2E £9 : © ‘ 2° ë HR . os ° ao 55 528 : = ol Book : É 8 ra = 2 O| X © 56 aseckee © g © 5 © _ © = QE = 3 Ee …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT21519L

Ontario.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Cavoukian, Ann,1952-

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… (PbD) can help technologists and privacy professionals plan privacy and civil liberties protections in the earliest … of privacy harm from arising in the first place. PbD is based on seven (7) Foundational Principles. It emphasizes … The following quote from Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett’s book, Data Science for Business, illustrates some useful …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT326887

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario

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… show conducted by a teaching assistant, and a discussion-based tutorial outside the planetarium. The students’ … largely consisting of astronomical images, a discussion plan, and often a set of small-group activities. With 12 TAs … inside the planetarium is more engaging than studying a book.” However, the clear consensus among the students was …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327788

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Stirling, Ashley

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… 14 Research Design and Methods... sise 1 Part 1 — Web-Based Analysis... sise 10 Part 2 — Analysis of Internship … the literature included 297 journal articles, 14 books and book chapters, and 16 institutional reports describing … struggles/challenges are you facing? What is your next plan of action? What do you hope to accomplish/gain? What …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327740

Ontario.Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Cavoukian, Ann,1952-, Stewart, David, Dewitt, Beth, Deloitte (Firm)

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… all! ......................................................22 Foreword 3 The argument that privacy stifles Big Data … or unauthorized disclosure of personal information to data-based surveillance. Once taken for granted, fundamental … now want to receive targeted ads and other benefits based on the information they’ve disclosed (or think they’ve …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT327266A